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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. It doesn't become obvious until someone gets hurt, but satisfaction is directly related to guest safety.
  2. Also, Coney Potato Works has gluten free ice cream cones, chicken tenders, and fries. Festhaus has gluten free pizza, but as far as I know you have to buy a whole pizza. I don't know about Rivertown Potato Works, but last season I honestly enjoyed the Coney Mall location more. Sacrelige, I know... Of course, since being introduced to Kennywood's Potato Patch, both Potato Works locations are like McDonald's fries in comparison...
  3. I believe Monster Energy is distributed by Coca-Cola, so they might sell it in the park. But if I remember correctly, last season the energy drink I saw in vending machines was Full Throttle.
  4. The critics seem to be silent on that coaster I'd rather see Monty Python's Flying Coaster
  5. All I can say about flyers is that the Firehawk/Batwing track layout is more fun to me than the Nighthawk layout. Take away that last helix, and you take away my motivation to ride Firehawk.
  6. There is nothing restful to me about public restrooms. My number one most anticipated thing about graduating college and moving back home is having my own bathroom for more than three months of the year again.
  7. Judging by the rendering, it appears that the entrance will be precisely where the entrance for Thunder Alley was. Judging by the blueprints and the rendering, the queue line will be between the station, the lift hill, and the dive loop.
  8. I want to see a camera in the midst of an inversion. Though mounting that may present a challenge.
  9. If I recall correctly, Don said in an interview that he expects around an hour and a half waits. Remember, Diamondback opened on a Saturday, while Banshee is opening on a Friday (but also a holiday). Will it make a huge difference? Only time will tell.
  10. This pic? It's on the old Diamondback blog. http://kiDiamondback.com/public/latest/blog/index.cfm?entry=2c306408-0482-4f8c-8504-c43ffc819e93
  11. If Roller Coaster Tycoon taught me anything, it's that a pay-per ride shuttle loop named "Steel Money Printer" is the best idea in the world.
  12. I think the park looks better in the old pictures too. All the people are dressed in modest apparel.
  13. My personal quest is to be BOTH the 10-millionth rider on Diamondback AND the 1-millionth rider on Banshee! Hey, a guy can dream, right?
  14. I also have a Cedar Point souvenir map, on which all ride names are written in all-caps. So it has been referred to as "MAXAIR" on at least one park-approved source.
  15. eBay, iPhone, iPad, and adidas might disagree with you. Don't forget maXair... What do we do if one of these trademarks is the first word in a sentence? In the past, I've always avoided opening a sentence with a lower-case trademark. But it might be good to know.
  16. If you live in town and have a season pass (and it wouldn't cause a work conflict), I'd suggest going at least long enough to see how crowds are. This is the first time that I can remember Opening Day falling on a weekday. As such, there may not be terrible crowds. With it also being a holiday (and one that many get the day off work for) it is very hard to estimate how crowds will be. The only way to know is to go (or look at webcams, but that isn't nearly as FUN).
  17. And I believe, though I COULD be wrong, that the second lift is slightly taller than the first.
  18. Clifford carried that weight a long time. Now golden slumbers fill his eyes, Smiles awake him when they ride. Sleep, Mr. Clifford, do not cry; And I will sing a lullaby. And in the end, the FUN you take is equal to the FUN you make. And while we're on the subject of Banshee: I want you so bad, it's driving me mad. Something in the way she loops attracts me like no other coaster... And other Beatles references, because the loop is round. Sorry if I made this thread weird.
  19. I've heard that coasters from a different builder based in Liechtenstein occasionally have unused track left over... They do that so they can tour a single piece of green track all around the country and freak out people on fan forums like this one.
  20. I don't know the answer to your second question. But the long brake run is necessary because it has to support two trains. Keep in mind, Banshee hasn't got an MCBR, so the normal role of the midcourse brake is accounted for in the final brake run.
  21. I feel like I remember those being present for The Beast, but I didn't start regularly visiting KI until 2010. There's no way that's correct, though. I think my memory is faulty. -homestar92, who works in IT, and has seen his share of faulty memory.
  22. Only one more davidw update to go! A very important piece of Banshee is still not on the premises (possibly not even in this continent yet).
  23. I have a Kings Island playlist featuring Song 2 by Blur, Right Now by Van Halen, Arrival to Earth from the Transformers OST, We Built Our Own World from the Inception OST, and SS Lost-tanic from the LOST Soundtrack. Bonus points if you know why each of those songs remind me of KI. Almost all of them should be very, very easy.
  24. And more money for the park means more money in the future rides fund!
  25. I would think that webcam captures would be an exception, since a webcam image from 5 minutes ago will no longer be available on any Kings Island website. But I'd recommend waiting for official word, just as a precaution.
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