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Diamondback Construction Thread (Updated 3-19-09)


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It almost looks like its protective plastic to protect the track in the station area when they pour the concrete for the station floor. It actually looks they may have already poured the concrete for the station floor. Its hard to tell with the resolution of the webcam though.

EDIT: With the sun now out, you can clearly tell that they have not poured the concrete for the station floor yet. (You can see the corrugated sheet metal reflecting the sunlight when the sun is out. That being said, they probably aren`t that far off from pouring the concrete for the station slab.

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It almost looks like its protective plastic to protect the track in the station area when they pour the concrete for the station floor. It actually looks they may have already poured the concrete for the station floor. Its hard to tell with the resolution of the webcam though.

I saw them pour the floor (ground level not loading) it was prbly a week or 2 ago.

I think your right about the plastic protecting the track.

EDIT: this post was stupid cuz I miss understood the above quote. Sorry. I'm totally blaming newborn daughter induced sleep deprivation and cold medicine intoxication.

On a positive note, that second hill is so exciting. I think I'd be willing to pitch in for another webcam to put on top of the Crypt if we could convince Dan H. to install it. I know I'm an optimist/dreamer but I like the idea.

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It almost looks like its protective plastic to protect the track in the station area when they pour the concrete for the station floor. It actually looks they may have already poured the concrete for the station floor. Its hard to tell with the resolution of the webcam though.

I saw them pour the floor (ground level not loading) it was prbly a week or 2 ago.

I think your right about the plastic protecting the track.

EDIT: this post was stupid cuz I miss understood the above quote. Sorry. I'm totally blaming newborn daughter induced sleep deprivation and cold medicine intoxication.

On a positive note, that second hill is so exciting. I think I'd be willing to pitch in for another webcam to put on top of the Crypt if we could convince Dan H. to install it. I know I'm an optimist/dreamer but I like the idea.

Or maybe Don H. could do it. Either way it would be cool.

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But hopefully with lift hill lighting!

That would take all the fun out of it! Riding coasters in darkness is a whole new experience from riding during the day.

It gives me chills to remember the night rides on Millennium Force.. amazing doesn't begin to cover it.

Not exactly sure about your argument here but Millennium has quite a few lights on the lift hill. I think that the swan lake area should be lit up but the rest of the ride in the dark. This would make for some great pictures of the splashdown and accentuate the height of the lift hill.

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Besides the lift hill, I`d look for at least some lights in the mid-course break area. Those lights, just like the lights on the lift hill are there for safety reasons in the event the ride shuts down due to mechanical reasons and guests need to be evacuated.

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Would love to see some lights around the splashdown area and on the lift hill. With how amazing of a structure this ride is, it will be neat to see if they light it up at night to dominate the night skyline. I always wondered why they never did that to Son of Beast's lift, there are lights, but they could have been awesome. Lighting at night can add a whole new experience and atmosphere to the park, see:

-Gas lights (what few remain) at Kings Island

-MF lift hill at Cedar Point

The city of Columbus' skyline is a good example of this, during the day it looks like a nasty sea of concrete skyscrapers that all look the same, but at night the various lighting they do on the different structures gives the city a great atmosphere.

I'm totally blaming newborn daughter induced sleep deprivation

Congratulations! (On the newborn daughter, not the sleep deprivation. ;) )

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I agree that I think the 2nd, 3rd, hammerhead, and 4th hills in complete darkness would be sweet, but I also think a lift hill lighting effect would be cool too!

You could see Behemoth from really far away when it had it's lights on!! In addition, I'm pretty sure it's lift had different color lighting too, like yellow, blue, and red.


I dunno...I think it looks cool!

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Thnx Gordon.

I think lights would be great. Imagine how the first hill would look from the road. Bright lights accentuating DB gorgeous structure standing against a dark sky. I was thinking more of a natural setting for the splashdown but some well placed lighting could be noce.

Again being a dreamer but imagine red floods, on the train, right by the scoops so they shine through the spray and make it glow red. Lit eyes on the snake head?

I do hope the rest of it is dark though, aside from necessary lights on the MCBR like RZ stated. I remember my first night ride ever was on Magnum its innagural year and it was one of the most amazing things ever. Night rides really are a much different experience.

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