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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. Did YoungStud post from your account? Lol no, I don't dislike it NEARLY as much as he does, nor do I find it remotely rough. I just think that pretty much every other coaster at KI is better.
  2. There was a ride barreling through there in 2009 and it never seemed to be an issue.
  3. I could only count 27 loops. What was your count? Probably Firehawk. Lots of debate on how many inversions it actually has.
  4. You'd remove the second biggest people eater after Banshee? You must like long lines at Beast and Vortex. Besides, there's more that can make a ride entertaining than just forcefulness. Even if you personally can't enjoy the coaster, perhaps you could catch up on your reading? That's why I made a distinction between my two answers But this is in a hypothetical scenario in which something has to be removed. If I don't remove Diamondback, I HAVE to remove something better, and I'd rather have longer lines at that "something better" than have it be removed.
  5. If I HAD to remove a ride, and I'm thinking from a personal standpoint as a customer, I would remove Diamondback. We already have a boring steel coaster in Planet Snoopy. I can live without one in the main park. If I were managing the park and trying to turn a profit as best I can, and for whatever reason, I had absolutely NO choice but to remove something, I would remove Congo Falls, purely because there are other water rides to fill the gap, and I think that the impact of losing that ride would be less than the impact of losing any others. Plus, the removal of that would open up land in an area that seems to be the center of attention right now. - Homestar92, stating his honest opinions, whether you like it or not.
  6. It is close but the queue line entrance is going to be down by the bathroom from what I understood, or at least I think that's what I understood. Judging by the blueprints and the off-ride video, the queue entrance will be almost exactly where the Thunder Alley entrance was. Also, that wouldn't be THAT weird, since Adventure Express runs almost entirely behind Coney Mall, yet is located in Oktoberfest. Although AE is rather hidden, while Banshee is huge, purple mystic red, and screams "look at me!"
  7. Top Gun has been renamed twice. We don't need to bring it back. I hope that reference isn't lost among all you young'uns. - Homestar92, who has recorded many "Loggins" on KICentral, but is certainly not named Kenny...
  8. You missed out then. Mean Streak has had some work done recently that really smoothed it out. And by "work" I mean, they put trim brakes everywhere. But I'd rather have a slower, but enjoyable ride than a fast, painful one.
  9. Banshee's seats (which are the relevant part of the trains in terms of whether you will fit) appear that they are going to be exactly the same as Gatekeeper's. If you can ride Gatekeeper comfortably, you should also be able to ride Banshee at the same comfort level.
  10. You may have me there... But while Vortex IS my favorite, there are actually couple other Arrows that beat out The Bat. Namely, Maggie and sometimes Adventure Express, depending on my mood.
  11. Considering that Wildebeest may just be my favorite amusement ride ever, I also would love a water coaster, but only if it, like Wildebeest, literally goes airborne a few times
  12. And now he once more gets to spend every day at Kings Island, even with that pesky "job" thing
  13. If you or someone close to you works for Cincinnati Financial Corporation, you may want to hold off on buying a pass. During their buyout day (Usually the next day after Opening day) they have in years past sold gold passes at outrageously low prices. A few years back, I got my gold pass for $49.99 that way. It is worth noting that this may have changed since 2011.
  14. I sell Flight Decks and Flight Deck accessories, I tell you what!
  15. Wouldn't it be cool if they enclosed the lift hill like AE's final hill and gave it eerie music and some candelabra along the walls?
  16. 12. Thou shalt not touch The Racers, for they are sacred! Unless of course, thou art giving them some much needed TLC, including (but not limited to) a fresh coat of paint.
  17. It's OK, as a Packers fan, I'm yet to find a coaster with the perfect color scheme. How I long for King Cobra, with its beautiful, beautiful colors. KI needs a green coaster. We have had two of them in the past, and one is now ugly and the other gone. Green is so underloved. I believe Raptor and Phantom's Revenge are the only coasters I've ridden in my favorite color
  18. Think of the humidity in that building. I like the idea of enclosing the lift and turnaround, but I like the drop open. But just think how ugly that would be. Better to leave it alone in my opinion. Unless they want to rename it. But I'm at a loss for spooky names. Maybe something related to the mythical river Styx? Or they could subtly imply a relationship to the River Styx by calling it "Boat on a River". But my Crystal Ball informed me that to expect that is just a Grand Illusion. And to expect them to change that ride too after just changing The Bat, you're just Fooling Yourself, and if it doesn't happen, you won't be having The Best of Times. And I think this post has established that I have Too Much Time on my Hands.
  19. Two flying people eaters for KI next season, one of them purple. All in all, this has been a good offseason already. Or as close to "good" as an offseason can get. Every offseason is terrible no matter how you slice it. At least I have Packers football to hold me over until February. And per Don's advice, I've cleared my schedule for the weekend before the Packers win the Super Bowl, so we're all good there.
  20. I just hope in the name of God and all that is holy that they DON'T ask Kennywood for instructions on putting lap bars in an Arrow train. Why? What's wrong with them at Kennywood? If you are a smaller individual, they may as well not exist. For a skinny fellow like me, the seat belt is basically the only thing holding you in. Also, no good place to hold on, if that's your cup of tea.
  21. I just hope in the name of God and all that is holy that they DON'T ask Kennywood for instructions on putting lap bars in an Arrow train.
  22. You technically did. As it was 1:15 AM, the calendar had rolled over into the next day.
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