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Was Fearfest ever promised free?


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"All events are FREE with park admission unless otherwise noted. ".... This page also had the Freedom Concert and the Weird Al Concert, both WERE NOT FREE WITH PARK ADMISSION!!!

So, just because HAUNT is on this page... don't trust that it'll be free with park admission. Please WAIT until KI release official information and I'm sure Ryan will have it on this forum as soon as he knows!

Remember, websites take time to change... as posting news on this forum is instant! -Hauntguy


You jumped the gun on this one before you took the time to research your so called finding.

I hate to tell you but the page speaks for itself. As Hauntguy said it states "all events are free with park admission unless otherwise noted" which means you need to click on the link for HH which takes you to the main page of the HH website. If you click on ticket information, then you will see it says "Coming Soon"

Like I said in another topic that is similar, Boddah1994 is great at getting out information to us on these forums, why should we doubt him now. Wait until the press release comes out, and then we will all know the truth.

"so called finding"??? That sounds like I was trying to find some big hidden secret. I think that anyone that reads that page would think the same thing I did. And, its not "otherwise noted" anywhere that it is going to cost extra. Just because you click a few times and there's a "Ticket" page doesn't mean anything. People without passes WILL need a ticket to get in.

I can't understand why so many people on here are dying to be charged extra for something thats been normally been included with admission. More expensive is no guarantee of better. Plus, if you're not that interested in the Haunt stuff, but mostly the rides, its still the same rides that are always there.

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I agree with KIfan73! He has done nothing wrong and I feel represents the average passholder who is going to be misled and misguided by this companies stupid decisions to upcharge this late in the year, IF they even decide to do that, which they havent yet and that reflects how even more stupid they are. Wanna change the event, thats fine, but do it earlier in the year not at the last minute and then not do enough to inform pass holders like KIfan73. All he did was read a statement, if whoever designed the website had the slightest brain maybe they could add that it includes admission to all events and then add the exceptions. Don't listen to Hauntguy KIfan, don't feel bad because your not as "informed" as him.

Hauntguy, I really hope that for someone who is working Halloween Haunt and an employee of Cedar Fair that, thats not the attitude their teaching you, I'm pretty sure If i called the park or went to guest relations they wouldn't tell me to "Wait for the darned press release".

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Surprised at how terrible your guest service is as to being an employee of the park? Because I am very surprised that employees of the park who openly admit they work there come on here and act that childish. Or should I be surprised at something else...

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Just plainly suprised! Will KI charge for HH? Will KI charge pass holders for HH? Will HH be better than last year? Am I seriously letting the internet "get to me"?

Also, I don't work in GR... therefore NO GR skills required! I am a HH MONSTER!!! Thus meaning if you come to the park and a monster throws a "threat" or to "leave now"... is that bad customer service? I don't think so.

Also, this years HH is going to be INTENSE... if you don't want to be charged for this, don't go. Also, don't bring the kids... last year I made several cry, let's see if records are breakable this year! -Hauntguy

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My only gripe, and King Maple touched on it, is that if they do decide to go to an upcharge for Halloween Haunt, they are putting the announcement of this off for quite some time. Keep in mind that the first weekend of Halloween Haunt is less than a month away. They announced Halloween Haunt a couple weeks ago, but they did not mention anything about it possibly having a new pricing structure. They better make up their minds soon. If there is a change from how things were done last year, they will need to start advertising, and soon. Otherwise, they will get a lot of season pass holders showing up around 7 who are upset they can`t get into HH.

In my opinion, it just seems, like with the season pass program, that they rushed putting things together and didn`t take time to evaluate all the options before announcing details to the public. They should have waited to publicly release information on Halloween Haunt when ticket prices were finalized. That way, if the event is a separate charge, they could promot it as such. Instead, it has been on their website for several weeks, without a mention that it is an upcharge event and not included with season passes.

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I'll agree... it IS running a little late for any MAJOR changes such as an upcharge for HH. IF KI decides to charge for Haunt, they'll really have to throw advertising everywhere... TV, Radio, Newspapers, Press Releases, Internet, Word-of-Mouth... everywhere.

Also, does anyone remember when we started seeing ads for Fearfest last year? -Hauntguy

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Hauntguy, I really hope that for someone who is working Halloween Haunt and an employee of Cedar Fair that, thats not the attitude their teaching you, I'm pretty sure If i called the park or went to guest relations they wouldn't tell me to "Wait for the darned press release".
Well, they probably wouldn't use the word darned but they would tell you that you would have to wait for the press release.

Personally, I hope there is an upcharge. It will drive away those who dont appreciate it as much, causing shorter lines for me and everyone else that feels it's worth the money. In addition, the extra money that the park would make would hopefully be added into the budget to put on a spectacular Halloween Haunt. Aside from hot chocolate sales, Fearfest isnt exactly the time when everyone's buying food at the park. Anyone without a pass would have had to pay anyways, now people with the pass would need to pay. More money for the show.

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I used to be a fan of the Halloween events that were included in admission at most parks, but now I really think that a separate ticketed event is a better idea. Universal's Halloween Horror Nights is the best example that I can think of; tickets are currently at $65 a night and I don't think anyone could possibly argue that the quality of the event isn't worth the price.

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I used to be a fan of the Halloween events that were included in admission at most parks, but now I really think that a separate ticketed event is a better idea. Universal's Halloween Horror Nights is the best example that I can think of; tickets are currently at $65 a night and I don't think anyone could possibly argue that the quality of the event isn't worth the price.
Congrats on your promotion man! I heard about it but I never got a chance to congratulate you!

Anyway I do hope that Halloween Haunt is not $65 dollars as I'd like to go more than once. I wouldn't doubt that Universal puts on a pretty good show.

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I agree, if Halloween Haunt was an upcharge it would be a good thing. But when the park promises free FearFest with a 2007 Season Pass, advertises it all year, and then (possibly) changes it to an upcharge a month before the event, that will cause nothing but anger and confusion among park guests and season pass holders.

I would love Halloween Haunt to become an upcharge if that meant better quality haunts and scares and shorter lines, but not this year. It will only cause problems that will get bad write ups about the park. I can just picture all the local news troubleshooters having their special on a "season pass scam", granted it's really nowhere near as bad as that but they like to exaggerate.

Maybe a nice compromise for this year would be free admission for season pass holders and an upcharge for general admission, and then change both to an upcharge next year.

So would I rather the upcharge come next year, rather than this year? Yes. Would I still go if they decided to go against everything they advertised and change it to an upcharge? Yes, but it better be pretty darn scary.

My two cents.

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I can't understand why so many people on here are dying to be charged extra for something thats been normally been included with admission. More expensive is no guarantee of better. Plus, if you're not that interested in the Haunt stuff, but mostly the rides, its still the same rides that are always there.

It depends what you consider normal.

Just 3 years ago there was a charge (2003). Then for the past 3 years there has not been an upcharge, but the event has been so popular that you cannot do all of the events.

The whole upcharge issue is a darn if you do, darned if you don't. Don't charge, and those who can only enjoy the park once a year, or once during HH (season ticket holders included) is going to be upset about the crowds. It's not like HH can be an all-day event you are limited by when it gets dark out. Which is also why the park will be open till 1:00am.

Now if you charge, those who have season passes will be upset, because in their minds they have been led on by the notion that HH was going to be free.

Those guests that don't have season passes really don't care if there is a charge for pass holders or not. All they want is to enjoy the night and enjoy all the events.

Which is the lesser of two evils?

That can be answered by the amount of people that complained the last few years that the lines were too long.

Sorry season passholders. CF will make a decision based upon the bigger group, and that is not you. Quite honestly, with the amount of crowds that Halloween events bring in, especially at KI, not charging is just like BaFFD. The park was crushed those days, and the perk has since been eliminated.

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I used to be a fan of the Halloween events that were included in admission at most parks, but now I really think that a separate ticketed event is a better idea. Universal's Halloween Horror Nights is the best example that I can think of; tickets are currently at $65 a night and I don't think anyone could possibly argue that the quality of the event isn't worth the price.

I think you hit the nail right on the head -- IF there is an upcharge, for the sake of KI's relationship with the public, it had BETTER be worth it and people will NOT pay for what they were getting free last year... fortunately, Cedar Fair knows that...

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Rather than what they got "free" last year, wouldn't it be more accurate to say what they got for no additional charge last year?

Besides, from what I have seen of the season pass program at Michigan's Adventure, it looks that Cedar Fair has made a large number of customer friendly changes for the coming season. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for now. It only seems fair.

Also, it should be pointed out that if they close the park before re-opening for the Haunt, they could probably charge a bit less than park admission and STILL make more money than they did last year, given the huge number of season passes at Kings Island...it would be most interesting to know how many of those visitors to Fearfest last year were passholders and how may were day ticket buyers...

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Even when they made the transition from extra cost in 2002 to included with admission in 2003, I felt there was not only a huge increase in lines but a decrease in quality. In 2003 when it became included, the haunted houses and haunted rides opened at 3:00PM and anything that had to wait untill dark opened at 8:00PM. I think that that turned fearfest into a family outing instead of a haunted attraction.

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I think that that turned fearfest into a family outing instead of a haunted attraction.

Halloween IS a children's holiday...since when did it have to become so explicit and gory that it wasn't appropriate for a family? I have been going to local haunted houses since I was a child...and enjoying them. In this day and age is it not possible to scare anyone without showing an extreme amount of blood and mutilated nudity? I am not a prude...I just don't think that that is what a haunted house is about...it is about being scared, not shocked.

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I think that that turned fearfest into a family outing instead of a haunted attraction.

Halloween IS a children's holiday...since when did it have to become so explicit and gory that it wasn't appropriate for a family? I have been going to local haunted houses since I was a child...and enjoying them. In this day and age is it not possible to scare anyone without showing an extreme amount of blood and mutilated nudity? I am not a prude...I just don't think that that is what a haunted house is about...it is about being scared, not shocked.

Yeah, but kids shouldn't be SO scared they are mentally scarred for life. Adults can handle that sort of thing.

And why does it have to be a kid's holiday? It didn't start off as a kid's holiday...

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I think that that turned fearfest into a family outing instead of a haunted attraction.

Halloween IS a children's holiday...since when did it have to become so explicit and gory that it wasn't appropriate for a family? I have been going to local haunted houses since I was a child...and enjoying them. In this day and age is it not possible to scare anyone without showing an extreme amount of blood and mutilated nudity? I am not a prude...I just don't think that that is what a haunted house is about...it is about being scared, not shocked.

Yeah, but kids shouldn't be SO scared they are mentally scarred for life. Adults can handle that sort of thing.

And why does it have to be a kid's holiday? It didn't start off as a kid's holiday...

The thing about Halloween Haunt isn't the scare factor such much as it is the risque' factor. Some kids can enjoy being scared but some can't, however some of the suggestive themes for Halloween Haunt this year simply aren't appropriate for children at all.

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And why does it have to be a kid's holiday? It didn't start off as a kid's holiday...

It does not HAVE to be a kid's holiday...but why can't there be a middle ground with some haunts marked as good for kids and others not...why must it be all adult?

Yes, I know Halloween did not originally start out as a kid's holiday....but it has basically been a kid's holiday in America for over 100 years.

P.S. If it comes off that I am arguing these points I am not...sorry if it appears that way, I am just giving my opinion.

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And why does it have to be a kid's holiday? It didn't start off as a kid's holiday...

It does not HAVE to be a kid's holiday...but why can't there be a middle ground with some haunts marked as good for kids and others not...why must it be all adult?

Yes, I know Halloween did not originally start out as a kid's holiday....but it has basically been a kid's holiday in America for over 100 years.

P.S. If it comes off that I am arguing these points I am not...sorry if it appears that way, I am just giving my opinion.

There is middle ground. Nick or Treat is the kids event for Halloween, Halloween Haunt is the adults event for Halloween at the park. To say Halloween is only a holiday for kids is rediculous.

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While Halloween Haunt is geared toward the older crowd, Kings Island still doesn`t forget about activities for the younger set. Last year, they had Nick-Or-Treat (which I believe will be back on Saturdays and Sundays this year as well) in which kids could go to "trick-or treat" stations and get free candy. They also offered the Pumpkin Patch Express to take kids to a mini pumpkin patch to pick out a miniature pumpkin.

So while the evening portion is geared to an older crowd, the day portion of the activities are geared more towards families and children. Keep in mind that one of the Fear Fest logos the park used after they transitioned from an upcharge FearFest had the slogan "Fright by night, fun by day."

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Haunts, both in theme parks and out, realize that it's the older teen-adult demographic that bring the most MONEY! Halloween is in NO WAY a kid holiday... it IS the day of the dead! ONLY in america is there "trick-or-treat" and Halloween associated with free candy, kiddie scares, and dentist visits. In SOME countries it is a "black" holiday and most people fear it!

For kids, go to Nick-Or-Treat... DO NOT bring them to HH! If you've ever seen the documentary on Knott's Scary Farm called "Season of Screams"... you'll see that most ALL the actors want to tramatize you and I quote:

"We hope we send you to the therapist... and we hope it cost ALOT!"...

And I think Ryan uses the wrong term when he talks HH... he uses the word "risque'"... I think Ryan that you should use the word "risky"! Because KI is doing something that they have NEVER done before as far as fear and HH goes.

Only time will tell... will HH be better? The same? Worse? -Hauntguy

PS: Also, last year I made about 8 kids cry... this year, I'm pushing for more! Be warned!

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