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  1. Expansion of Rivertown. Entrance of new eventual coaster closer towards existing Rivertown.
  2. I didn't get the email and I can order it as long as I use the link provided. I'm not going to because it's not worth the increased price.
  3. I just don't see the value in upgrading from Gold to this.
  4. https://www.kingsislandgear.com/collections/kings-island-fashion-tees/products/blue-racer-tee
  5. https://www.coaster101.com/2020/09/28/bolliger-mabillard-files-patent-for-stand-up-coaster-restraint/ B&M seems to be possibly getting back in the Stand Up game.
  6. Stand Up enjoyability has a lot to do with knowing how to properly your seat and bars fitted.
  7. There is. B&M has a new model (Surf Coaster). https://www.coaster101.com/2020/09/28/bolliger-mabillard-files-patent-for-stand-up-coaster-restraint/
  8. I think expanding days is the answer. The only way a ride would do is if its multiple big rides in a single season opening (maybe) or some sort of insane record breaker like a 500ft+ coaster or worlds longest steel coaster. I don't think most new rides would do it. It'd have to be something that gets the entire global coaster enthusiast community talking.
  9. I'm picking up the hidden meaning. You don't want a gate coaster. You want twin racing gate coasters.
  10. Something that might work in a tight space and look gorgeous up front and probably only need the removal of Invertigo and maybe a few trees or Invertigo and Congo Falls or Invertigo and Timberwolf is a S&S – Sansei steel looping coaster like Steel Curtain or even their upcoming Axis Coaster which can be a lift hill or a LIM launch (this might take up even less room)
  11. I'm not sure if this used to be common practice but based on this photo King Cobra was painted on site. Thought it was interesting as it seems these days coaster parts are painted before they arrive to the park. Source: https://cdn-cloudfront.cfauthx.com/binaries/content/gallery/kings-island/blogs/v2/banner-astrocomet-1.jpg
  12. It's for our new B&M Surf Coaster. It's the station house for the new King Cobra located on The Vortex land. /s
  13. This is an existing thread from September 2020. It's the oldest thread and first one that came up when I searched. I see a much newer one opened after this one.
  14. Get the Corkscrew section of Vortex and spray it gold (golden anniversary) and place it at the entrance. Expand an existing area like Area 72 with a new place to eat, bathrooms, flat rides, shop, and game area. Bring back the old school epic parades and hot air balloons for a few weeks in the summer. Backwards Racer for 1 year only. Have the Executive Chef prepare a special menu or food items inspired by Kings Island's history. Set up the 3D theater and its queue as a temporary museum of Kings Island history with a mini movie Something with the kids area (no idea what) Cut a deal to bring back the classic Hana Barbara characters for 1 season.
  15. Clearly this means it's a lawn care themed coaster. Also it's green. /s
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