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parking question


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I have a gold pass - but did not purchase a parking pass.

Question - if you wait late enough into the day (like around 4-5pm) do they stop charging for parking?

I thought I remembered a time a few years ago when I arrived later in the day and

there was noone sitting at the parking booths.

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^Not sure what they do now, but you are correct. In previous years around 5 or 6 they would pull the tolls workers and guests could enter the parking lot without having to pay.

Most of the times I have gone this year, it has been about 6 or later and the South entrance was the only one open. There was a line to park and they were charging for parking. Why don't you just purchase a parking pass? You can still do it on the website, I believe. :P

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As long as people are willing to pay ten bucks a car to park, why on earth would a company as in debt as Cedar Fair willingly give up that revenue?


Well one thing to consider is this, how many cars pay $10 after a certain hour, and how many of those cars have a parking pass. Because if I had to pay $10 for only 4 hours in the park I wouldnt do it. Also is that number then worth the amount the park is paying the employees working at the parking booth? Also then would those employees be more valuable somewhere else in the park where they could help the park generate more revenue per guest. And if they only have 1 or 2 parking booth attendants after a certain hour how backed up does it get? If you are waiting out there for 1/2 an hour thats a 1/2 hour the park could be making money off you.

Just my 2cents

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Given how much traffic backs up in the mornings and how seldom Cedar Fair opens the north tolls, I think we understand how detailed an analysis CF has done as to whether or not to open the north tolls and when/if to charge in the evening.

Not much.

Of course, this the same Cedar Fair that doesn't let guests in most of the shops or restaurants until the park opens. They might actually spend money, you know....

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Thats true. I would've had a Starbucks on Monday, but I'm not buying one when I'm on my way to The Beast (and burn my hand while I'm walking :) )...but if I could've gotten there an hour before the rides open, would've been a different story (like it used to be).

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That would make a lot of sense for people to be able to go to Starbucks early so people could get their caffeine fix before their adrenaline rush.

In previous years that Ive been to park (every year before this year) the cut off ropes were much further into the park (past the Eiffel Tower) so you could go to all the gift shops and candy shops (including starbucks) on the main midway before the park actually opened. Does anyone know why they changed it this year?

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It was actually changed last year, by CBS. And except on the busiest of days, they didn't let you in the park AT ALL until opening. Cedar Fair allows early entry, but not as far in as the old Paramount Parks did.

Why? Cost cutting....of, in my opinion, the stupidest kind...

Hmm guess I just happened to go on the busiest of days last year lol.

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Remember, Cedar Fair took over June 30 of last year. They almost immediately changed this inane CBS policy.

So your saying after June 30th CF allowed for early entry, but further into the park than this year? And before June 30th they didnt have early entry at all unless it was insanely busy?

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