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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. Well, the pictures have people on the ride and someone manning the front gate, plus the information given by Boddah did say Diamondback would be open...Feel free to interpret that however you wish.
  2. Hence the "Dang.... too late!"
  3. How was the staff? Were they friendly and well trained?
  4. Tell me why you're concerned with Beast/Diamondback ERT when you're going to be riding Coney Mall flats all day.
  5. ^Does it really matter? You have an entire season of ERT at your disposal, not to mention the freedom of going to the park whenever you want--even when you know the park won't be crowded. If you don't want to deal with crowds, perhaps you should wonder what you're doing at Opening Day in the first place.
  6. If Tokyo Disneyland isn't a Disney park, then what is it?
  7. ^You must have forgotten about the new Test Track renovation at EPCOT.
  8. ^That's really funny. If this were to come to Disney World, it would look nothing like the one in Hong Kong.
  9. Live bands for the park's show(s?)
  10. ^I'm sure they know what they walked in to when they ended Fun Perks. I'm sad it ended too, but at least we're given a good deal in return.
  11. I don't think anybody wants that much concrete in Action Zone...
  12. A quote from Inception comes to mind, and I think it speaks for what I have to say. "Are you willing to take a leap of faith or risk becoming an old man, filled with regret?"
  13. ^It's completely covered overhead by white and blue triangles. http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewb94/6056274335/ By the way, love your avatar Vortexfan. I love that movie!
  14. I believe they have yet to add the white shade structures as well. Expect something very, very similar to WindSeeker, if not a carbon copy.
  15. It looks like the fencing alongside the pond got replaced. Looks nice.
  16. For me, it's a tie between Adventure Express and Backlot Stunt Coaster. With BLSC, if you take away the location, it actually has some really nice theming aspects to it that are pretty well maintained--Kings Dominion and Canada's Wonderland can't say that about their own clones. It has theming along the tracks, which makes it a more encompassing experience, giving you that "Wow, I'm in a Hollywood movie!" effect. Adventure Express gets the slight edge to me because of the great layout, sudden pops of airtime, and good pacing for most of the ride. The theming also extends along the course like BLSC, but there are also designated soundtracks to each segments of the ride (jungle, tunnels, lifts) and each tunnel has it's own dedicated theme to it which sets it apart from the rest. Flight of Fear doesn't 'do' it for me because all of the theming was put into the queue and station. With the theming along the course of the coaster, it's just a few lights here and there combined with a pulse-pounding score. That's it. The other two rides in the poll have so much more theming along the tracks which is why Flight of Fear ranks dead last in this poll. In short, my vote goes to Adventure Express.
  17. TheCrypt


    It's cool, but a simple walk around International Street isn't enough to make it 'special', to me anyways.
  18. What about a standard Top Spin? That's one ride HUSS has gotten right.
  19. Your experience from Kings Island's Soak City does not speak for all waterparks.
  20. TheCrypt


    ^When did this happen? I don't remember any live bands playing last season (except for Blood Drums).
  21. The Geauga Lake land is highly valuable, as well. Lakeside properties go for a lot these days, so why hasn't it sold?
  22. What do you call this? http://www.journal-news.com/news/business/kings-island-parent-earnings-lifted-by-higher-gues/nWSWR/
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