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Giga's 5-9-09 Ride Warriors Weekend PTR


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Let me first warn you that I arrived at the gate before 6 am, and left around 1 am.. so there is no way I am going to remember every detail of the day. If I did miss something, please feel free to add it with your comments!

I left my house around 4:30 am with a Rockstar Punched (surprisingly good.. tastes exactly like Hawaiian Punch mixed with Sprite), hoping to get some McDonald's breakfast on the way.. but nooo, the West Milton McDonalds isn't open 24 hours (I take Route 48 to Route 571 to I75.. there is construction on Route 718 and it's a pain in the you-know-where).

I never did end up getting breakfast (stupid decision). I arrived at the gate around 5:45 am to see about 6 cars sitting at the closed gate with their lights off. So I joined them. When I did park, I got the very first spot in row 50 in gold pass parking. Steph (kittenpooh) parked right behind me, and she had her hubby Ryan with her, so we walked to the front.

We arrived at the front to see Adam (pkiboy), Elissa (sp?), Derrick (Phantom Theater), Dustin (pkiruler102), and several others. Check in went smoothly. We got a schedule, a lanyard, and a free drink wristband! Don Helbig came up to us and informed us that we could all indeed participate in the DB morning ERT! I was so ecstatic, I was jumping up and down and dancing.

Steph, her hubby and I all headed over to Beast. Here is Steph and her man.


I got a couple good shots of DB while we were waiting on the amazing Beast to open.



When Beast opened, we ended up meeting Rachel (StalkerChick). I love her energy and enthusiasm, finally someone will dance with me to the 3 Point Shootout music! Tom76257435647564256 or whatever was in line too, along with several other KIC members. At this point I saw so many people that I knew, I lost track. Please don't think I forgot you, I didn't!

We rode Beast 3 times in a row, and met up with even more people for BLSC. We rode that three times, and on the last ride, my lanyard broke.. I was highly amused that out of all rides to break my lanyard, it had to be BLSC. Don was at the exit, and I was going to ask him for a new one, but Avatar (Jesse) took my broken lanyard and gave me his. Jesse is awesome.

After that, we hit Vortex, and then decided it was time for morning ERT on Diamondback! We rode that three times, and then the line got long so we headed off to Runaway Reptar. After the ride, Tom got sick and some of it got on Steph's shoe. After we made sure he was all right and he was laughing it off, we were pretty much picking on him about it the rest of the day.

We were shocked to see that Crypt was open and didn't have a huge line, so we went for it. This ride was extremely intense, we spun a lot and I did not see one light on throughout the whole ride.. now THAT'S what I'm talking about!

We all chilled out for a little bit before heading to The Beast walkback. Kat called me, frantic because she was stuck in traffic outside the park and was afraid she wouldn't make it to the walkback. I walked to the front and asked the leaders of the pack if she could join if she got there a little late. They said it was a 50-50 chance and that she would have to hurry.

She did end up making it about 5 minutes after the walkback started, but the supervisors (?) were kind enough to wait for her and let her join the group. Whoever that was that waited for her, I want to thank you. Kat has really been looking forward to this, and was very upset at the thought of not being able to make it in time. That was extremely kind of you.

Here are my photos from the walkback!







Back to BEEEAST!




It was so awesome to put your hands on the supports as the train climbed the lift hill. It gave me goosebumps. And LMAO at the random thumbs up at the bottom left of this photo.. I didn't notice that until now.





Steph and I also got our photo taken with Don.. wow, I look retarded.


Finally, the photo I've tried to take 946 times! I got it!


Steph wanted to see what was going on in Action Zone, so we headed that way. We wanted to ride Delirium, but it was down (imagine that). So Steph, Tom (72657 or 76257 or 74542727676425 or something), Brad (Indyguy4KI), Justin(M17), Dustin and I all headed for the almighty Drop Tower. I took this chance to test out my camera again.




Me and Steph.


More photos. I decided to really test the zoom on this bad boy.



A ton of us met up, and our group got bigger. We all decided to hit Racer. Half of us went for the blue side and the other half went for the red side.. my half rode the red side. Strangely enough, we ended up racing together.. and of course we won because we rock.

We decided to head back toward Diamondback, and picked up even more people to join our group as we headed down the midway. By this point, we were a KIC troop. We rolled up to Diamondback with a total of 22 people, and when we told the ride op how many we had (thanks to Jesse for being the official head counter), the look on his face was priceless. He was great at getting us all together.. we took over almost an entire train! It was great.

Photos I took while in line for DB:



Peek a boo, the snake sees you.





After DB, I was starting to feel the heat, so I went back out to my car to apply more sunblock and grab my shades. I saw 6 more buses full of kids coming in, and the parking lot was an endless sea of cars. People were pouring into the entrance with no end in sight.

I found my group chilling by Diamondback, and we all decided to head over to see if Delirium was running again. It was, but the entire queue was full and the line was out on the midway. We rode it anyway.

Brad would like to know what these red buckets on top of Delirium are for.


Being hoisted up, and stopping 15 feet short of where RipCord stops you.


I really wish I'd gotten the ENTIRE wheel in this pic. I cut off half the people on the ride.. grrr.


Since the park was packed by this time, we headed over to X Base to check out FOF.. but decided on Firehawk. I was so glad at that point that I had reapplied my sunblock.

Green paint still showing on X-Hawk.


We waited an hour, and chose the very rear seat. You really get whipped around in the rear seat too, IMO totally worth the wait. We met up with Danielle (keiko_coaster). We all went back for another ride on Racer, and then headed to the Emporium because we were freezing. I announced that I was going to buy a hoodie because I was freezing, and half of my group walked out wearing CF VIP jackets.. guess I wasn't the only one freezing to death!

Then we all decided to chill out with a ride on the train, until I heard music and Danielle and I started dancing. The guys behind us were cracking jokes about taking a video of dancing girls. I got a nice photo of DB from the train.


I really liked this. I never saw it before.. I rarely ride the train. It's a nice ride though.


After this, everyone headed for Nick U to ride Avatar before The Beast's birthday party, but they didn't have enough time. I'm sorry, but you will never see me on that ride, it spins way too much for my stomach's liking. I get nauseous just looking at it.


Off to The Beast's birthday party we go! They had cake, snacks, drinks, and a live DJ.



I wasn't into the music until I heard them play the Cupid Shuffle and the Cha Cha Slide. Danielle grabbed me, and out on the dance floor we went. I sat back down, and Rachel and Zach (KI Man) started trying to pick a food fight with me with Gobstoppers and pretzels. We got tired of sitting down and listening to Scooby music played at eardrum-cracking levels, so we headed for a night ride on Beast. One half of the group split off to SDATHC and my half split off to Beast.

We rode Beast once, and then headed over to *drum roll, please*

NIGHT ERT ON Diamondback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brad was my ERT buddy for most of that. The ride warrior in me came out full force. I was jumping off DB, bolting down the exit, and running through the queue all the way to the station. I looked right behind me and he was totally keeping up! Way to go Brad (wristband high five!).

For my last four rides, I met up with Ryan (BoddaH1994), Dane, and Jesse. We were all tired and slap happy by this point, and it made for some hysterical on ride photos. I ended up lapping DB a total of 13 times on ERT before they closed the queue. Ryan walked with me back to my car, and I left Kings Island around 1-1:15 am.

Thanks EVERYONE for an amazing day. :D Ride Warriors Weekend was an outstanding event.

Ride count:

Diamondback - 17 (13 in a row on ERT)

Beast - 4

BLSC - 3

Racer - 2

Drop Tower - 1

Crypt - 1

Runaway Reptar - 1

Delirium - 1

Vortex - 1

Firehawk - 1

Train - 1

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Justin i want to see this video!!! it'll go nicely with the one of me dancing down I-Street sunday, commemorating my performance to Giga! <3 It was great being able to hang out with you sat too ang!!! we totally have to do it again sometime! :D

I'll upload it and add it to the same thread as your I-street dance :P

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sounds like everyone had fun ^_^ . whish i could have went but stupid bills wouldnt let me :( . justin i watched your vid and i like it. the last time i went me and skaterboy saw the old lady in the vid multiple times on db.

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Looks like you had am awesome time at the park! Too bad you couldn't make it Sunday (and we couldn't make it Saturday). The park was much less crowded on Sunday going off what people were saying in their TRs.

I really like that picture you took of Diamondback's splashdown. Did you decide which one you were entering in the Photo Contest?

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I really like that picture you took of Diamondback's splashdown. Did you decide which one you were entering in the Photo Contest?

I'm really still not sure which one I'm entering. I'm considering the fact that many people will be entering very similar photos because of the walkbacks. I would enter that shot of Delirium if I'd gotten the entire wheel in the pic.

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I really like that picture you took of Diamondback's splashdown. Did you decide which one you were entering in the Photo Contest?

I'm really still not sure which one I'm entering. I'm considering the fact that many people will be entering very similar photos because of the walkbacks. I would enter that shot of Delirium if I'd gotten the entire wheel in the pic.

Is this more along the lines of what you were thinking? I just took one of my pics from The Racer walkback and entered it. I highly doubt i'll even be considered for the best photo, but I think it was the best coaster picture I took all day.

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I forgot to mention that I got my very first taste of blue ice cream Saturday (yes, I know I'm late on that one). I got blueberry swirled with vanilla.. all I have to say is YUM-MY. Totally worth the ice cream headache.

Really? o.O

Am I the only person on this website that thinks the blue ice cream is nasty? >.<

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I forgot to mention that I got my very first taste of blue ice cream Saturday (yes, I know I'm late on that one). I got blueberry swirled with vanilla.. all I have to say is YUM-MY. Totally worth the ice cream headache.

You've never had Blue Icecream until Saturday :blink: haha just kidding. I LOVE Blue Icecream, I get it (almost) every time we go to the park. I normally get a complete blue cone, no swirl for me. :lol: It is delicious though!

Good Photo Contest entry by the way!

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All day long, I'd seen people throughout the park with ice cream cones, thoroughly enjoying every taste. We went to the Ice Cream Zone, and I was going to get water until I saw this girl right next to me destroying a vanilla cone with sprinkles, and my mouth watered. I crumbled and got the ice cream, I couldn't take it any more! :lol:

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Oh boy! I'm surprised that no one's rubbing in the fact that I puked right after I got off of Reptar! :blink: It'll make one heck of a bar story one day! By the way, Angie, I couldn't tell you weren't fond of my username! :lol: Just kidding!

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Oh boy! I'm surprised that no one's rubbing in the fact that I puked right after I got off of Reptar! :blink: It'll make one heck of a bar story one day! By the way Angie, I couldn't tell you weren't fond of my username! :lol: Just kidding!

After riding Reptar, Tom puked all over Kittenpooh's shoe!!! Throw rotten fruit at him! Sorry, had to do it :)

But your username is making me want to pull my hair out (Oh the irony...). I've spent most of the day staring at my phone keypad cause of you.

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Oh boy! I'm surprised that no one's rubbing in the fact that I puked right after I got off of Reptar! :blink: It'll make one heck of a bar story one day! By the way Angie, I couldn't tell you weren't fond of my username! :lol: Just kidding!

After riding Reptar, Tom puked all over Kittenpooh's shoe!!! Throw rotten fruit at him! Sorry, had to do it :)

But your username is making me want to pull my hair out (Oh the irony...). I've spent most of the day staring at my phone keypad cause of you.

LMAO! If you look at my comments and Dustin's pic of all of us at The Beast tour there is a HUGE clue! WOW! I might just change my username to "TomRandomNumbers" or Steph and Ryan's nickname for me after Reptar "Chunks."

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I forgot to mention that I got my very first taste of blue ice cream Saturday (yes, I know I'm late on that one). I got blueberry swirled with vanilla.. all I have to say is YUM-MY. Totally worth the ice cream headache.

Be carefull she likes to sling her ice cream while eating and talking! :P

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