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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. We can get Flying Scooters without getting that particular set. I will concede, however, that it would not be the same.
  2. I've said it in another topic, I'll say it here. The return of the Carowinds Bisch-Rocco scooters, rebranded as the Flying Owls. Done.
  3. But it is billed as a "new" attraction, so it won't be a DA expansion or renamed Flight Deck/Bat or anything we already know about. So whatever it is, it will be new. -Homestar92, off to spam URLs and hope to find something.
  4. From Kings Island's Facebook Page: Banshee is not the only new attraction that our guests will be excited about this year. Be sure to check back tomorrow at 4:00pm for an announcement on something else that’s new this year that will appeal to guests of all ages! https://www.facebook.com/visitkingsisland/posts/10152634720863368 Could it possibly be? Perhaps it's true after all...
  5. Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to see if my favorite Cedar Fair park outside of Ohio has Streetview. Off to virtual North Carolina. Be back in a half hour or so!
  6. Just some general wooden coaster advice as well: where you sit on the train doesn't really matter. What matters is where you sit within the car. I'll try to explain the best I can. Basically, on the wooden coasters at Kings Island, each car has three rows. The first and third row in each of the cars are what we call wheel seats, since they are directly over a wheel. What you want to do is sit in the second row of any given car on the train. This will offer you a dramatically smoother ride, as you are not taking the full brunt of every bump in the track, as you would if you sat in a wheel seat.
  7. Totally agree on this. I loved the Zephyr and Eiffel Tower spiels. The Eiffel Tower one is actually really informative and in my opinion is THE most important spiel in the park. In fact, without a spiel going up the tower, it would be a very awkward silence. For this ride and only this ride, I would have substantially less fun without a spiel. Zephyr spiels are always great too, I especially like the park trivia. I try to let others get a chance to get the questions right, but I find that I know more Kings Island history than the general public, so it is often difficult to keep quiet. The WORST spiel is "If you wanna ride Diamondback clap your hands!". I really hate when they get to the end and they're like "If you wanna ride Diamondback, stomp your feet... Oh, wait...". Since I am vertically gifted, I always stomp my feet obnoxiously loudly when they say that to make them realize how dumb that spiel is. There ARE people whose feet can reach the platform on Diamondback. I personally want a prerecorded spiel by Sammy Hagar to go with the Van Halen on Drop Tower. THAT would cement Kings Island in the annals of Theme Park history as the greatest park ever.
  8. Additionally, I believe it has either been said or assumed that the midseason modifications Gatekeeper recieved last year will be in place on Banshee as well.
  9. Well, this should be obvious. We all love KIC. Love is a battlefield. Therefore, KIC is a battlefield.
  10. Also, I found that in 2013, the Blue Racer was quite a bit smoother than the red side, while in 2012, Red Racer was the smoother of the two.
  11. Absolutely. Without second thoughts of any kind. As a rule, I LOVE B&M coasters. Every rule has exceptions, though, and in this case, it's their hypers. B&M hypercoasters are in my opinion THE most overrated coasters ever built. On the other hand, Magnum XL-200 and Phantom's Revenge (An Arrow and a D.H. Morgan, respectively) are hands-down my absolute favorite non-inverting steel coasters of all time. My third favorite in that category (which can be either The Bat or Adventure Express depending on my mood) is not even remotely in the same league as those two. Yes, I know Phantom's Revenge is not technically a hypercoaster, and I specified Chance while Phantom's Revenge is a D.H. Morgan (with some Arrow parts). But since Chance acquired Morgan and still builds coasters in a similar style, I went ahead and just put Chance as my alternative.
  12. There used to be a show at Kings Island that had all the appeal of Club Blood, but with a genuinely fun show to go with it. You might say it brought entertainment to The Max. Unlike Club Blood, it was truly magical. Oh, and the ladies of that show demonstrated a legitimate talent and worked their butts off for months to make it work. How I will miss that show...
  13. Any new attraction that requires the removal of the finest mine train coaster in the WORLD is not an attraction I want. Seriously. There is literally NOTHING they could build that in my mind would justify the removal of Adventure Express. Granted, I think the only coasters at KI that I'd be OK with losing for the sake of another attraction are Backlot Stunt Coaster, Invertigo, and Diamondback. And I'd ONLY be willing to lose Diamondback if we were somehow trading it for a Chance or Arrow hyper (hypothetical scenario. I realize Arrows aren't being built, obviously). Thankfully, there is no need to remove anything for expansion's sake as KI has plenty of room.
  14. Perhaps they're building an exhibit to educate the masses on the differences between footers and footings, and between concrete and cement.
  15. I wouldn't say any dryer is better than paper towels. Given the choice between paper towels and a World Hand Dryer, I'll take paper towels every time. Paper towels vs. Xcelerator, Xcelerator wins. I always prefer paper towels over even the best hand dryers. They give me a sanitary way to turn off the faucet and open the door. I believe all the bathrooms at KI get their doors propped during operating hours, but if I recall correctly, not all of them have the automatic faucets. Curiously enough, I seem to remember the bathrooms without automatic faucets having paper towels. Perhaps they have realized these points and planned accordingly. Or it is a very lucky accident.
  16. *Crosses fingers in vain for "Ed Alonzo's Psycho Circus of Magic and Mayhem Part 3" Yes, I know it isn't happening. Just let me live in denial a wee bit longer.
  17. Which is interesting, because perhaps I'm alone, but one of the greatest thrills of early childhood was when your parents allowed you to press the button for the floor you want on the elevator. Although, on the Eiffel Tower, they have to actually count people in order to ensure that it is not over capacity, whereas on a coaster, as long as it's no more than one person in a seat, it's automatically within the allowed capacity. Perhaps that has something to do with it. Granted, if a 16-year-old can't do basic counting, then I REALLY don't want them running any other rides either.
  18. I think this is the most likely case. I feel like the new paint will have a nice sheen, and currently the support columns don't.
  19. Maybe it's where that green Intamin Giga is going. But you'll have to walk through a blue police box to ride it. The box will be bigger on the inside. That's how they've kept it secret so well.
  20. I can tell all of you exactly what's going in there. But not until April 17th
  21. Well if they were hiring 16 year olds, and they are now only letting returning minors work rides, then in two seasons, we'll have only those 18 and up working rides. Granted, I would rather ride something run by a 17 year old with experience on that ride than a newly-hired 18 year old.
  22. Sign, sign, everywhere a sign blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind.
  23. I wish Chance Rides had a bigger presence in the United States. Their coasters seem very Arrow-like.

  24. I do have a question that I'm not sure has been addressed. If I wanted to bring a nice camera on Media Day so that I can take lots of wonderful pictures to promote the ride, will lockers be available? Free or for a charge, I don't really care. I REALLY want to bring the shiny new DSLR I'll have, but if I can't store it safely away, I'll have to forego it so that I can ride... If anyone can elaborate on past Cedar Fair trends (or if Don can chime in ) it would be appreciated. I would have put it in the Media Day thread, but I didn't see it in my search. So either I'm having a brain fart, or the topic is mysteriously gone. Even still, I don't think this post is really off topic.
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