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Everything posted by fryoj

  1. Park exec standing at the new antique autos when the gates open: OK here comes the crowd coming down Coney Mall to try out our new ride. Man there are a lot of them. Wait, why are they turning and going to X Base.....
  2. Honestly, I rarely drink at the parks. But I also usually have the kid with me. Now if It's just me and the wife, I'll probably want a beer. The only time that I'd say I've ever been drunk at a park was Epcot, and that was more of a strong buzz than anything. That world showcase will sneak up on you. lol
  3. Once you get to college, your opinion on that will probably change.
  4. I was responding to the person about concrete curing time, not necessarily what it was. That being said, if they still had dump trucks or other equipment coming in and out with dirt or trees for landscaping, you'd wait to pour sidewalks till they were done so they aren't driving over the new concrete. Also, I know we've seen videos of the cars driving around, but thats not the same as seeing the whole site. It's hard to say if it was 100% complete. They might still be putting finishing touches on things, or could be tying backstage paths back in after the ride construction. Trust me, I'd rather it be new footers, but as they have a new ride opening in the general direction that the truck was coming from, I'm assuming it's something from that general area.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LdSLguqASg Wcpo video that shows quite a bit. IF you want to be surprised, don't watch it.
  6. A concrete sidewalk could be poured this morning and be walked on this afternoon. Two days later, it would be more than sufficiently cured for foot traffic. You wouldn't want anything load bearing to have that short of a cure time though.
  7. https://www.wkyc.com/article/entertainment/cedar-point-gm-teases-new-ride-for-2020-season/95-722fad52-7582-4701-8aeb-f17e57eb4591
  8. IDK. That's a little wordy for a park slogan. Might want to tweak it a bit.
  9. At this point, the ones who don't believe are just choosing not to. The NOC is a pretty substantial piece of proof.
  10. Oh I agree. The teasers are fun. But footers are where the magic is at. lol
  11. I'd say there will probably be teasers, but I could see there not being any. Now if we go back into X base, and there hasn't been any work done on the site, I'll be surprised.
  12. Was it a large quantity or just a few pieces? I always assumed they wen't straight from primer to paint with them.
  13. We've never seen primered pieces sitting outside there. They are either rusty or finish painted.
  14. I'd be curious to see the tag on that track. Might give us an idea what we are getting if similarly marked track shows up later this summer. If anyone happens to see pics of it on another site, feel free to PM me a link.
  15. Earliest I could find pics of was August.
  16. I'm betting it's chocolate brown. Like a Hershey bar.
  17. Plans would have to be approved before they started work. Thats a pretty solid rule. No one starts construction before they know they are going to have approved plans. What happens if you start spending money and they reject your plans? Now whether those plans are publicly accessible is another question. I'm not sure what arrangements KI has with the city/county. Universal, and probably Disney, has things set up so that their plans are kept private for proprietary reasons. If you do find things though, send me a PM. lol
  18. There hasn't been a B&M flyer built in this country in 10 years. They just aren't popular and seem, to me at least, to lead to more nauseous guests than other types of coasters. Also, to tear a flyer out just to build another one is not great for marketing. There would be guest confusion. I'd put the chances of a flyer at sub 5%. Wing and dive are possible. Just not as likely as a giga. The parks they have built wing and dive coasters, they built after the park already had a giga. Diamondback is the most popular ride in the park. It is more popular than the newer Banshee. A wing or dive would be more similar to Banshee than Diamondback. Also, the rumored location in X base, you are already close to two coasters with inversions, Vortex and FOF. A non inverting coaster rounds that area out better. I'd put the chances of either dive or wing at 20%.
  19. I was just saying why they wouldn't use that one idea you had. I didn't say anything against your other idea. I didn't attack you personally or question your moral fiber. If you don't want discussion about your ideas, posting them on a message board may not be the best course of action.
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpengeist Theres my source. I'm not a native speaker and neither wiki nor Google translate are always correct. For the record google translates Alpengeist to alps spirit. Semantics though. The point was not literal translations.
  21. Alpengeist is german for Ghost of the alps. I stand by my previous statement. With there being a well known coaster already using the German name for Ghost of the Alps, the chances of them using a German folklore creature named Alp for a new coaster is close to 0.
  22. With Alpengeist already being a coaster, I'll put the chances of Alp being used at close to 0
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