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Your Single Best/Epic Coaster Ride


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My most epic ride on a roller coaster si on The Beast. Yes, there are many that are much better than The Beast, and i have been on some of them. But, this was the first time I had ever ridden The Beast. I was 9 yeasr old and my dad and I got on the very last ride of the night. We sat down in the front car and got strapped in. then, once we got up to the top of the first hill, the first fiorework of the night went off. That was one of the coolest rides i have had.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a few, it's hard to decide on just one.

My most epic was King Cobra in summer 1999. I'd spent all day (and the night before) hanging out with someone I'd only met recently and eventually became one of my best friends. She and I had spent the night together the night before and hadn't slept much because of the excitement, so by the time night rolled around, we were incredibly slap-happy and goofy. We spent the last hour at the park marathoning King Cobra as at the time it was our favorite steel coaster (this was when FOF had OTSRs). On our last ride we went for the front seat (as we had many other times since there was no wait at all) and the fireworks started going off as we ascended the lift. Traversing the rest of the track with no light except the flash of the fireworks was just amazing and awe-inspiring. Both of us remember that moment as the best moment of an amazing day at Kings Island.

Taking my brother on Flight of Fear in 2000. He'd never ridden it before and isn't really into coasters, but he'd gone to Cedar Point the year before and ridden everything (except Millie, as it hadn't been built yet!) so he decided he'd do everything at KI this time. There was a decently long line for it and they were still assigning seats, so you got an unobstructed view of the launch. We got assigned to the back (the ride that made me fall in love with the back car), and I told him to make sure to watch as it left the station. There's something incredibly entertaining about seeing my older brother watch that train launch. His jaw hit the floor and he tried to chicken out! He did end up riding it and even enjoyed it.

My first ride on The Beast, 1996. Honestly the ride that made me an enthusiast. I worked my way up to the 'big' coasters the year before, after getting over a debilitating fear of them. First The Beastie, then Racer (forwards only!) and then the next year, I went with my best friend and I was ready for the big ones. Oddly, we hit Flight of Fear first since it was the new coaster, but it didn't make me love coasters (those OTSRs!!) even though it's my number 3 steel coaster. We immediately went from FOF to Beast (decided to wait on Vortex due to our FOF headaches). We decided to wait for front seat and I was terrified. My picture from that ride is a riot - I'm white as a ghost, as is Stacey. Dropping into that dark tunnel on the longest drop I'd ever experienced was terrifying. But as we got off, I had a giant grin. We headed immediately to Vortex and I haven't stopped smiling on Beast since!!

Five zen rides in a row on Grizzly at Kings Dominion, in May of this year. I was there about 10 minutes before close and jumped on front seat since there was no wait. The station was empty and I was in for a zen ride on one of my favorite wood coasters! Returning to the station there was still no one there and there was still a little while before park close, so off I went again! The last three rides were actually after park close, but the ride op let me continue riding until I was tired of it. He was trying to time it so that I wouldn't even stop in the station (he did it perfectly once). Just slid right through the brakes and onto the course again!

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Sorry, but I too have had several epic rides. All of them have been this year.

Fathers Day riding last train on Diamondback in row 1 with my daughter.

Last train on Volcano at Kings Dominion again in the front seat

Last train on Behemoth (are you noting a pattern)

Marathoning Ravine Flyer II while the fireworks were going off till the park closed and we were again on the last train

Ride of Steel. Last train. The ride was closed when we walked up to it at 9:30. I was told by the ride op that they closed it so that the station would be empty at 10:00 because the laser light show messed with the sensors. We started to walk away when I decided to walk back and ask him if the station emptied out would the open it back up for a train or two of people. He said yes they do that sometimes. We continued to talk about our coaster trips. About 9:50 he called up the ride supervisor and told him that he wanted to send us up for the last train of the night. He then hand wrote out a exit pass for the 3 of us and another family that overheard my question to him. That was a great ride and even better when I turned around and the same ride op that was at the entrance was getting in behind me. When we got back to the station the ride supervisor jumped in and we took one more lap.

Last train on Maverick during Coastermania. We were in the 3rd row when we pulled in the station and there were only 4 people left and they were in the front 2 rows. I sorta felt bad for the 4 that had to get off.

The next night last train on TTD. We got off and I noticed that there were a hand full of people standing on the exit platform. They were calling people up from there to fill single seats. As the station emptied a ride op came over and announced that he need 1 single rider and the next 14 people.

Following the last train on TTD we headed to Raptor and rode 13 laps with only getting off the train once. So maybe that was just 2 rides :)

And finally one that will be coming this Monday. My daughter and I will be riding our 100th different coaster of 2009 on the Voyage. I am sure this will be epic.

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Man, a dream finally came true on opening day of 2006. I got Vortex all to myself....TWICE! Someone told me those are called 'Zen' rides, which made me laugh, because Zen is "to be at one with" the coaster. Clever! :lol: Anyway, for the first time in my life, the thing beat the heck out of me all four times I rode it that day! Still loved it, though. Good old Vortex. It really did a number on me that year. I've lost more than 40 pounds since then, so it's a lot more fun for me to ride nowadays. Haven't had a zen ride since - on any attraction.

haha i have had one "zen ride". It was on The Beast last year. Just a really slow day, later in the day. I walked on. and rode by myslef! it was great!

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I would have to say my most epic ride was a couple of weeks ago when I went to Cedar Point. It wasn't my first but it was the first time since I started riding coaster. My brother parked in the parking lot right by Gemini and headed straight for Dragster. I was nervous when we got up the ramp and into the station, I was so excited! I was grinning from ear to ear. I stayed that way till we got off. It was awesome!

The next one was on Dragster again. I wanted to get another ride on it before we left to drive 4 hrs. back home. Well when we got to that station we decided to wait for front seat. Well it broke down for five or so minutes and we had about 4 trains worth of people in front of us. When we finally got on and strapped in. It broke down again. By this time it was dark out. When we finally got back on we were the second train launched. It was an awesome ride but the bugs sucked. Lol. While we were waiting to get off we were wiping our faces shirts off. It was so much fun!!!

Posted from my Ipod Touch!

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Now as much as my beast ride that i talked about was very epic, i think i have to change mine.

I was just at Cedar Point yesterday.It was the second time I had been there, and we decided to go to Top Thrill Dragster. I rode it last time, but in the second to last seat. We decide to go for the wait on the front seat. When we finally get strapped in and checked, i am getting more anxious by the second. Then, finally we take off at 120 mph and up over 400 feet.

It was amazing! if you have never riden it in the front seat, do it. Even if you have riden it in other seats. it is 10 times the experience!

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I have another epic ride to add.

Our 100th different coaster of this year and our 1st ride on the Voyage. This is the only coaster I have been on that left me breathless. Each of the 5 laps I did were epic. But the first ride in the front seat was by far the best.

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My new favorite Coaster ride was on of my ones on Diamondback last night. I got my favorite seat (Row 14 Outer Seat) And the fireworks went off during the ride. And as soon as we hit the brake run the Grand Finale started. It was truly the best ride I've ever had on a coaster. I don't know if it can be beat. Oh, and another great one that night was my last ride of the night on Beast past Midnight. It was so cold and creepy, we were one of about 5 people on the train!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite roller coaster ride...? Well, it had to be on The Racer. I was riding Red, my friend was riding Blue.

Going up the first hill:

Me: I'm so going to beat you.

Him: No way!!!

Me: Yeah I am!

Him: No way!!!

And so on, until we got to the top...

Me: And they're off!!!


And later...

Me: HA! I'm in the lead!!


And then, I got so far ahead, we could no longer carry on the conversation. But when the train pulled into the tunnel...

Me: WE WON!!! WOO-HOO!!!

To this day, he still refuses to ride The Racer with me.

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Either Expedition Everest at Disney's Animal Kingdom ( great theming ), SheiKra at Busch Gardens ( amazing design ), or Swamp Thing at Wild Adventures ( exact same ride as K.I.'s Reptar, only GREEN and over a lake of Alligators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) Simply Amazing!!!!.

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  • 1 month later...

I have never had any really good rides that stand out, but here is my dream ride.

At about six o' clock at night I would like to stall on Racer at the farthest point of from the station. And I would have to walk back. Or if I am on the very back and cut loose from the other cars and gently be pushed into the ststion by another train. Ausom!!!!

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I've always said that my first Millie ride was the best I've ever done. At there's a good chance it may be the best I ever achieve. However this weekend I'm finally going to CP while Halloweekends is going on. That means a ton of fog on the island. My friends up north continually rave about how incredible the MF rides are at night, diving in and out of the fog. I'm ready for a fantastic weekend.

And come on... everyone had to know that I was going to talk about millie for my 1,000th post! :D

*disclaimer: the post count is absolutely worthless and should have no impact whatsoever on anyone's posting habits, nor should anyone expect or give credit to more "senior" members except under the pretense of more knowledge, not more posts. :)

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