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Is Son Of Beast Your Favorite Coaster?


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It's even worse than Mean Streak, which people have wanted to tear down for years. Guess what? Mean Streak is actually enjoyable this year, I even rode it twice in a row!

It's funny how diverse the human experience can be, I feel strongly that the efforts to preserve the Mean Streak in the off season have left the ride rougher than it was last season. This isn't to say that I won't ride it. It has a unique way of keeping you elevated throughout the ride, with climb after climb to equal the drops. It is a combination of a big twist and an old school out and back. Big woodies are not for everyone, bottom line. That doesn't mean that they should be torn down. 70 plus miles per hour on a 214 foot drop with gravity as your engine, the Son of Beast is the material embodiment of reckless abandon defined.

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Its a tie between SOB & The Beast itself. When the SOB was still running while I was there, I picked SOB for the "night ride" over The Beast for a change. The last time I was there, it was shut down, I did MISS riding it!!! :(

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Ask any GP what the first thing they think of when they hear Son of Beast is- from many, you will either hear about the 2006 accident, roughness, or the loop removal. Not a good thing for the park...

It's tainted. Just like Flight Commander. I'm surprised that Shockwave at KD is still standing for this very reason.

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I had previously not liked it because of the roughness. I then realized that for woodies, it's necessary to hold on tight, lean, and brace yourself accordingly. I do this even for the 'toned down Beast', and always leave feeling fine. Just this year, I had really begun to like SoB. It's a great contrast to the smooth as glass, all 4 limbs hanging free feeling of DB. Plus, it is just a beautiful structure...slap a warning outside the queue, make us sign a release form, do whatever..but fire that thing back up!!

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I had previously not liked it because of the roughness. I then realized that for woodies, it's necessary to hold on tight, lean, and brace yourself accordingly. I do this even for the 'toned down Beast', and always leave feeling fine.

I used to think that as well, that is until I rode the woodies at Holiday World where it's not necessary to brace yourself, lean, or hold tight. I don't buy the theory that you need to "know" how to ride certain coasters for it not to hurt. If it's made correctly then it should be enjoyed no matter how you sit.

Look at FoF. You had to know how to ride it when it had the shoulder restraints or you'd get bludgeoned to death. Eventually it was realized that the restraints weren't working right for the riders, so they went lap bars and now it's a wonderful coaster with no "rules" on how to ride it to enjoy it.

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Son of Beast goes 78 Mph with over 4 banks and was the first looping woodie ever to be built.

They removed the loop because of serious injuries such as, head injuries, spine injuries, and neck injuries.

Without the loop the coaster is ALOT safer. So no one talk about the coaster being able to hurt you really badly in the future.

Not even close. First of all, many, many wooden coasters were built with loops long before the Son of Beast designer was even born. Second, the loop was removed in order to allow lighter trains to be installed on the ride and cause less stress to the structure.

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The original Son of Beast (with the loop and original cars) was one of my favorite rides. I rode it last month for the first time since the loop was removed, and decided that was enough for me. The constant shaking of the lighter cars makes the ride a lot less enjoyable for me, and somewhat more painful.

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Son of Beast goes 78 Mph with over 4 banks and was the first looping woodie ever to be built.

They removed the loop because of serious injuries such as, head injuries, spine injuries, and neck injuries.

Without the loop the coaster is ALOT safer. So no one talk about the coaster being able to hurt you really badly in the future.

Not even close. First of all, many, many wooden coasters were built with loops long before the Son of Beast designer was even born. Second, the loop was removed in order to allow lighter trains to be installed on the ride and cause less stress to the structure.

Sorry, I dont know much about the loop on it. I just know when it was built it had a loop and it got removed, It is 78 Mph, It has atleast 4 banks and is the fastest wooden rollercoaster for 9 years.

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It does hurt a bit, but the only part that I dislike about the coaster is that the first chain is extremely loud...

And how loud is the second chain?

Terpy, who just HAD to

Sorry also about my error with saying that there were two chains. I meant that the chain is loud.

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I personally think most of you here are overexaggerating the roughness of this ride way too much, plus I don't mind a decently rough woodie, but when it gets to the point where I break a bone, I won't ride it.

But I would be deeply saddened if SOB were to be sold. I ride this ride about 3 times each visit!

My second favorite ride behind Diamondback of coarse! :)

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I rode it a few times with the new train, only in the front. And I could barely take it, I was starting to think at the bottom of the Rose Bowl is made that like, to shack and rattle you. To me its a pain machine!! Doesn't matter were you sit.

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I personally think most of you here are overexaggerating the roughness of this ride way too much,

No, we're not. I don't know about the others, but for me, it truly, does, HURT!

But I would be deeply saddened if SOB were to be sold.

Well, you're in luck, because it's not being sold.

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Actually, I can not think of a coaster that I absolutely hate more in this country.


I don't know....Hurler at Carowinds is right next to it.

SOB may be painful, but what is more painful is hearing Beast1979 say how much he hates the ride over and over. We get it.


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