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KICentral Takes You Back To 1972


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Take a step back in time to the Cincinnati Area with a new theme park about to send its first riders through its first cycle. You enter a beautifully landscaped park with characters roaming about and smiling costumed employees waving you in. Upon entering the park, you are handed this complete pocketbook outlying everything inside the park and even whats on the menu of the restaurants. The guide features information about building the park and what it can do for you to make your visit the best it can be.

Click here to read that pocketbook.

KICentral user KIFan73 would like to share with you his photos from his trip in 1975 featuring The Enchanted Voyage and Lion Country Safari.

Also, Diego on the forums would like to share his photos from 1984. His photos feature the Saltwater Circus, Live Entertainment, and, Lion Country Safari.

Click here for the KICentral Historical Photo Gallery.

And if YOU have old photos of Kings Island, we would love to see them! Just Contact Us for more information.

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^_^ Awesome. I notice in the brochure how much of the illustrations were pen drawings, reminiscent of the era, which left a lot up to the imagination. The Fotomat page is particularly interesting: who'd have ever imagined that 30 years later, people would be snapping pictures and videos with their computerized, microelectronic, hand-held telephones! (Paging Mr. Jetson! :lol: )

Being able to flip through the old booklets is priceless! Thanks, KIC!

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unbelievable material.

Dane- you, Ryan, et al really need to appraoch the CF management regarding a museum of sorts on the park grounds. CF actually gets into the history of their parks and may "dig" it. I used to interface with some of the old Paramount management and they didn't have a handle on any of the historical aspects of any of the parks. Individual people in the staff may have, but the overall culture of the Paramount management didn't have "room" for it.... and I about guarentee that NONE of the historical items that were around in 1992 survived to 2006.... this (your) site liekly has MORE history of Kings Island stored on your servers than the upper management of CF has of KI.

On another subject- it would be interesting to see if anyone has the original "master plan" for the KI area from back in the 1970-1975 era.... Everything on this end was being pretty well patterned to Disney Land to be a resort destination.... ie- didn't one of the Disney sons consult on the construction of the park? It would be interesting to see where they began to depart from that plan. If you look at that media guide, things were strategically located to develop an overall vacation destination well away from the bustle of Cincinnati for ample expansion.

Someone needs to find those drawings and pencil sketches!

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  Elmer Fudd said:
thats a good thought donnie.... if they were filed.

some of the best plans never make it off restaurant napkins.

The treasure trove would be in the bowels of Taft Broadcasting's artifacts.

At one time all the archive items were kept in the atic over Skyline/Deli on International Street.

I have no idea if they'd still be there.

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Those were great. I remember reading those old park brochures when I was just old enough to read. I also remember saving Top Value stamps for Kings Island tickets every year. Also, I had forgatten that Flying Dutchman was not an original attraction and that Swan Lake used to have a bridge over it. Also, the open spaces where Action Zone and Vortex are always amaze me for some reason.

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Does anybody know why the bridge was taken down, seems like a practical place to have a bridge.

I like all the services that were provided at the door. The place that took your jackets, and also the place that took all your stuff that you had already bought so you didn't have to carry it around.

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I have seen the 1974 guide before, which was not much different than the 1972, save for some new attractions and the introduction of Lion Country Safari.

There's something about the simple use of the Helvetica* font that also makes these park guides very good. Sometimes flashy graphics like funky fonts and swooshes are too distracting.

*The one most of us confuse with Arial. More on this in another thread...

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I have always said that they need a museum. But, in many ways, Halloween Haunt acts as a de facto museum with all of the props from defunct attractions that are used...... Which, every year, always makes me think that they need a museum for all of that stuff..... Also old park maps and year-by year photos of the various areas of the park would be awesome. Here's another idea ( i.e. pipe dream).... A Brady Bunch reunion at the museum......

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I wish amusement parks would come out with brochures now days and just like offer them for free or sell them for like 6 bucks or something. Those are some nice pics it makes me reminisce about how Kings Island was back in the first days.

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