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Wow most of the people in the line aren't the ones who will be riding the coasters. Plus there is never line full of hunderds of people there anyway.

I beg to differ. Especially when it's really hot, people seem to flock to Spongebob to have some fun out of the sun. I know I've gone back to the Theater a couple times thinking, "Hey, let's go ride Spongebob. I'm sure the line isn't long," just to see hundreds of people in line. We usually go there to get out of the sun and end up baking in it while waiting. Go figure.

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I only have seen Meteor Attack and Sponge Bob. Meteor Attack was way better, but still not good. I'm not into those kind of things, I'd much rather be on Drop Tower, Adventure Express, or Son of Beast.

Sponge Bob is great to go on when it's raining and all those rides are closed.

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even though SB is getting old, I am glad it is staying. We don't need anymore empty, useless buildings back there. Laser tag building is closed, there is that one building that used to be a food stand, but is now closed. I am glad that there won't be another addition to the empty building list.

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Well the building wouldn't be totally empty, the basement is a maintainence building. Glad to hear my original baby will be open this year.

In reply to the seat belt checking, sometimes the other operator in the building would have to throw the 3D glasses in a washer, or rotate out, so that might be why you only had one person checking, but I know for a fact when I was there, we tried to have 2 checking as much as possible.

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Tranquil? Really?

I seem to recall the sound of internal combustion engines and the smell of exhaust.

I guess the inside of a parking garage could be tranquil to then?

... I suppose the argument could be made, if you want tranquility, go to the lake, or a state park. I'm not quite sure I would associate that word with good ole' Kings Island...

and lets be real, Diamondback will be making more noise than IJ...

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Tranquil? Really?

I seem to recall the sound of internal combustion engines and the smell of exhaust.

and for some really weird reason that sound and smell calms me, as did once when some grease got on a pile of wood on our farm and it smelled like the lift hill on The Beast close to the start of the season.

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Tranquil? Really?

I seem to recall the sound of internal combustion engines and the smell of exhaust.

I guess the inside of a parking garage could be tranquil to then?

... I suppose the argument could be made, if you want tranquility, go to the lake, or a state park. I'm not quite sure I would associate that word with good ole' Kings Island...

and lets be real, Diamondback will be making more noise than IJ...

I'm pretty sure Terpy meant tranquil as in that area of the park used to be somewhat peaceful, and there was a wonderful family ride there. There were lakes and trees, something we rarely don't see anymore at KI. Once they built BL:SC that part of the park just wasn't very "calming" anymore.

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^Well I'm hoping this year I'll get to make my first trip to Kings Island :D

I can't wait for The Beast. Our Grizzly is like a kiddie ride compared to Beast.

Anyway . . . I think we're still just gonna have Spongebob AGAIN over here in Virginia as it is still listed on the website. We're also getting a new kids show this year in replacement of Dora. It's called "Marty's Party". Seriously, who is Marty?

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I saw the Hanna Barbera film at Universal Florida in 1993. I enjoyed it then. I was thrilled when I saw KI would get it, but it didn't hold up. My kids thought I was crazy saying it was that fun. But at Universal, there was a preshow film, and theming in the theater, that made it an experience. At KI it just felt like an afterthought. Somebody forgot there is such a thing as presentation.

That said, I hope something is playing at the Action Theater this year. It's a nice change of pace in a day at Kings Island.

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Guest rcfreak339

Timeline of Spongebob 3-D in Action Theater:

2003- Ha!, Thats preety cool!

2004- Good I guess....

3005- Ehhh this is getting boreing I sure hope they have a new movie next year!

2006- Wow, this is getting really, really stupid.

2007- ugh, I just want to shoot that annoying yellow sponge.

2008- Seriously WTF?

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I saw Spongebob last year for the first time and i actually enjoyed it. I would like to see something else go in there but beggers cannot be choosers so i am content. I am watching the youtube video right now and it is bringing back summer memories.

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Paying customers are not beggars, and can be choosers...they can choose to spend their money elsewhere or to make fewer visits to the park and/or spend less money. That all being said, Cedar Fair is making massive investments in Kings Island this year, from Diamondback to Beast rehab to redoing Wings aka Rivertown Junction to new shows...

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We're getting no attention from Cedar Fair. The only actual "change" is new Volcano trains but that is because of Intamin - they have reached the end of there life span. We're also losing our best show and our kids show will be replaced this year. The only other thing is a couple fair rides from Geauga Lake.

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We're getting no attention from Cedar Fair. The only actual "change" is new Volcano trains but that is because of Intamin - they have reached the end of there life span. We're also losing our best show and our kids show will be replaced this year. The only other thing is a couple fair rides from Geauga Lake.

And you got Dominator last year, which is a great coaster. I am also pretty sure that Cedar Fair had to pay for those trains on Volcano and that they weren't a charitable contribution from Intamin. If you dont want Americana I would gladly like to see it placed at KI.

But hey KD hasn't received any attention from CF.

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We're getting no attention from Cedar Fair. The only actual "change" is new Volcano trains but that is because of Intamin - they have reached the end of there life span. We're also losing our best show and our kids show will be replaced this year. The only other thing is a couple fair rides from Geauga Lake.

And you got Dominator last year, which is a great coaster. I am also pretty sure that Cedar Fair had to pay for those trains on Volcano and that they weren't a charitable contribution from Intamin. If you dont want Americana I would gladly like to see it placed at KI.

But hey KD hasn't received any attention from CF.

Dominator also has a crappy paint job and unused support things sticking out of it. Man I wish they would have welded the things out and been more careful with the paint.

As for Americana I'm very exited for the park's first Ferris Wheel! But then again, it's re-located :( I would have loved to see a brand new Vekoma Big Wheel.

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Dominator also has a crappy paint job and unused support things sticking out of it. Man I wish they would have welded the things out and been more careful with the paint.

As for Americana I'm very exited for the park's first Ferris Wheel! But then again, it's re-located :( I would have loved to see a brand new Vekoma Big Wheel.

I'd hate to buy you Christmas gifts, if you're that ungrateful. CF has been making improvements in all the former Paramount Parks, and I think they've done a great job with them.

KD: Dominator, Americana, El Dorado, and a rumored B&M for 2010 or 2011.

KI: Firehawk, Diamondback

CW: Behemoth

Cw: Carolina Cobra, rumored B&M for 2010

GA: Tried to add a GCI Woody, delayed indef.

Really, KD has gotten the most out of the former Paramount Parks, and that's not even including the massive expenditure that new trains for Volcano. In a down economy, with a company under a massive debt load, their capital expenditures are just fine.

I know it's easy to want everything for your park. What last park was a fanyboys dream of new rides? Look no further than the Geauga Lake/SFWoA debacle. They added a B&M Floorless, Vekoma flyer, Intamin Impulse, and CCI woody in 2 years. Any fanboy's dream. What happened? The overexpansion, which was found across Six Flags parks, caused huge debt and problems in the park because infastructure did not keep up with attendance. Growth done the right way comes slowly, with proper planning and due dilligence. All in good time... you'll get the next headliner.

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I was just informed that plans for 2009 attractions currently include Spongebob 3D in the Action Theatre.


Well then; end of discussion.

Just curious, shouldn't a mod have removed or changed the "Just a topic about the Action Theater closing." line from the title of this thread yet since Ryan has posted that Spongebob isn't going anywhere this year.

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Dominator also has a crappy paint job and unused support things sticking out of it. Man I wish they would have welded the things out and been more careful with the paint.

As for Americana I'm very exited for the park's first Ferris Wheel! But then again, it's re-located :( I would have loved to see a brand new Vekoma Big Wheel.

I'd hate to buy you Christmas gifts, if you're that ungrateful. CF has been making improvements in all the former Paramount Parks, and I think they've done a great job with them.

KD: Dominator, Americana, El Dorado, and a rumored B&M for 2010 or 2011.

KI: Firehawk, Diamondback

CW: Behemoth

Cw: Carolina Cobra, rumored B&M for 2010

GA: Tried to add a GCI Woody, delayed indef.

Really, KD has gotten the most out of the former Paramount Parks, and that's not even including the massive expenditure that new trains for Volcano. In a down economy, with a company under a massive debt load, their capital expenditures are just fine.

I know it's easy to want everything for your park. What last park was a fanyboys dream of new rides? Look no further than the Geauga Lake/SFWoA debacle. They added a B&M Floorless, Vekoma flyer, Intamin Impulse, and CCI woody in 2 years. Any fanboy's dream. What happened? The overexpansion, which was found across Six Flags parks, caused huge debt and problems in the park because infastructure did not keep up with attendance. Growth done the right way comes slowly, with proper planning and due dilligence. All in good time... you'll get the next headliner.

I'm not putting anything against it - Dominator is awesome! I would say we got the best GL coaster. As for Firehawk,Diamondback, that pwns EVERYTHING. And were not talking rides, were talking park improvements.

I probably did go a little over the line, and I got Guitar Hero World Tour and I loved it. I got a new TV too.

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