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Tomb Raider to be removed?


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More like a Huge Top Spin.. well i shouldn't say that. Ive only seen two and thats TRTR and one at the old Myrtle Beach Pavillion, and TRTR is alot bigger.

I'm not sure you undestand. Myrtle Beach Pavillions was a Huss Topspin, Tomb Raider is a Huss Giant Topspin.

See theres:

The Topspin


The Floorless Topspin


The Giant Topspin


Then there's this little beauty, the Vekoma Waikiki Wave


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Does anyone know if you can take out the building and keep the ride there. Probably not physically posible but i think it would improve the ride. Since the ride is inside most people expect theming. I like the ride in general, but since its inside and i also expect theming, and it is a huge letdown because the ride is set to the theme. A western theme does sound pretty neat, I know someone mentioned it above. They could transform it and change it into a maverick like atmosphere. But that is only if they can take out the building. I don't know it would just seem dull to have a topspin ride in an empty building.

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I dont think they'll do that... I think they'll definitely either re-theme it, or just tear down the building. I like the idea of the outdoor top-spin. It allows for more non-rider interaction. A lot of people like watching all those people get tossed around and hung upside-down and such.

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outdoor topspins are only fun to watch if they have water guysers. I still say they re-theme it to like a "mystery mine" and then they can actually theme the outside of the building.

But I like tha parts where you dangle above the lava and glidee underneath the stilagmites. Wait, thats when the themeing WORKED.

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Every time ive rode TRTR the theming has worked. And yes ive rode it this season, only once because every other time ive gone it's closed. The theming was pretty good, it made the ride unique.. you didn't really feal like your on a giant top spin.

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Does anyone know if you can take out the building and keep the ride there.

As has been pointed out by DeLorean Rider and myself numerous times in other topics similar to this. TRTR makes some of the most hideous noises. So hideous that if you were to hear them, you probably wouldn't ride it. The music that played during the ride did a good job of covering these sounds up.

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at 4:33 on the video those noises will be explained to you!

angryemobeaver was the theming working like THAT when you rode? lol, Hopefully since the ride is down they'll just fix EVERYTHING on it all at once, the theming, the geysers, the lights, the sound...

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Rethemeing would be the way to go probably. At least get some lights and sounds back in. I rode it for the first time this year before the breakdown, and it was just like dark without water or sound...

I don't plan on riding it again unitl something gets better or at least more interesting. My gut still wrenches when I think that they removed KCKC for it... it doesn't go with the rivertown theme at all. I don't think the old KCKC parts are in a boneyard like King Cobra's are, right?

Will Cedar Fair lose the right to name it Tomb Raider or do you all think they would change the name for popularity/rivertown theme?

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I've always loved TR:TR. I doubt they're taking it out. If the repairs to it are costly, then they probably said to hell with it, just wait til the season ends so we can fix it up and re-theme it. Two birds, one stone ;)

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