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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. TheCrypt

    Your Music Taste

    Oh, and jazz! I can't believe I forgot about that! It's kind of a weird mix, now that I think about it.
  2. TheCrypt

    Your Music Taste

    Mainly alternative with a little dubstep mixed in.
  3. Music in the Parks was a fun day for me, glad to know you made it fun for you, too! By the way, on the note of the Express seperator, it was probably _____. I saw him too, not too long after you.
  4. Self edited to prevent a scathing response.
  5. ^I've never met a person who's gone to Cedar Point just for Wicked Twister (recently, anyways). I can't tell if you are toying with us, RomanMaroney, but RCCA has been out of business for awhile.
  6. Wasn't it Millennium Force which had a sensor go bad right before opening?
  7. The "line to ride them" is only there because they are down all the time... That was a good one. I wonder if the gate is broke down too at CP creating an illusion of all those people wanting to get in there to ride those crappy Intamins? No one said anything about Intamin layouts being inferior to other coasters. All was said was their reliability, quite frankly, sucks.
  8. We had an off day today for some reason. It was a perfect day to go though. I get out the 23rd I got out the 23rd too, and I have an off day Friday...for some reason. lol. Wow! I want to go to your schools! Mine doesn't get out until the 29th.
  9. *Dick Kinzel's Cedar Fair has been installing B&M's since 2008.
  10. General question time: When did ground work begin for Leviathan and Intimidator 305?
  11. ^It was from a CoasterFusion link posted in another topic. Yes it is from Drop Tower.
  12. My friend accidentally walked into the women's restroom. I was embarrassed for him!
  13. I would die of excitement if we got something like The Smiler.
  14. When did Festhaus get a hockey rink? It got pretty close to that when there was an ice show in the Festhaus.
  15. ^Flight Deck's track was painted white for the 2011 season.
  16. I would like to keep Vortex as-is with the OTSR's, mainly for the airtime and hangtime you get from the respective drops and corkscrews. You can't get the same out-of-your-seat feeling from an OTSR as you get from a lap bar, for better or for worse.
  17. Nice pictures. Gatekeeper looks amazing at night! Hopefully Kings Island thinks so too and updates lighting packages within the park.
  18. Now that you mention it, I feel like Zephyr got brand new lights last season. Can anyone affirm my claims?
  19. Nice report! How long did you wait for some of the rides? Yesterday I waited 2 hours for Diamondback, 30 minutes for Adventure Express, and 40 for Vortex and Drop Tower. It was packed!
  20. It is on the opposite side of the maintenance buildings so DA! was added into the list to show you cannot easily go around the maintenance buildings.
  21. No doubt there is funding available, but have we thought about where in X Base this path will connect? Firehawk and Flight of Fear are in the way, maintenance buildings and roads block many entrances, and there's also Dinosaurs Alive! Could this path even connect?
  22. That's a real lengthy walk if you want to reride.
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