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Everything posted by BlondyRidesOn

  1. The park has been posting quite a lot about The Racer on social media, celebrating its history for starting the coaster building boom. Taking looking at its ridership counts, it's a very popular ride and it would make sense to restore it rather than a hybrid treatment. Would Topper Track hurt the coaster's Landmark status?
  2. My brother has been wondering lately of the band organ on the Grand Carousel was going to be fixed anytime soon. He really likes the carousel and the organ and was curious if there would be further progress in the organ's restoration.
  3. Looking at the Instagram posts that the park has been making featuring The Racer, I'd be pretty surprised if the park was giving it anything more than a retrack and new lighting. It seems that the way they're putting it in the spotlight shows that it's still a very important ride at the park as is. Screamscape also mentioned that Robb Decker was seen near The Racer. Was he involved with the Ghostrider renovation in 2016?
  4. Funny thing is, I was just at Kennywood today and had no idea they were announcing the new attraction today. I like the idea of going for a Reds theme rather than the Bengals. They could build a coaster called "The Big Red Machine," with a length of 4,192 feet.
  5. I'd move that out a little more towards Kings Island Drive, just so it doesn't disturb the cemetery.
  6. Sorry for two posts in a row, but doesn't Rocky Mountain Construction do traditional wooden coaster maintenance as well? In fact, their Topper Track technology, and eventually the I-box track, were developed because there were sections of roller coaster track that kept having to be replaced. I'm not saying The Racer is getting Topper Track, I hope not at least, but with Fred Grubb possibly being here, could it be possible that he was looking at the ride to replace the old track with new wood for a 2019 restoration project?
  7. Wasn't there a rumor that the park was going to get one of those Crazy Coasters from Skyline Attractions like at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom? What if they built one of those as part of a park expansion in 2019?
  8. I watched the Coaster_Net video regarding this topic. They mentioned officials from a company the works on lighting packages walking around The Racer. I forget the company's name, but there may be a restoration effort in progress for the ride. It's worth noting that most RMC conversions have the footings on the old ride marked with spray paint to mark which supports to remove. None of that is seen on Racer.
  9. The question I have is regarding the flower pot in the floral bed at Coney BBQ. I was watching The Godfather last night on AMC with my father and noticed in the scene with Jack Woltz mansion near the beginning of the film, there was an old styled flowerpot in the foreground of the shot. It looks exactly like the one outside the Coney BBQ. Is this an old Paramount movie prop still being used by the park? They have used old props for Halloween Haunt, such as the cage from The Golden Child and the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek.
  10. What if they spruced up the current front entrance structure, with the International Restaurant still in place?
  11. I would love to hear songs from the early seventies in Coney Mall. Would be nice to hear Without You by Harry Nilsson over the speakers.
  12. Oktoberfest renovation with polka covers of oldies songs?
  13. There was an accident on the one at Kings Dominion which resulted in one rider being sent to the hospital for a concussion and other injuries. I originally posted the article, but deleted it due to the sensitive nature.
  14. Thunder Road had major structural problems due to the wood structure being unprotected and untreated for years.
  15. It's my pleasure. I didn't help make the playlist, but I was able to find a few of the songs. My Aunt and I were sitting along the fountains one day and she recognized the theme to The Big Country. A majority of the songs can be found on the City of Prauge Orchestra's album '100 Greatest Film Themes.'
  16. Yes, they have new tracks this year. These are all I could identify: - Theme from "Born on the Fourth of July" by John Williams - Medley from "The Cowboys" by John Williams - Theme to "Exodus" by Ernest Gold performed by City of Prauge Orchestra - Theme to "The Big Country" by Jerome Moross performed by City of Prauge Orchestra - Love theme from "The Godfather" (Speak Softly Love) by Nino Rota performed by City of Prauge Orchestra - March from "The Dam Busters" by Eric Coates and Leighton Lucas performed by City of Prauge Orchestra - "Bicycle Chase & End Credits" from ET: The Extra Terrestrial by John Williams performed by City of Prauge Orchestra - Suite from "The High and The Mighty" by Dimitri Tiomkin - Prologue from "Hook" by John Williams - Angry Birds Theme performed by London Philharmonic Orchestra - "Gusty Garden Galaxy" from Super Mario Galaxy performed by London Philharmonic Orchestra - "Harry's Wonderous World" from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by John Williams - The Harry Lime Theme from "The Third Man" by Anton Karas performed by City of Prauge Orchestra - Tara's Theme from "Gone With the Wind" by Max Steiner performed by City of Prauge Orchestra - Theme from "The Natural" by Randy Newman performed by City of Prauge Orchestra - Overture from "Citizen Kane" ( The Inquirer) by Bernard Herrmann - "Born on the Fourth of July" from Born on the Fourth of July by John Williams Edit- More Songs Found
  17. What if Fred Grubb was here because Rocky Mountain Construction has been traditionally retracking The Racer? Either way, it wouldn't make much sense to close the ride shortly after it got a good amount of retracking. Still hoping for a Ghostrider style treatment if any changes are being made to the ride.
  18. Kings Dominion Rebel Yell retracking in 2016/2017.
  19. I sure hope it's not an RMC conversion. That ride still gets good ridership. Would love to see a GCI retrack of it though, maybe reprofiling by Martin and Vleminckx and some Millennium Flyer trains like Wildcat at Lake Compounce or Ghostrider at Knotts. The ACE Landmark plaque is back outside the entrance to the ride, so hopefully it's not the end.
  20. It would make a great transmission tower, of course the radiation would be dangerous.
  21. I've always wondered what that thing was. Been there since 1972.
  22. I think Kings Dominion's Eiffel Tower uses the multi colored LED panels like on ours, but will sometimes use the floodlights on the cupola and under the 265' platform. They might not want to use that lighting because of The Greatest Showman fireworks display, may be too bright. I heard from one of the people on the platform that the antenna at the top was knocked off by a small plane in the early 90's.
  23. I've always admired the floodlighting myself. The uplighting around the base of the Tower was removed last season to accommodate the Christmas tree lights, but they remain on the top cupola.
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