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The Official Diamondback Thread


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I think the new ride looks awesome! I'm really glad they didnt use a name that was already given to another ride in the Cedar Fair chain. I can't wait to ride it next year. I'm glad they have the webcam up so we can watch as Diamondback is being built. It will help us all get through a long winter. :)

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Coaster does look good and will be alot of fun, but I have to say, and don't kill me, but I don't see this as what they put it up to be, meaning, the biggest announcement in 36 years? meanest coaster? even seen a Kings Island first hyper coaster on their website. Beast and Sonny are still the biggest and the meanest, to me anyways, Son is a hyper, but good thing about Diamondback, it will be a smooth sucker!! lol

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I think your right on that one, this is a normal announcement for alot of parks, like Busch Gardens and the like. It's just huge for us because we aren't used to getting rides like this every day, which is what makes it extra special. I would go as far to say that this is the biggest anouncement since 36 years ago, and after my last trip I wouldn't put ol sonny up with his father... My only question, is why is there a hyphen between the c and the k in the logo? I just got the desktop and noticed that, made me laugh a bit...

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  Jonathan said:
  Keysersoze said:
I just got back from Canada and I rode Behemoth, more then once. I can tell you all, we will be very happy with are new coaster. Behemoth blew me away.

How long did you wait? I heard even with a full que the line is only 25 to 30 minutes long.

Having also ridden Behemoth, I wouldn't go as far as saying with a full queue it's only 30 mins., probably more like an hour+ or so...I will say that the line never moved slow enough to get a Vitamin Water drink from the machine! Seriously, in the time that you fed the $5 buck in, got your quarter or whatever for change and got your bottle, your spot was long passed by and maybe even a half rail ahead!!

But even on opening day, I'd be VERY surprised if the line sniffed any longer than 3 hours...at worst!!

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Let's see how much the admission prices go up for 2009. I know, most of you don't give a flying f**k, but some of us live on fixed incomes - as you will some day - and a big rise in gate prices (as well as gasoline and lodging) could mean the difference between going or staying home, even if the new ride is what it claims to be.

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I just got back from the park and it was an awesome day. I can't wait for this thing to open. Being at the park for the announcement was great and the excitement was through the roof. The supports are yellow to attract attention to the ride and so people can see it from a distance.

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in 2000 i waited 3 1/2 hours for the Son of Beast was worth it then but now not so much. just one question. i watched the videos over and over again and noticed that the station of the ride was closer over by wings diner area if you look closley. so how are they gonna make the que are they gonna open the entrance by blsc and make the entrance there on the road they tore out or are they gonna take the small extra room there that they cleared and connect it? or is the entrance gonna be there in rivertown?

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Let me guess... Rocket Dock and WindowBlinds... :D

I am already making plans to be at KI on the day that Diamondback opens. I was there for the opening of Firehawk (still have my T-shirt from then around here someplace), and am not about to miss the opening of this thing. Even though I hate to see the lake go, it's about time we got something like this. Thank you Cedar Fair for investing in this :)

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  Oldiesmann said:
Let me guess... Rocket Dock and WindowBlinds... :D

I am already making plans to be at KI on the day that Diamondback opens. I was there for the opening of Firehawk (still have my T-shirt from then around here someplace), and am not about to miss the opening of this thing. Even though I hate to see the lake go, it's about time we got something like this. Thank you Cedar Fair for investing in this :)

Object Dock and WindowBlinds.


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  Jonathan said:
  Keysersoze said:
I just got back from Canada and I rode Behemoth, more then once. I can tell you all, we will be very happy with are new coaster. Behemoth blew me away.

How long did you wait? I heard even with a full que the line is only 25 to 30 minutes long.

Ya the crew for Behemoth was killer, very fast. I think the lack of seat belts made for quicker load times. The seating is great, really nice cars.

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  pyrocoasterkid said:
This is my new desktop:


Personally, I think this is one of the best ride logos I have ever seen (previously my favorite was Voodoo)!

I don't think I could agree with you more.

My head almost exploded when I saw it.

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  Hank said:
Let's see how much the admission prices go up for 2009. I know, most of you don't give a flying f**k, but some of us live on fixed incomes - as you will some day - and a big rise in gate prices (as well as gasoline and lodging) could mean the difference between going or staying home, even if the new ride is what it claims to be.

Hank, why the hate?

I am sure that the crowds that Diamonback will bring in 2009 will make up for most of the cost. Plus, all of the materials have already been paid for.

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To put it simply this is a punch in the face. I knew Cedar Fair would not build anything as high as the Millennium Force 310' with a drop of 300. But at least they could have given us something better than the Magnum and Son of Beast. The Magnum has been around since 1989 and it's highest drop is only 21' less than Diamonback. I'm not saying that I won't go to KI, I have had a gold pass since 2000 and was there yesterday but they said THINK BIG - THINK REAL BIG. To me, 215'is not REAL BIG.

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230' is pretty tall, way above the average for coasters. Also, you'll be able to ride this more than once and it probably won't break anyone's back!

I would assume gate prices wouldn't go up more than a dollar or two. I understand about fixed incomes, but even if gate went up 5 dollars (which it won't) that would be 20 dollars for a family of 4. I'm sure even with a fixed income you can swing an extra 20 dollars. Oh and before you ask, I'm a college student that pays all my bills, before you jump to conclusions.

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  bux_k_a said:
To put it simply this is a punch in the face. I knew Cedar Fair would not build anything as high as the Millennium Force 310' with a drop of 300. But at least they could have given us something better than the Magnum and Son of Beast. The Magnum has been around since 1989 and it's highest drop is only 21' less than Diamonback. I'm not saying that I won't go to KI, I have had a gold pass since 2000 and was there yesterday but they said THINK BIG - THINK REAL BIG. To me, 215'is not REAL BIG.

How about looking at these three lists?

Top 10 Tallest Coasters in North America

Top 10 Biggest Drops in North America

Top 10 Fastest Coasters in North America

Diamondback is on all of them. I don't think people in this area realize how spoiled we are with having Kings Island and Cedar Point so close. 230 feet and 80mph is big. I predict it will win the Golden Ticket for 2009 Ride of the Year (or come in a close second behind Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit) and could very well appear on the top 10 Steel list.

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