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Everything posted by BB1

  1. BB1

    Which ride?

    BB1 occasionally rides WindSeeker often, for it is not that bad. I tend to stay away from the big droppy thingies in Action Zone........some places BB1 shall NEVER explore!
  2. BB1

    Haunt 2014

    I remember talking of this a few posts ago..... BB1, taking a few pointers from his noggin.
  3. Perks to only a few KICers knowing you and no one knowing your work BB1, perturbed.
  4. 1. It's Friday 2. Weather is iffy 3. Plans by some will be set in stone, others willy nilly depending on the weather.
  5. Hey, I'm just tired, I've been at it since 5!
  6. Where is it? What is it?
  7. You press the "stay anonymous" button when you log in and you pop up like that "BB1's favorite way to surf the Forums"
  8. I'll check with the local Dippin' Dots too, as they may both hold the answer(s).
  9. I saw the Visual Scan live at New Jersey's Finest Theme Park. Morey's Pier? Biased BB1.
  10. I do like the batty side of The Beast too, the same for a Tibetan expedition. The attraction itself, heck it could be just a tent like the old days. (If you remember, you will know) In fact, I believe I would like a tent Haunt, possibly a campsite went wrong even.
  11. I have faith in that it will come into fruition some day. A time has passed since I have even spoken on the subject, and my hopes have been going off to the side. I feel like it could come with the profits (what of) the Zip Line is producing, but on the flip, it just looks like it will be a larger project that would take a bit more time both in funds, and in build.
  12. The same was said for The Ark Encounter, and to me, it doesn't look like that is coming in 2015.....
  13. What time(s) will the Banshee Tour/Beast Tour be? (Very important in regards to scheduling)
  14. BB1

    Haunt 2014

    I hear that can be a bumpy road. Thankfully not in some parts anymore.
  15. I thought this was some sort of ride down in WDW that I have missed. Silly Disney BB1.
  16. Really, did someone REALLY try to pull that. People AREN'T dumb, they catch on if you have a past year's shirt. I mean you could of went to the other coaster (If The Racer had one side CFK one GP) and just did it like that. But oh no, yet again, someone has the audacity to go and be a "Oh look, I'm KIC, I get in for free!". No, just because you are a part of KIC doesn't mean you get a get by free card. Such a shame that is, especially with our already dark relationship with KI. And this is a children's event!!!!! This is for people to give back and give kids a chance to actually live! Yet you have the audacity to go and do only for yourself! Truly, this is just stupidity at the highest echelons.
  17. Have you gotten in contact with Kings Island today about the incident? I would suggest doing that tomorrow or sometime soon for more headway. I am sorry to hear about your troubles, as I would feel the same. Alls I can say is good chance to hopefully getting somewhere with this because this would probably be a complex thing.
  18. Finally! Just went through The Bat's queue and they had themed, alternative, music!
  19. Just goes to show just how much I am keeping up.
  20. Wait this thread STILL exists?! Wow, time flies in just 2 years, what a silly BB1 I was way back then. I'd like to give compliments to Don Helbig and all that he does at Kings Island!
  21. Who is.........Nevermind......don't even answer that.....
  22. It has already been announced that the Coaster Crew event will be the only "official" KIC event this year. Additional ("unofficial") meetups are likely to happen as well. Haunt and Closing Day, at a minimum. You've already missed several unofficial meetups this year. Yes, I already know that, hence why I asked. This would either let us have an full out "official" event, and dump the latter, or go with a full out un-official event.
  23. Alright, with a few discussions going on about Coaster Crew and their event, as well with an undecided date in July, i've narrowed the poll to a few options. PLEASE NOTE: -Coaster Crew's event, without buying your ticket which you must do to enter the park either way, will cost a price of $26.00 for the following events: ERT on Select Attractions Behind The Scene Tours Lunch in the Pavilions VIP Fireworks W/Cookies VIP Seating at a show Evening RT on an attraction "Games, Prizes, and So Much More!!!!" URL to access the portal, and to sign up for the event: http://events.coastercrew.net/bbbb/ -Another date would be free (With the exception of you buying your ticket into the park) would include: Gold Pass ERT (If applicable) with KIC group Group meet up at the Eiffel Tower Ride Banshee a few times Being with other KIC forum members So as you can see, the options are limited, with the exception of, if KIC Admins would make this an "Official Meet Up" to where there would be more "official" activities. PSA: This IS NOT an official meet up, but an un-official meet up of KIC members. As well, EITHER WAY you MUST buy your ticket into Kings Island, by Gold Pass, Season Pass, Platinum Pass, or Day ticket.
  24. Man, so many Intamin, YoungStud would be proud. Such Young, many Intamin, Doge Impression wow.
  25. I'd give a call to Larson for a Flying Scooters attraction.
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