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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. I suddenly have the urge to put 86 tallies on my white board and erase one every day.
  2. I like the idea of a little pond. Oh, wait. We have a little pond that Diamondback splashes down into. Seeing how that worked out, I don't want one anymore. Unless it's this kind of little Pond. My jokes are more obscure than fish fingers and custard.
  3. Keeping such posts public demonstrates a visible good faith effort to keep trademarks correct, and may be of some benefit to the site if legal action were to be taken against it. Also, I leave you with an analogy. If I say that I need a Jack and Coke, it means that I would like to drink a beverage that, being over 21, I am legally free to enjoy. If I say that I need a jack and Coke, it means that I am doing very dubious car repairs under the influence of a controlled substance. I can see how new users could be intimidated by being immediately scrutinized on everything they post, so I certainly see the downside as well. But again, if Dane encourages it, then it should continue. This is, after all, his site. He makes and enforces the rules, and is providing us with a free forum to discuss our lovely amusement park. Now back to the discussion of throwback pics.
  4. Terp "does what he does because he must". Dane has publicly commended his efforts and encouraged him to continue. Terp is a nice (albeit sometimes a bit cryptic) guy and means no ill will to any user that he corrects. Dane and The Interpreter would not find it so important to enforce proper trademark capitalization if they did not have very good reason to do so. Those reasons may not be entirely obvious to all of us, but I can assure you, if there weren't good reasons, it would not be happening. That's just my two cents on it though.
  5. So just to cross-thread then, "The Pit and the Pendulum" would actually be an appropriate re-name for Delirium were Action Zone to be rethemed with a spooky theme?
  6. Eww, Coney Mall with blacktop. Not a memory I enjoy reliving.
  7. Staying with friends is a great way to enjoy an out-of-town park. That cut the cost of my Kennywood trip this summer by nearly half of what I had allocated.
  8. Close-up enough for you? Easy: A picture of any coaster Hard: A picture of any coaster whose color scheme has changed in its lifetime Expert: A Picture of any coaster whose color scheme has changed in its lifetime with a train on the lift hill.
  9. According to RCDB, The Beast has a max vertical angle of 45 degrees, which I can only assume is on the first drop. So 45 degrees would presumably be correct unless there is somehow a steeper drop somewhere else. Also, the drop into the helix is apparently 18 degrees.
  10. http://www.kiDiamondback.com/public/latest/blog/index.cfm?entry=7b614318-2c80-4475-a322-12401a5b1afa Beast's lift hill is a 20 degree incline. Also, TombRaiderFTW is correct, 40 degrees for Diamondback's lift.
  11. I hope they don't retheme Action Zone. That section is Paramount to my enjoyment of the park. In all seriousness, I don't care in the slightest what they do to Action Zone themewise, as long as we get some overall TLC (and they've done well with that so far). If it looks nice, they can call it Princess and Fairy Land for all I care.
  12. All this talk of homemade coasters... I'm just gonna leave this here. http://rcdb.com/326.htm Now you can all feel inadequate.
  13. Or at very least, choose rides for ads such that a ride of similar make and model is actually in the park being advertised. I recall seeing a Haunt ad involving a B&M Invert for KI either last year or two years ago.
  14. It is worth noting that all of those parks existed before Cedar Fair Entertainment Company had anything to do with them. In fact, has Cedar Fair ever opened a brand new park? I may be wrong, but I believe almost all of the Six Flags parks that were owned by Six Flags from their inception have their location in their name.
  15. Now Magnum XL-200 IS a ride that I would write home about. People are also shocked when I inform them that I enjoyed Magnum more than Millennium Force (by a HUGE margin). I get the feeling that the height and speed stats are the only things that most non-enthusiasts see when they decide what they like in a coaster.
  16. I don't need any theming on the ride itself for me to have a blast. None, zilch, nada. (Though I would very much enjoy a tunnel or two) I would, however, LOVE a themed queue line that really gets you in the mood of the ride. As it has been stated, at 68 MPH, you won't notice a whole lot of theming. But a line that is immersive goes a long way in making the ride more enjoyable (and worth waiting for).
  17. I agree with TombRaiderFTW on all of his points. I can also add this. My permanent residence is in Fairfield, so Kings Island is very much my "home park". Nine months of the year, however, I spend my time in Central Ohio, smack dab halfway between Cedar Point and Kings Island. And yet, anytime people see my Vortex poster and I explain that it's my favorite, they always inform me that since I like Vortex, I "would LOVE Cedar Point because they have so many better coasters!" They always seem shocked when I tell them that, yes, I have been to Cedar Point, yes, Vortex is STILL my favorite, and no, I did not think Millennium Force or Top Thrill Dragster were really anything to write home about and that I'd prefer a lap on Adventure Express any day. When describing a typical day for me at Kings Island, nobody understands why I enjoy "some dumb magic show" more than I enjoy most of the rides (for what it's worth, if given the opportunity to trade Banshee away to get Ed Alonzo back, it would be a very difficult decision for me). I think Kings Island is more "homey" I guess, in that I can visit over and over and never get bored because there's always a way to make it fresh. Cedar Point strikes me as a once a year thrill that I would tire of rather quickly.
  18. I think the question then becomes, are there any B&M Inverts with tunnels that are above ground? I know that Afterburn's tunnel is underground, and the one on OzIris is underwater. I don't recall ever seeing an above-ground tunnel on an invert. It's possible that RailRider's examples were above ground, though. The reason I mention this is because I think it quite clear that Banshee will absolutely NOT have an underground tunnel.
  19. Afterburn and OzIris have tunnels. Those are the only examples that I know offhand.
  20. Foundation for a tunnel?! (Fingers crossed!)Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk It's not impossible. While there wasn't a tunnel in the animation, it is also true that Leviathan and Gold Striker didn't have one in their animations either. Both of them have tunnels now, so you can't discount the possibility.
  21. And if the tentative Media Day remains, then those among us who are not invited media or part of an invited club need only wait a day longer than those of us who can attend.
  22. And while it may be a fairly odd coaster now, there was a time when it was a Fairly Odd Coaster.
  23. My first ride on The Beast was in 2010. I have no nostalgia with it whatsoever. It is my second favorite woodie and third favorite coaster ever, ranking just below Voyage and Vortex. What makes The Beast special, to me, is the setting. You forget that you are at a theme park when you ride it since it's way back in the woods. If you took that coaster, and placed it completely on a flat concrete pad, I believe it would likely go down as a terribly boring coaster.
  24. A Giant version would be ordered, and it would be removed before even reaching its 10th anniversary. I hate to bring back an old post, but you've got it all wrong. That's the Paramount's Kings Island version. Under Cedar Fair, they would buy six prototype versions only to relocate one a few years later.
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