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Everything posted by BB1

  1. Time for a info-flush. (Blurb: Today, I was wondering what this was called, I kept calling it thunderhawk but Thunderbird is the true name, ironic?) Thunderbird, finally a piece of Thanksgiving devoted to the Native Americans. The whole attraction looks like my kind of deal. In the lower 100's, it still reaches 60 MPH and it still has some amazing turn around capabilities. I love the shed as well, interesting piece if you ask me. In regards to the campaign though, I will have to agree that this makes little sense. Sure, I can see how the Thunderbird ties in, but at the same time, that POV doesn't make me feel like the Voyage will be dominated, or canopied by it. Thunderbird seems to have its' own feel, own vibe, own taste and will almost be a standalone coaster not being related to Voyage. Onto the favorite piece, the overall view: Dear heavens I think I may have found my new favorite ride. (Have yet to ride Banshee though, it's on my list for this Aug.).
  2. The fail factor of that single quote,......wow...... So what does DisneyLand have in relation to a time spot, three? Four?
  3. BB1

    Pay for a Haunt?

    I go and pay to get into Kings Island Halloween Haunt and expect to go through all of their Haunts that they have to offer when I purchase my Gold Pass under that price. No way am I going to pay A Few Dollars More for a single Haunt when I could put that money into purchasing tix to Orlando's finest halloween event, no sorry kiddos, it's not the Not So Scary category. I would feel like I was conned, bamboozled, hoodwinked* for my cash if they do that, I love love love love love X10 the Kings Island Haunt method that they had last year; the Skeleton Key only making it better. But I couldn't imagine myself paying more for something like that, nor have I ever before, I never rode Thunder Alley (Where tall people come to get some uncomfort) until my free-bee with Fun Perks. *Edited for Terp's ever so inquisitive nature in regards to my occasional diction.
  4. Alright here's my thesis with the past few "leads". First off, in regards to the storm, I personally believe that it is an allusion, and an analogy for Thunder Run and Lightning Run both now "rocking" the boat that was added this year, The MayFlower. Secondly, the children personally sound like the enthusiasts, but something about the posts makes since of this. With the older children being able to go top side, it was referring to those who got the word on the 66 Days at Sea and those who witnessed a few events by admin. Third, to the big bang of the whole op, the attraction. I personally think this will be an B&M family attraction for 2015. Invert or not, it will be fun for everyone, with possibly a few inversions and a few water effects scattered around. In any circumstance, the addition would be amazing for 2015 at Holiday World.
  5. BB1

    Kings Island Fun

    All year I've been told to have a FUN day, to have fun at the park no matter what. To be honest, it's true I do have fun at the park, whether in memories, marathons, or even the semi occasional stroll around Kings Island taking in the sights and sounds of my home park. So, I thought it would be a good idea to share what are things that are fun to do at Kings Island, or any other park. For me, having fun is like I said. Riding The Beast, it just is an experience that makes me smile. Going down into the pit that we know as the first tunnel, or going through the woods at a (somewhat) rampant speed. Or how about starting out my day at Delirium with Early Ride Times, going back and forth, and spinning round and round reminds me of being a child and riding the swings while twisting the chain. Plus, I'll admit it, I'm a fan of spinny rides that go really fast. But, of courseI cannot forget the waterpark. It's the same old slides that I rode long ago, bringing vivid memories of going down my first time, or getting the thrill of my life on Tropical Twisters and Rendezvous Run. It just brings about that warm fuzzy feeling of peace and happiness being at a place that I could unwind at, and have fun at, in my opinion, the best part of the park's property. Oh, might I add a special thanks to everyone at the park who makes the fun work and run properly and safely! #KIBestDay !
  6. BB1


    Because he, I, want to, and because I can.
  7. I would like to see the International Street Restaurant get a refurbishment and become a full operation take place instead of what is going on now. (wishful thinking of course)
  8. Flight of Fear, per the sign out front, is closed. I do hope that this could be fixed by the 4th for the holiday, but I'm hesitant to think that it would.
  9. I just eat food. Or for some, that means i don't care about if it is polymolocrap I just like eating what I eat.
  10. BB1


    I would say an expression of pet peeves.
  11. BB1


    It should be noted that: -BB1 RARELY meets up with fellow KIC members -BB1 does not like to repeat himself.
  12. BB1


    I'll tell you on Monday if it has re-opened yet via smoke topic.
  13. Eating an amazing Bratt right now from the Grill, sadly it doesn't serve Saurkraut!
  14. Woah Woah Woah, maybe it's just my resilience to rugged coasters but front seat on TB rough? Back, sure it could be argued, but I could marathon that like no tomorrow in the front seat.
  15. Some people try. ......and some people are.
  16. In response: LMFAO Party Rock Anthem possibly for the game?
  17. Flight of Fear, per the sign out front, is closed.
  18. Did I just watch the prequel to Game of Thrones?
  19. I just Keep Calm, and ride other slides at Soak City.
  20. BB1, a song "know-it-all" occasionally.
  21. It isn't an issue, I'm just pointing it out. BB1 does like his semis.
  22. Well..... Already did a Banshee tour last year Get ERT 24/7 Free Food? Erm....That's a perk Anything else I think I've done.
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