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New Coaster


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I am hoping that at least PKI will wise up and relize coasters bring money to parks not stupid rides, however good parks need the stupid little rides also. They have really not done well on there coaster fleet. I hope they will aleast put new trains on Top Gun, But I am not holding my breath. I grew up with Kings Island and I am also sad to here the HB folks are leaving. I am hoping with the new GM he will turn the park around and it will be better than ever, I will give him a couple of years and see how it goes. Maybe the black cloud over PKI will rise!

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i'm just curious in which sense you are referrring to not doing well with the coaster fleet? We have the longest wooden coaster in the world, and also the only looping wooden coaster in the world. Many parks, can't break a single coaster record, much less two. PKI has a good mix of coasters, and considering the park is designed to be a family park, I think PKi has done quite well overs the years. its obvious that PKI is never going to be among the ranks of CP or SFMM, but all those parks do is battle one another for coaster bragging rights. Look at the big picture, and you will see how good PKI has done with the coasters they have.

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  CoasterXtreme said:
I am hoping that at least PKI will wise up and relize coasters bring money to parks not stupid rides, however good parks need the stupid little rides also. They have really not done well on there coaster fleet. I hope they will aleast put new trains on Top Gun, But I am not holding my breath.  I grew up with Kings Island and I am also sad to here the HB folks are leaving. I am hoping with the new GM he will turn the park around and it will be better than ever, I will give him a couple of years and see how it goes. Maybe the black cloud over PKI will rise!

Gee where to start. Maybe you should wise up and realize PKI is a ::GASP:: business! They are not here to cater to everyone of your needs. Get over it. So "big coasters" bring money to parks eh? Then please explain why PKI had a better season attendance-wise in 01 then then they did in 00? So it seem that those "stupid little rides" bring in more money then the "big coasters". Why does Top Gun need new trains? Why not just repair the one that was damaged? Seems like the much cheaper idea to me and remember, PKI is a business and the goal of a business is to make money. Why should the new GM turn the park around? There's nothing wrong with it. BTW, I think your the only one who sees the black cloud over KI. Everyone else sees an amazing FAMILY park that is striving to make the theme park experience the best for EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, not just an enthusiASS who thinks they know how to run a park.

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You do realize the only reason the old VP left the park is because they wanted him to do the same good things he had done for PKI at PKD...there is absolutely nothing wrong with KI...it's a great family theme park...remember, coasters aren't everything...it's the atmosphere as a whole that attracts FAMILIES...

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I doubt they can just repair those cars. Most of the bodies are fiberglass, and fiberglass can't just be repaired, cause it splinters like wood. They would have to have each of the bodies recast, and probably by that point, it is cheaper to buy one new train from the manufacturer.

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I'm really sick of typing out the whole speech about why PKI isn't into the major record breaking coaster business anymore, so I'm just going to quote a post that I posted a while ago:

UGH. How many times do I have to give the little "PKI is making the right move, they know what they are doing" speech?!

NOTE** PKI actually had a HIGHER attendence rate for 2001, then 2000. And did PKI add a coaster then? Well... yes, but a FAMILY coaster. By adding a giant frisbee or almost any other flat ride, those are rides that appeal to the FAMILY which in return makes a higher attendence, and more money. Please get the facts straight before you make a fool of yourself.

NOTE #2** Also, have you noticed that Cedar Point always adds just a coaster whenever they make a park addition? Just for your information PKI has been receiving higher attendence rates than Cedar Point, because PKI appeals to families, people of all ages. While on the other hand, Cedar Point mainly appeals to coaster enthusiasts, and thrill seekers. Once again, PKI knows what they are doing, they are the experts, not you.

Now for the new part: Kings Island is making an extremely smart move by turning away from the coasters into the new thrill experiences like the giant Huss rides. A Giant Huss ride costs about $2 million, and can bring the same capacity and general public turnout as a major coaster can, plus some of those "non-coaster riders". You can spend about $10 million on a major coaster that only thrill seekers and teens will ride, or spend $2 million on a new unique giant ride that will appeal to people of ALL ages.

PKI's first step at this was obviously Tomb Raider, which whether you think so or not, was a MAJOR success for the park. People are looking for new ways to be thrilled and not just the ordinary roller coaster experience.

Don't get me wrong, PKI is in no way out of the major coaster business, but PKI has said time and time again that their main focus is not adding major coasters, but yet rides that appeal to more of the family.

If I have forgotten anything, I'm sure Shaggy will fill in the spots. :)

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SML828 said: "You do realize the only reason the old VP left the park is because they wanted him to do the same good things he had done for PKI at PKD..."

Actually the GM of PKI and VP of Paramount Parks Tim Fisher was transferred to Paramount's Great America this season to aid that park. Paramount Parks restructured their management teams this season and because of Mr. Fisher's success at PKI he was asked to aid PGA and moved there.

Craig Ross took his place and is, from what I hear, doing a great job.

In reference to PKI "needing" a coaster...

PKI will still get coasters from time to time, but not as frequently as in the past. The demand for various types of attractions by surveyed guests has dictated that they continue to focus on overall improvements to the park rather than one single capitol expenditure. Don't like it? Don't blame PKI, they are only doing what the GP wants them to.


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All I am saying is that, I wish they would put in a good metal coaster like a hype or Giga. Pki Does have the best wooden coasters in the world and I just would like them to have some of the best metal coaster also. I have been waiting for a good metal coaster (hype or giga) for many years. The last couple coasters that they have put in (i.e. top gun and face off ) have just been coaster to just fill a void. And when they removed King Cobra that limited coaster choices once again there. I think Kings Island has the abilty to be a world Class park for everyone, Coaster lover as well as Familys. I am a big Kings Island fan and I have be going there for 29 years. All People want is one really good metal coaster to add to there world class wood coasters. PLEASE DON'T JUMP ALL OVER ME THIS IS MY FEELING AND WE DO ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO VOICE THEM! I do think pki is a good park and I even sell Discount tickets for them. I just wanted them to add a WORLD CLASS metal coaster to complete there FLEET of coasters, and as far as what I ment with (They have really not done well on there coaster fleet.) Just want a more even park! A park for THRILL SEEKERS as well as for familys.

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Everyone else sees an amazing FAMILY park that is striving to make the theme park experience the best for EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, not just an enthusiASS who thinks they know how to run a park.

Key Word is EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY! There are thrill seekers in familys. All I am asking for is a GOOD metal coaster is that too much! and as far as the trains for top gun they might as well up grade it since they would have to get a new train. (swinging floorless).

I think PKI have the ability to be a better park than IOA just need one good coaster like the hulk. I am all for the well themed rides which they are doing well! Second to IOA!

I really do like PKI!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Everyone is saying the WW need improved and that is ok to say but to say they ned to improve there coaster total is wrong! Go figure


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Not necessarily. Arrow Dynamics is still in business, now that they have been bough, and the lawsuit by Six Flags settled. If PKI wants, I'm sure they could ask Arrow to build another train just like the one that is currently on the ride, and I'm sure Arrow would for a price. They are a coaster company interested in making money, and will probably cater to any customers needs, for a price.

In response to the caoster argument:

All people ever want is the newest and greatest thing. People might as well get over it. PKI will get new coasters over time. Everyone was happy with Beast, and then they added another, up til present day, then we got SoB and everyone liked that........blah blah blah. Crowds always want to see the newest, biggest, coaster, but if you want that, you might as well got to CP or SFMM, as PKi is a family park, and is not going to continuously add coasters, every year, with the latest and greatest. It's just a fact of the way PKI functions, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

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I really enjoy and like the way PKI is going, I think its the right direction! look at Disney-world! their themparks barely have any coasters! and they are doing fantastic! PKI should keep looking for those hard to find and unique thrill rides! like Delirium and Tomb Raider! Its more than obvious to me that, like it or not, people today just are not as into rollercoasters as they used to be. They are looking for things like Tower of Terror, Tomb Raider, Spider-Man, Test Track, Delirium, Flight of Fear etc. And that is the direction PKI is going. Yes, a new major rollercoaster every now and then would be good for the park! and yes, it is time for one, but, after 2004, if we get one, I do not think the park will need or want another until 2007 at the least.

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  CoasterXtreme said:
Key Word is EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY! There are thrill seekers in familys. All I am asking for is a GOOD metal coaster is that too much! and as far as the trains for top gun they might as well up grade it since they would have to get a new train. (swinging floorless).

I think PKI have the ability to be a better park than IOA just need one good coaster like the hulk. I am all for the well themed rides which they are doing well! Second to IOA!

I really do like PKI!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Everyone is saying the WW need improved and that is ok to say but to say they ned to improve there coaster total is wrong! Go figure


Your right there are thrill seekers in familys but if the thrill seekers aren't satisfied with Face/Off, Son of Beast, Top Gun, Racer, Flight of Fear, Vortex, or Beast, Drop Zone, Tomb Raider, and soon to be Delirium(to name a few) then they are generally going to be unsatisfied at every other park they go to.

So they HAVE to get a a new train do they? You saw the damage to the cars of the train that was involved in the accident did you?

Please tell me, what else does Kings Island HAVE to get?

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I am so sick of people complaining about PKI not meeting your needs. Believe it or not (even though it has been said a million time) PKI is a family park. So were not going to get a world-class coaster every year like Cedar Point and Six Flags Magic Mountain. We have the best kids area in the world, can you even say CP and SFMM even have one? Not really. There are not many Paramount Parks out there like there are Six Flags Parks. Why you ask? Paramounts is smart! I think we got one great ride in 2001, and I am looking forward to Delirium. Huss produces great thrilling rides. I love Tomb Raider. I really don't want a huge coaster all that much, I like PKI how it is. Also one thing I have noticed on weekdays when I go there, the kid areas are the most crowded.

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So they HAVE to get a a new train do they? You saw the damage to the cars of the train that was involved in the accident did you?

Please tell me, what else does Kings Island HAVE to get?


Well, if the damage was so minor, why didn't they clean the cars up, put them back together, and remount them on the track for the rest of the season? The accident happened on July 17th, that means there was still over three months of seasonal operation left in the park. Lets see, 2 - 3 weeks, to strip down, find all broken/cracked/worn parts and replace them, rebuild the train, and remount it on the tracks, bringing the coaster back up to full capacity. If the train is really in the condition, you seem to think it is in, then why is it not back on the tracks? The ride was running for the rest of the season just short one train, which means OSHA cleared it for operation.

My thought is, most of those cars are plastic/fiberglass, and the speed of that coaster, with that in mind, probably meant that the exterior shells of the cars are destroyed. I mean the first three crahsed into the woods, which obviously mean parts broke, or they wouldn't have crashed. I'd bet the carraiages are probably in pretty good shape, but the rest of the car, is probably not in as good of shape.

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PKi guide used to have some pictures of the accident, posted. It was hard to see, but you could see that things had crashed into the woods, and PKi had tried to cover up the crashed remnants with a tarp. I woul dlike to see pictures after what has occurred. Cosnidering this was a man made error, and not an error from the ride itself, I don't think that the public would treat it as badly, as if the ride malfunctioned, and a bunch of people died.

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I wonder if by chance, maybe we are getting another Arrow coaster? It seems as if PKi really likes Arrow coasters, and is very familiar with them. Maybe we are getting a 4th dimension like X, or one of the new extreme ArrowBATic coasters, which seem to be unlike any other coaster out there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's the deal with building coasters: King Cobra was the "prototype" for stand-up looping coasters. And although it was fun and different, now they can do MUCH MUCH more for standing up coasters (a la Islands of Adventure's Hulk). X is basically the prototype for 4D coasters. We don't want one now, wait until more are built, we will be able to do much more with them. Quality, not quantity.

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  fyrfyter said:
I doubt they can just repair those cars. Most of the bodies are fiberglass, and fiberglass can't just be repaired, cause it splinters like wood. They would have to have each of the bodies recast, and probably by that point, it is cheaper to buy one new train from the manufacturer.

fiberglass is very easy to repair and is cheap to do i know that is what i do

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