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Everything posted by ohiocolts

  1. This was all funny to read. Don't worry, you will get used to terpy sooner or later.
  2. I was trying to post some pictures from my report, but something happened... Oh well, you can see the pictures so far I have posted here http://s1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh547/ohiocolts/ Sorry for low quality, pics were from my iPod.
  3. I agree. If you made the dining plan for passholders, we would maybe eat in the park most of the time. If your just doing it for people on vacation or something, then most passholders might just go out of the park and get something cheaper.
  4. I'll probably go if its good enough the coasters operate. If it's bad enough they don't operate, I guess not, because then there wouldn't be much point in going.
  5. Ahh, what a pretty overview of Coney Mall. How much has changed. Just 3 days until opening!
  6. Thanks for all the great photos this offseason! Just 4 more days!
  7. It's ok everyone! Just 9 days. Wait? 9 days?! We're oh so close!
  8. Don (who I believe runs KI's facebook) used to say April 28th, but now just says its on t0he website. Its been mentioned at least 1000 times on their facebook. Just look on there if your alergic to typing in website URL's.
  9. I never minded them. I just wish they would actually turn on. Because you never know what sneaky people will do. We could be the next victim of some crazy gun guy.
  10. It was named Curse of The Crypt.
  11. Loved watching the show. Funny how The Racer was refered to as "the roller coaster". Also was nice to see the old rides.
  12. You could probably find it searching on YouTube.
  13. It wouldn't be in west virgina, sorry. It's a local station.
  14. I've been looking on the Diamondback webcam, and on it the Crypt's entrance and "big ugly box" are visible. It's hard to see any entrance detail or anything, either do to the camera quality or the rain. I wonder what they are going to do to the entrance, or if they've already done something, because in 2 weeks there open.
  15. I don't think KI has confirmed it won't operate on opening day in 2 weeks. It won't, but KI has not confirmed that. Oh well, I just want it to reopen.
  16. I cracked up when most people voted for 5,000+, including me.
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