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Skyrider last won the day on November 17 2019

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    Mason, OH (close to KI)
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    Going to amusement parks, Disney, biking, movies, and couponing

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  1. Does anyone know if there is a certain reason the Haunt isn’t open the last Sunday before Halloween on Oct. 27th? It is open that day until 7pm.
  2. This is a missed opportunity and Winterfest would be really popular that weekend. Dollywood and Disney seem to have success with their winter event being before Thanksgiving.
  3. The space they are putting the water coaster seems really small. I hope I am wrong and it will be bigger than the space looks.
  4. I think it they did it similar to Disney’s Electrical Light Parade or Spectro Magic it would be too much.
  5. I wish they could add lights to the costuming of the performers in the parade. It’s cool the floats light up but would add a real wow factor to the parade and easier to see the performers when it gets dark out.
  6. Would love to see a new steel coaster called The Son of Beast’s Revenge using where The Vortex was and the old Action Theatre as the cue with video projection screens explaining how the Son of Beast has transformed and risen again and would be the longest steel coaster to coincide with his Daddy The Beast being the longest wooden coaster. It would travel back behind The Racer, Flight of Fear and Orion. It could even pay homage to The Vortex by having the same number of inversions and similar double loops.
  7. Saw this earlier this week at Dollywood and seems like the same show but will have to see the Kings Island version to compare
  8. I am glad to see Kentucky Kingdom add a holiday event called Christmas at Kentucky Kingdom. I’m sure it will especially make season pass holders happy. I’m definitely going to check this out this year.
  9. Thanks for sharing this photo. It was my favorite ride as a kid and loved the blasts of air conditioning throughout the ride on a hot summer’s day.
  10. I remember riding the Enchanted Voyage a boat ride that went inside the building and featured Hannah Barbara cartoon characters and later was redone to the Smurfs. This is the current Boo Blasters building.
  11. I think it would be cool to use that theatre as an indoor cue for a new “Son’s of The Beast” dueling steel coaster to replace where The Vortex once was. It could be an immersive cue with lighting effects and have a backstory of how the “brothers”came to be and their rivalry. (Competing for dad’s attention “next door”). Think Racer and Vortex combo made of steel where the tracks intertwine with some extreme twists and curves. Of course it has loops bring homage to the original Son of Beast and the original Vortex. It would be cool to add sound in the coaster vehicles like Big Bear Mountain at Dollywood and add tunnels with lighting effects to add to the theming. Just an idea for a new coaster to replace where the coaster is and maybe go along the path of The Racer behind Orion if possible.
  12. This look really neat and I definitely want to go. It you haven’t checked out the Nashville, TN Zoo they have a spectacular show called Zoolumination Chinese Festival of Lights that runs Thursday-Sundays until February 4th. It typically starts mid-November each year and it’s incredible. Check out nashvillezoo.org for more info.
  13. Next year I would love to see the closed Subway turn into a gourmet footlong hot dog and Mac and Cheese bar. It could be similar to what Disney offers at Casey’s. A variety of toppings and a monthly special footlong would be awesome.
  14. Friday when a lot of high schoolers are at their football games.
  15. I think during Winterfest it would be cool to project winter or holiday images in lights on the ceiling of Flight of Fear that riders could see while riding. The ride name change during Winterfest to Santa’s Flight of Fest—-like we are helping Santa deliver his gifts around the world. For example projections of snowflakes or wrapped packages, etc. This would add a nice holiday overlay to the ride.
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