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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. Vortex is referring to the trims used after the splashdown.
  2. Just don't do that on Drop Tower.
  3. This is from the Knott's Network FB page. This quote most probably explains how the evacuation vehicle will move up and down the tower. I also found this Youtube video of maintenance raising, lowering, and "bouncing" the vehicle.
  4. How are the restraints going to unlock when the gondola is not in loading/unloading position? Will people, stunned to see they are stuck 300' in the air, willingly leave their seat unrestrained?
  5. ^Did you look at this answer? Your question has been looked into. I'm trying to figure out if that is probable.
  6. I'm concerned about how they will evacuate. It looks like they will be removing people from their seat 300' above the ground into an evac vehicle most probably hastily assembled on site.
  7. The new logo looks nice on the home page. Thanks!
  8. For those unable to see the announcement: EDIT: Just noticed KingsIslandPR's tweet from last night. I like the new teasers. They're so obvious that it's hard to put two and two together.
  9. The location isn't a reason I won't eat there, I just don't like it. I probably could have voiced my displeasure a little better, I admit. I don't like the ambiance it will have, and I'm not a real fan of the menu either. I won't eat there mainly due to the latter.
  10. I'll probably never eat here. Baseball and the Rivertown location doesn't really sit right with me.
  11. I wouldn't say the Phantom Theater props were an allusion to anything. The props were repurposed. That's it.
  12. New paint would be new.
  13. Same with Diamondback. So odd that they didn't use them.
  14. I think I got it. It's a complete overhaul of Adventure Express's theming, isn't it? Ah, wishful thinking...
  15. I'm not going to get my hopes up for this.
  16. I love the new front page. I just hope they don't get rid of the white and blue skin for the forums. No matter how hard I try, I can never stay in the newest skin because of the way it's formatted.
  17. ^The other light I hate is the one just after tunnel 2 while you are hugging the ground. The orange glow it gives off doesn't compliment the ride experience. While we're at it, can we get the first drop dark too?
  18. Oh I understand. I just think that if your $10 should go towards heat and electricity, that's where it should go. There's no business for people in that situation at an amusement park, when the money serves greater purpose elsewhere.
  19. The rules are most likely not new. Your old signature was outside these rules, and they probably are now being enforced.
  20. I think a ticket to Kennywood costs less than a plane ticket.
  21. ^Cruise ships do the same thing. Norwegian typically lets you board a half hour earlier and you get better amenities...if you buy a suite. The other people who choose to go for a smaller room will not get as much amenities as the larger room folks because they did not pay for those services.
  22. Great trip report! I love all your photos, especially the last Cheetah Hunt picture. I anxiously await your Seaworld installment. Do you know the reason why Gwazi Tiger is closed? It was closed when I visited last December, too.
  23. Barnstormer had a very short ridetime. If you have been on Skyhawk at Cedar Point, you will likely get the same experience--the difference being Skyhawk is larger (both size and capacity) and has a longer duration. Definitely do not miss their roller coasters. I haven't been on Wild Eagle yet, but I was completely blown away with Tennessee Tornado, Mystery Mine, and Thunderhead. Try to get the front seat on Thunderhead, Blazing Fury, and Mystery Mine, as you can see the surroundings and thematic elements the best. For Tornado, I recommend the back as it is most intense.
  24. What caught my attention is "live band." Hopefully this carries over to most of the other live shows in the park.
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