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Creepy back roads


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Go to Windows Live Maps (or google earth) and go by the King Cobra track storage. Follow the maintence road and a little farther back is more King cobra track and then theres some river... i don'tknow what it's called. By the river there is a creepy old Motel, alot of trailors and some huge houses. The river is just south east of The Beast. Alot of you people probably know about it but for the people who don't i thought id' post.

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Guest TombraiderTy

I'm having difficulties finding what you're talking about...

By the old parking lot trams and Scooby's Ghoster Coaster track is an old farmhouse and cycler (sp). But what you're talking about... not sure where to look.

Is it past the river?

Cause there are a bunch of weird supported green structures past that... anyone able to shed some light on them?

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If you take Western Row all the way back to the Little Miami River you can follow its path behind the park. Looking at the map, you get relatively close to The Racer, but you're abruptly stopped by some guy's gatehouse.

Actually, Western Row dead-ends into Socialville Foster. Take Socialville Foster east and that will get you to the Little Miami. Google maps shows that "Kings Mill Road" runs north along the river, taking you up to The Racer, although that obviously is not open to the public.

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I'm having difficulties finding what you're talking about...

By the old parking lot trams and Scooby's Ghoster Coaster track is an old farmhouse and cycler (sp). But what you're talking about... not sure where to look.

Is it past the river?

Cause there are a bunch of weird supported green structures past that... anyone able to shed some light on them?

I think you mean farmhouse and silo? That sir is no farmhouse ;) . That's actually the remains of one of the old Wild Animal Habitat buildings and the silo was used to store grain to feed the animals. If you look at the similar barn by the ghoster coaster parts out behind Son of Beast, that too was an old Wild Animal Habitat barn, but was retrofitted with steel siding in 1999 to house spare parts and supplies for the wood coaster department to provide quick and and easy access to the Son of Beast without having to travel all the way back to one of the other wood coaster shops when they needed spare parts.

emobeaver, I'm not sure what creepy old hotel you are referring to? Perhaps a picture or some coordinates...

For anyone looking to to go walking along those paths today, I don't reccomend it. Much of that area by the river is people's backyards and private property, I drove down there with my camera one summer and ended up talking with a gentlemen who was out on his front porch and had this huge transformer station on the edge of his property, he pointed out to me where Kings Island's land ends and where you can being to see the KI fence. Kings Island is nestled into a very interesting area.

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Go to Windows Live Maps (or google earth) and go by the King Cobra track storage. Follow the maintence road and a little farther back is more King cobra track and then theres some river... i don'tknow what it's called. By the river there is a creepy old Motel, alot of trailors and some huge houses. The river is just south east of The Beast. Alot of you people probably know about it but for the people who don't i thought id' post.

I know that it is the little Miami River, (hense the Kings Island Miami Valley Railroad),

I also know that there is a neighborhood back behind the river, and if you look closely you can see it on The Beast.

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During the hey day of the King Powder Co., the road known as "Kings Mills" ran all along the west side of the Little Miami from Foster's all the way to the old dam at Kings Mills. The powder plant had huts all along the river spread out to prevent them all from blowing up when accidents happen. The only portion of that road that still exists runs from the bridge at Foster's along the river lined with homes that lays beneath where The Beast is now. The rest of the road is overgrown with weeds and trees. You can spot what is left of the road at the bottom of the hill at Kings Mills. Just look to the left as you come to the horse shoe curve and straight ahead just before you turn onto the bridge. This road runs about a mile to the old dam and all the way to Fosters. But like I said it is all overgrown. All that can be seen now are foundations of the old sheds and bits and pieces of the old asphaut pavement.

There were also old sheds above the river in the land where the Lion Country was. When I worked in the maint department in 74, we rehabed some of the old buildings for use by the animals and for storage. I remember when I was hiking in the area in the 60's of being scared to death when I spoted a black racer. I think it was more scared of me! The last time that I hiked along the river was in the winter of 72. I crossed over at this fence at the edge of the homes leading to Foster's, hiked up Soc/Fosters Rd to Western Row and back to Kings along Kings Island Dr. I only wish I had taken pictures of the land and buildings along the old road.


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^Thats, where the King Cobra track used to be.

^I'm always exhausted after a day at KI, but that might be an interesting little drive sometime...

I recomend it, its a pretty scenic area back there. As you start to drive along Western Row Rd. you start to pass some really nice and really big houses...


Wouldn't you love to have Kings Island in your backyard?

Then you eventually reach Little Miami State Park...


Which has some picnic areas and such. It's really nice down here especially with how close you are to the river, a nice change of pace from all the comotion of the park...


The noise from the above bridge is a little loud though, but if you like architecture, it's pretty cool. I don't know what road takes you to it or where the bridge goes but I wonder what kind of view you can get of the back of the park from it.


And, if you head up river on the other side of the park, you can see the historic King's Cartridge Company factory while walking along the bike path...


The powder plant had huts all along the river spread out to prevent them all from blowing up when accidents happen.

Mike, are these the kind of huts you are referring to...


What are they going to do with King Cobra track??Are they going to let it rust?...or They could re-build it!!!(I wish,I want to ride it.)

Most of the King Cobra track is now gone, there were never plans to rebuild it or sell it as a ride after it was scrapped. The trains still remain at the park though.

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The factory on the east side is what is left of the Peter's Cartrige factory. The King Powder Co. produced the gun powder and Peter's produced the shot for the weapons. That hut pictured is just one of what there used to be. The is a history book that includes lots of the history of the area. The Mason Library has a copy of it there and it is very informative. If you google the area along the river, almost all of the old road is no longer visable due to the overgrowth and development. All that is seen now is what is left of the "Kings Mills Road" from the Foster's bridge to just about where The Beast is. It still serves the several homes that are still located there. The roads that are visiable are located in KI's back area and are fenced in with no tress passing signs posted.

I was ask about some stories that I might share with everybody. As you know there was lots of rail traffic that served the company and the residents of Kings Mills. With the rail traffic, there were lots of instances of trains being derailed. Once such incident involved a circus train. I was always warned to watch out for the lions and tigers that escaped from the wreck. I always looked over my shoulder whenever I was hiking in the area. I am sure that was only a story....lions, tigers and bears oh my....


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Like Gordon Bombay said, the King Cobra track is not there any more. As I and many others have seen first hand, the track was not salvagable, especially due to some of the ways that they disassambled the ride.

For more info on the Peters Cartridge Factory these are a couple of good links:


For more photos:Photos

Here are 6 videos of kids playing paintball in the factory:youtube

I usually defend wikipedia but in this case, the article has a lot of stuff that is incorrect, not to mention 0 citations.


western star july 15, 1890


More Photos

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And you know this how?

It is my understanding that is NOT a true statement.

Last figures I saw listed 370 acres developed of a total of about 625 acres. Much of the undeveloped acreage would be either VERY expensive to develop or not practical or even possible to develop, due to factors ranging from wetlands to buffering neighbors.

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