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The Son of Beast Discussion Thread


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I think we can all forget the weenie roast, if I were Kings Island I'd do the newspaper test and come to the easiest, most painless solution: "After 2 lawsuits involving a hospitalizing accident in 2006, 6 months of dormancy after a woman burst a blood vessel on the ride, and the discovery of the ride's structural flaws, Kings Island quietly an quickly removes the ride from the park, putting SoB in the past."

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What is missing from all this, or at least in my mind, is... what's been done to the ride since 2006 and now. The state engineer who prepared the 2006 report and was mentioned in the article clearly said that without computer analysis, the net effect of a localized band-aid fix would be unpredictable. Reinforcing the point of failure would transfer the excessive load to the surrounding structure, and so on.

Between that, and things like finding loose bolts elsewhere on the ride... what's been done since 2006? Did they do an overall finite element or other computer analysis on the structure? Did they reinforce the entire helix?

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If it doesn't shake, it will break - and adding stiffness to the ride will make it more uncomfortable. However, too much sway will cause problems. It really points to faulty wood and/or not enough support at "critical" points along the circuit. Realizing that wood gets replaced, I would guess that many spots on the ride have had new lumber and may have added lumber installed too. When dealing with something as massive as this, the word "underengineering" comes to mind (if there is such a word). Reminds me of The Bat - only no one suffered injury, only the ride itself got beat up.

Can this be fixed? Of course it can - and who knows if ANY OTHER wooden coaster has these problems (the problems just haven't manifested themselves yet). But, with the huge amount of wood used, to be safe, you'd be replacing almost every piece of lumber, or at least all of the "original" lumber. This is expensive, as is demolition, as are lawsuits. The right person to make the corrections doesn't seem to have come around yet. (I could leave my phone number!)

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  The Interpreter said:
Perhaps you have been riding that big blue B and M gigacoaster at Cedar Point too much?

Terpy...it happens to all of us on occasion. . .

Uhh Terpy...there aren't any B&M Gigacoasters. :lol:

Though if there were, they would probably be awesome.

But they would still pale next to Train O' Doom.:lol:

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Apparently someone doesn't read every post here! :)

Otherwise, you'd know that comment was on sound footing.

Or see the footer:


Terpy is well known for once stating that B and M had built a huge gigacoaster at Cedar Point. Of course, he knew it was an INTAMIN, but his brain and fingers input into his human interface device something completely different...it happens.

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  HTCO said:
The park knows its fate. But no one out side of the park does. If that is indeed what you are asking.

It has been stated many times that the decision would be made in the off season, and that date was NOT going to be Nov 2nd and in my prediction probably not Dec 1st either for that matter. I am sure the recent news has not helped it's chances of survival.

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With a company looking for ways to reduce cost, even going so far as to try to cancel delivery of coaster, then why does anyone think they are in any hurry to make a decision or to spend the money on it either way in this years budget.

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  Avatar said:
With a company looking for ways to reduce cost, even going so far as to try to cancel delivery of coaster, then why does anyone think they are in any hurry to make a decision or to spend the money on it either way in this years budget.

Cause they got nothing else better to do? :P


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