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Tomb Raider to be removed?


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Ha... thanks for the shameless plug, Bombay. Don and I had a great time at the GOCC Christmas party tonight. We were really honored that Kings Island could finally be officially represented.

On the note that Raptor Jo mentioned above, Tomb Raider WILL be reopened next year... sort of... Expect the Paramount-branded rides to get a retheme... also, don't be shocked if there are some surprises with that big top-spin-in-a-box next year!

Why do I get the feeling they're going to use the old props from Curse of the Crypt and reconfigure them into Tomb Raider to form a 'new' attraction? :unsure:

Unless they have some big money going toward renovations and new scenery for TR, then stealing props from the Haunt would be the next best thing. 'Specially when they just spent close to $15,000 on new animatronic monsters alone for the event.

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Ha... thanks for the shameless plug, Bombay. Don and I had a great time at the GOCC Christmas party tonight. We were really honored that Kings Island could finally be officially represented.

On the note that Raptor Jo mentioned above, Tomb Raider WILL be reopened next year... sort of... Expect the Paramount-branded rides to get a retheme... also, don't be shocked if there are some surprises with that big top-spin-in-a-box next year!

Why do I get the feeling they're going to use the old props from Curse of the Crypt and reconfigure them into Tomb Raider to form a 'new' attraction? :unsure:

Unless they have some big money going toward renovations and new scenery for TR, then stealing props from the Haunt would be the next best thing. 'Specially when they just spent close to $15,000 on new animatronic monsters alone for the event.

I'm sure that everyone from Mr. Kinzel all the way down to the average line-level employee has about the same idea as to what exactly the final product will look like. Ideas keep changing... but changing for the better, I trust.

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I have to add this. I know that Tomb Raider is not dearly loved, but I want to see if anyone agrees with this. My first ride on Tomb Raider was during the 2003 season, and I rode it twice and loved it. When we went back in 2005 and I rode it again, I didn't like it so much. It seemed more rough and jerky, and not as much fun as before. Can I assume it was reprogrammed slightly in between those years? Or am I just :wacko: ?

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Nope, the program the Tomb Raider was running this year (before the ride closed for the year due to waiting for a replacement part from the manufacturer) was the exact same program it was running the day it opened in 2002. No tweaks were made to it.

The skydiving concept would be a cool concept for a Top spin ride! I just don`t see Kings Island spending the time or money to transform TR:TR into that specific theme. I can, however, see them using some props from the Curse of the Crypt to supplement any Tomb Raider theming that is removed this off season (if any is even removed).

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Which even if they are re-used props, if done properly and maintained it could be a fresh, new look for the ride. I just hope that if there is going to be theming, the lets give the park the budget to maintain it. However if disaster transport is any reflection of CF's attitudes towards maintaining elements of theming...

I personally think they should take all the western themed stuff from Geauga Lake's top spin and throw it in there.

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What if it were a kind of merger between the two themes, like a South Asian mining town in the midst of an archaeological breakthrough?

Both Tomb Raider and WWC could be part of some massive archaeological find; the remains of some lost civilization now transformed into a mere tourist attraction. There would be a river expedition of sorts (WWC) that, not surprisingly, goes awry, and a special tour inside one of the larger temples (TR) when, once again, something goes awry.

Of course, this means a multi-million dollar expansion to an area of the park that, frankly, I don't see Cedar Fair doing anytime soon, or at all for that matter. Way too much 'theme' involved.

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So I'm going to outright say it... my source isn't exactly reliable. It's just a friend that works at KI. But he keeps telling me that Tomb Raider is getting the axe and is going to be removed. Personally I'd love to see it, and then they could put a big ride back there to revitalize Rivertown. But I guess only time will tell.

not exacly reliable? i know it's a fact, i saw them gutting the building when i got sent to tower dude, it's fact

Yes because they were gutting it for maintenanace....not to shut it down. While TR:TR used to be one of my favorites, it has lost some of its appeal to me for all the reasons that have been previously stated. In my opinion, KI should dump the TR theme in favor a more western oriented theme, and return this magnificent hunk of metal back to its orginial glory.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nope, the program the Tomb Raider was running this year (before the ride closed for the year due to waiting for a replacement part from the manufacturer) was the exact same program it was running the day it opened in 2002. No tweaks were made to it.

actually a few tweaks were made to reduce stress on the breaks specifically over the volcano but the overall feel of the ride and which way it spins and such has remained the same.

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First of all, JacksonPKI, leave the moderating and regulating of grammar and spelling to us moderators. Secondly, if you feel you have to correct someone, at least when you are making the correction for grammar, make sure you use the appropriate spelling!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I would prefer it to stay an ancient temple. Mines are kind of cliche.

I love TR. I love how you stay upside down and it is scary because my hips fit through if I didn't hold on..............whoa! I love that and I laugh my head off.

But if they keep having problems with it then I guess they will have to change something. BIG SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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Coaster Buzz?


I would say no more reliable than the rumors you hear right here at KICentral.

I liked Bombay's idea of using the Texas Twister props from Geauga Lake. I thought it looked pretty good and was kinda funny at the same time.

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Coaster Buzz?


I would say no more reliable than the rumors you hear right here at KICentral.

I liked Bombay's idea of using the Texas Twister props from Geauga Lake. I thought it looked pretty good and was kinda funny at the same time.

May I remind you that someone had a rumor here in november '06 about X-Flight to KI?

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That is true and you are correct. However, I was just generally speaking of ALL of the rumors that are posted here. Some people, as you will find out as you are here longer, do know what they are talking about. Then there are others who know, and will give clues, but expect you to connect the dots as they will not come right out and say it.

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