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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. But, obviously, Dill knows there's a new area coming, not a coaster.
  2. Just a bit of an update: The disc is spinning at its normal speed, and the pendulum is swinging as high as before the break down. In other words, everything is back to normal! More than 90* Delirium!
  3. That moon sure is dark, but let's just hope it doesn't like pizza, baby!
  4. At first, I thought "Mr. Snowman, your picture is not showing up!" But I now understand. Very punny, you be.
  5. ^ I think we all know GYK's for Disneyland! Magic Kingdom- BTMRR or The Haunted Mansion Epcot- Whatever their log flume is Animal Kingdom- It's a toss-up between Kali River Rapids and Expedition Everest Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM)- Tower of Terror
  6. I'd prefer to not drag this out further than this need be, but I guess it was also Cedar Fair's fault for the Son of Beast incident that happened 7 days (give or take) within park buyout. Legally, yes. But really, FUN had little to nothing to do with it.
  7. Flight of Fear stopped today at the MCBR. As for the comments above: We all have our moments. Some, more often than others. There's always the blue B & M Giga at Cedar Point, Flight Deck and Adventure Express will be closed for demolition, among others. We are all flawed. I apologize for the disruption I caused.
  8. I remember you telling me about that! I still laugh at the story! Glad you had a great time in Soak City, ohiocolts. I finally stepped foot into Soak City today and I thought the new waterpark looks great! I feel stupid that I missed out on short lines and small crowds and forgot to bring a swim suit! I too haven't gone on Rendezvous Run. Only slide I haven't gone on. Sounds great! Glad you had a Soak City day! Nah, doesn't work.
  9. How did people inspect the ride? Wearing gloves, boots, pants, and a sweater? =P
  10. I think that it looks amazing and will most definately need to ride it. I also think that it is a worthy replacement, but the other two rides (moreso Disaster Transport) will be missed. Thought: Why couldn't they fill the spine with sand only in the double zero G rolls and the turnaround, then leave the rest sand-less like the rest of the B&M's? I guess it would sound awkward, with the roaring of coaster only to go silent, then roar again, so I guess I answered my own question!
  11. I suppose Coney Island had no Racer, Scrambler, Monsters, or Scooters in 1972, if rides are not added until after buildings...
  12. I'm not sure if this is permenant, but Flight of Fear now glides through the MCBR like the others. As I understand it from when I read the post, the magnets, if ever contacted by water, would fail (I don't know how). Like I said, this could be credible, or not so much.
  13. And each of those times, the ride had to be reprogrammed (and I imagine some of the lights and effects). There wasn't a button that said "2 Flip Cycle", another that said "9 Flip Cycle" and so on and so forth.
  14. If they were not weatherproof, why would Cedar Fair put them out in the elements? Not saying you're wrong, but it doesn't make sense to me.
  15. Backlot Stunt Coaster has paint. Maybe I got my facts mixed up, so I apologize. But I do believe now that I reflect upon my post that at least the magnets are not weatherproof, but don't quote me on that (as I read it on this site, and this site has good information and unreliable information).
  16. I literally just woke up from a dream where my sister and I went to the park on the final day of the season. What do you know, they opened Son of Beast up, the trains looked revolting and unsafe, but we had the time of our lives and wished it wouldn't be demolished. But then I woke up to reality and said "Oh. Glad it's gone."
  17. Also, something else striked me. The ride was never coated in a rust-preventative coating, so if there was sunlight entering the building, it is safe to assume that it is susceptible to water, thus the track, mechanics, lights and more, are left unprotected. Are you positive this is damage? I rode the Express on Friday and noticed nothing out of the norm.
  18. It might help us to tell us what you see damaged.
  19. If you can see anything! "Someone turned off da lights!"
  20. Adventure Express has always operated with the same number of cars. Trains is a different matter.
  21. Flight of Fear hasn't run 3 trains since the OTSR to lap bar change in 2001, I believe. I do hope this is a permenant change, that you glide through the MCBR, but something lost in translation is the hang time in the corkscrew.
  22. Many problems. -Premature rusting due to, like dudecoasterman said, inferior Japanese steel. -Prototype-iness problems. -Spare parts -Low ridership That's what I've heard over the years!
  23. Fort Cooper, please. Maybe it will finally match up with the video, again.
  24. Speakers used for the outdoor climate should be weatherproof, so weather SHOULDN'T be the issue, here. If it is, another Paramount FAIL! Jdawg, I love the singing part of Drop Tower. It makes time pass, and *I* feel the singing fits the atmosphere of the ride for some reason. Leave Van Halen alone!
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