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Everything posted by Gannersdaddy

  1. Must have been something in the system. It worked today. Now lets see how it does at the park
  2. I see what you are saying Hank. I poked around myself and could not find them for sale. I cant see them doing away with them. Maybe they are increasing the prices or changing what rides that you have to purchase the Plus to use.
  3. Has anyone tried to purchase them online yet? We did, it asks for our passes, but then hangs up. However, it did let us add the Meal Plans. Weird
  4. I gotcha. Makes a lot more sense now.
  5. If its after the park "closes", would it be LRT?
  6. As long as it is ride photos, I am good with it. When they finally offered the ride ones, we got our for $60. A month later it dropped to $40. We will be getting one, not sure about stopping all of the time though. Either way, it should be interesting.
  7. I can recall a little about LeSourdsville. Mainly a pond with huge catfish that would eat anything, a huge pinball machine, and running around without any needed supervision.
  8. As it was last year. It also had a pretty good rain on that closed day, as I recall.
  9. They also had the dollars days this last year. That really did not help as far as crowds.
  10. We try to plan and I will take a lot of half day vacations. Now that the calendar is out, I have started planning. As we are about 1.5 hours out, I watch the weather as well. Only got hit with that once last year. We tried to go some when the schools in Cincinnati were in session, but who would have thought that they bussed them in a couple of time (I dont recall that when I grew up there). Hopefully you get some vacation time at the job.
  11. The first time we rode it, it scared the hell out of my wife and myself (we still laugh at the picture below). My son loved it. Now, it is one of my favorite rides at the park. I recommend everyone try it. Myself, about the only part that I do not care for is the wait to start once you are titled back. The constraints are pretty good. You sit down and have two over the shoulder restraints that buckle in the middle. Do not worry about it coming open. I have yet to see it and tried it myself (in a safe place - i am not crazy). They come around and place a second restraint that goes over your shins and above your thighs. This will also lock in place. There are hand grips on side, if needed. I will say you will use them the first time (I was white knuckles all the way). Getting on and off requires some balance, as the platform across is not too large (you sit 4 across). I am a large fellow and I have never had an issue with it. My wife has had knee surgery and sometimes the restraints bother her. I have only seen one person take the "Walk of Shame". As for riding it, I suggest hitting it early on. While they do run two cars (which it pretty cool how they do it), loading and unloading takes about as much time as the ride. I have seen the queues fill up. If you want to Fast Lane this, you will need to upgrade and get the Fast Lane Plus. Even then, I have seen a line. Also, there are no bins on this ride, but lockers near the entrance. I would not suggest keeping anything on you unless it is pretty secured. I have seen several phones laying on the ground and heard a lot of change fall from pockets. If I have anything on my on this, it is secured in cargo shorts / pant pockets that dont open unless you want them to. I wont ruin it for you, but I highly recommend you give it a go. As a family, this is the 3rd most ridden ride at the park that we have done. I hope this answers your questions
  12. I will be honest. I would like to see them grow. If nothing else, I will make Holiday World and Kings Island continue to stay on their game to one up them. That said (and maybe this is hypocrisy), we wont be planning any trips there soon (with the exception that the company I work for does another company day). I can say I have done it, but overall I was not really impressed. Maybe it was due to going at the end of the year, but I suspect that Kings Island has spoiled me. I will say that if we were to get turned away, I would be letting everyone know. I will watch to see how the rest of you rate the park in 2016. I may change my mind.
  13. Definitely as much Kings Island as we can. We really kicked around Dollywood for this year, but it was not to be. Maybe for 2016. We have not been to Holiday World in at least 17 years, so we may look at a day trip. Now, if Kings Island would only release their calendar for 2016, I can really start planning
  14. My wife had the same thought when she got my son the Glove World (Spongebob) toy for Christmas.
  15. Very interesting. I did notice at the end it said it will accommodate 1,200 riders per hour. I have to wonder how close it will come to this amount. Anyone care to venture a guess?
  16. Thank you. It is really cool to see these and look at the changes that have been made.
  17. Having never used the North entrance, I have been giving this some thought. I have slowly been changing my route to the park, namely to avoid the grid lock on 275 between 75 and 71. While the distance is shorter, it gets quite frustrating to have been cruising along for over an hour on the way to the park only to send up almost parking before I get to 71. I am looking at some rerouting to head to North side. I know it depends on the time of day that we go. Towards the end of the season, we would go early to avoid the rush hour, but then had to wait for the park to open. Another aspect about a North only gate and coming from the South is that it will appear that we are passing the park. I know that is mostly a mental trick, but I am sure that I will get a WTH look for from my son. I trust my fellow local KIC'ers will keep all posted on how this is developing.
  18. When you already have your Christmas gift early (new phone) loaded with the KI app and keep checking to see if next years schedule is out...
  19. Sounds like you guys are tougher hombres than I am. I can get 2-3 a day. It helps knowing then the whooping is going to commence from the ride. I will give it this though. No #$%#% seat belts in it!
  20. Line jumpers (and nothing done about it) are number one. I realize some of the ques lend themselves to this (Backlot, Vortex, and Shake Rattle and Roll), and nothing is done. I have let these go only to politely say "Thank You" and just gotten in front of them when we reached the line. I think they knew and said nothing back. Another thing is seeing lots of empty seats and then realizing that there is no technical issues but ride ops either not assigning seats, paying attention, or just not there (see Banshee end of season). I have no issue with folks wanting a particular seat, but no need to hold up everyone else. Ok. Enough for now. Minor rant done. Now for happy thoughts about the park.
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