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Diamondback Construction Thread (Updated 3-19-09)


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A cookies discussion. Ashland. Archway?

Or is that a man's field?

Terpy, who just had to (and who points out if there was ever a park massively changed by the installation of a B and M hyper, look to Austell)


Goliath is just a perty sight, ain't it!

My theory for why there are so many accidents on I-20 near the Six Flags hill.

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Well, with the exception of the supports for the actual break run, they have all the supports up for the helix. In addition, they have the track for the break run ready to be put into place. It should be only a matter of days for the all the track in the first helix and the brake run to be completed. Same goes for the second helix. I wouldn`t be surprised if they completed or were nearly complete with placing all the ride steel by next Friday. Of course, that depends in part to having weather that permits them to place steel.

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I think what Robbie is saying is there are certain pieces that the crew has to have in place before they can go on break. The supports for the first helix are up, but the track needed in order for them to take a break is not up yet.

Once they get the supports required for the break run, then they obviously can go on their break run! Although I wonder how much time they get? ;)

Ok, I will take a brake! :P

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Fair enough. I typed the wrong brake in my above post. (But I did mention the correct form of brake as well in that post). There is no excusing the fact that I said the wrong form of break. Except for when I took a brief respite and made a few posts on KIC during my break, I have been deeply involved in my thesis project. I have spent all day working in AutoCad and Sketchup for my thesis project, so I`m not quite as sharp as I normally am, since my mind is fully involved in my thesis project.

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Just don't tell dare-to-fly that, or we will have 5oo more pages here! :)

I don't think that man ever saw a brake he liked! :)

Terpy, who just HAD to

Does this mean I have a reputation against brakes here? Oh, yeah...forgot! ;)

Actually, you underestimated me. There are a few brakes that I like very much. The brake run is a neccessary feature of coasters that allow them to run safely and even run multiple trains in most cases. Also station brakes I like even better, as they allow me to board the coaster without having to chase the train. The brakes that many coasters have before a transfer track is fine as well, as those generally are harmless. Actually, mid-course brakes for more than two trains are fine too, but only if they are used for safety only. Once they start trimming the speed, I'd rather have only two trains. Most coasters that run three trains end up stacking anyway. (See Vortex!) But you go sticking trim brakes in there, you are absolutely right. None are acceptable here...see signature for reference.

If we leave coaster world, automobile, bicycle, and other movable devices usually have appropriate brakes. (Though even those have side effects...like when they are used on a two lane highway at 45 mph in a 55 mph zone because we went down a hill.) Most of the time, these are fine though. See...I do like a few.

Flyer...who just HAD to. (And also HAD to do that.)

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We weren't in the first case I cited in the post above yours. I believe I will let someone else here tell you what stops the Camden Park Haunted House cars...(and though there are those, including rcdb, who will say that is not a coaster, I ask, why not? I cannot come up with ANY good answer why it is not a steel coaster..and I consider it such).

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I know this is random but does anyone know if KI has any intentions to put a roof on the train storage next to DB like on Behemoth??? I feel like it would stick out less and add to the overall appeal of the ride that much more!!! Also do u think that they will add the chaser lights to DBs hill also like Behemoth?? jw

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A new and exciting way of stopping the cars without so much as a single brake. I LIKE it. Obviously I need to go to Camden. It's on my list, but I just haven't been able to get there yet. Soon...very soon!

I forgot about the station on Exterminator. Extremely cool is what it is.

I know this is random but does anyone know if KI has any intentions to put a roof on the train storage next to DB like on Behemoth??? I feel like it would stick out less and add to the overall appeal of the ride that much more!!! Also do u think that they will add the chaser lights to DBs hill also like Behemoth??

I don't have a clue about the answer, but I had to respond. Both sound like very good ideas, and I agree that it would add to the overall appearance of the ride. Especially the chaser lights!

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I will let someone else here tell you what stops the Camden Park Haunted House cars...


Took this photograph during a GREAT trip to Camden Park last Spring, if you haven't been to Camden, you should go:

I'd like to see him try and stop my car. He would have needed to have eaten his Wheaties that day, I tell ya.

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Elina and I were down in the Mason area to visit an IHOP today, so I let my nerd flag fly and stopped by the park to obtain some photographs. I know they're probably not the best, but I did what I could. Mason P.D. was kind enough as to drive behind us and make me nervous while I was in the drop off area. I stayed in the drop off lot right next to the car and that's probably why nothing was said. (He must've been watching for a time.)

Sorry for the double, I thought someone would post before I did again.


This one is my zoom all the way zoomed in.





That last one is from some neighborhood behind the park. Thought I was going to get a better angle, but I did not.

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