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Kings Island's 5@5 Q&A Thread


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I really hope that the queue is redone. The "USE YOUR FRIGHTLIGHTS TO SCARE OFF THE GHOSTS!" spiel, along with the lack of soundproofing, made that queue one of the most inhospitable in the park. I'm also hoping that the PWOO PWOO PWOO sound effect is muted. I always held my hand over the back of the gun so it wouldn't be as loud.

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As a general rule, when interactivity goes up, attention to detail goes down. Looking back on it, I've never really seen much of the theme inside Scooby Doo because of always trying to hit the targets. I wish a company could come up with a way to introduce interaction without laser guns... Is that an oxymoron? i hope not.

One thing i hope they're going to do, since the guns remain, is to turn off the sound effect (or quiet it) and add at least a little mist to the building - the fact that you can't see where your shots are landing (not even a red dot on the wall... It's entirely invisible) makes it almost impossible to play, and is actually kind of embarrassing for me when I bring new people. They always comment on it afterwards and how useless it is that you can't even see the laser. Even a small poof of fog every 10 minutes or so would help greatly.

Toy Story Midway Mania at DCA. Check it out...

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the day i marathoned the ride, cause of my injury limiting me to certain rides. i used the gun twice, the rest of the time i just sat in different positions as to see all that i could see. also that same day, i got stuck in the big room. for about 5-10min straight i kept hearing "id bet you'd like my milk & cookies?! ah, ha, ha, ha, ha."

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As a general rule, when interactivity goes up, attention to detail goes down... I wish a company could come up with a way to introduce interaction without laser guns... Is that an oxymoron? i hope not.

Toy Story Midway Mania at DCA. Check it out...

And while it's a great ride (I rode the Disney's Hollywood Studios version), it is still an interactive darkride using laser guns. Perhaps the best example of an interactive dark ride is Spaceship Earth at Epcot... That is a spectacular attraction. Really. Besides, Toy Story Midway Mania is DEFINITELY outside the capacity of a seasonal park, not to mention the many claims of nausea and headache during initial testing...

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I really hope that the queue is redone. The "USE YOUR FRIGHTLIGHTS TO SCARE OFF THE GHOSTS!" spiel, along with the lack of soundproofing, made that queue one of the most inhospitable in the park. I'm also hoping that the PWOO PWOO PWOO sound effect is muted. I always held my hand over the back of the gun so it wouldn't be as loud.

Yeah, Dude blame Paramount for that! Sally wanted so much more with the scooby-doo theming! But I loved when I first rode SDATHC on opening day it was awesome unlike when Cedar Fair had the ride running with the stupid lights on! It's a DARK ride people!

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I really hope that the queue is redone. The "USE YOUR FRIGHTLIGHTS TO SCARE OFF THE GHOSTS!" spiel, along with the lack of soundproofing, made that queue one of the most inhospitable in the park. I'm also hoping that the PWOO PWOO PWOO sound effect is muted. I always held my hand over the back of the gun so it wouldn't be as loud.

All I ever cared about was the air conditioning blowing on me! We always try to hit that ride, and FoF during the hottest part of the day!

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And it still would be, if some people behaved...which, unfortunately, some do not.

Not to mention Cedar Fair is not exactly the world's biggest fan of dark rides...

I honestly don't think that guest behavior was the reason for the lighting. The Crypt's queue is pitch black, and I have witnessed quite a bit of inappropriate behavior (yes, it is what you're thinking) in there. I don't see why they would do it in FoF and SDatHC but not The Crypt, whose theming they'd already wrecked anyway. Strange. :wacko:

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Since Rotag did not post all the 5@5 today here they are.

WEDNESDAY'S THEME: PARK OPERATIONS. Questions will be answered by a respresentative from a different department each day this week, so you'll want to gear your questions towards their area.

Wednesday you'll get to know Tony Carovillano, Park Operations Manager

Department Representative: Tony Carovillano

Position: Manager, Park Operations

KI Start Date: May, 1985

Favorite Ride: Vortex

Favorite Park Food: Street Pizza

Family: Married with three kids - Alec, Josh & Katie


Q: Larken Parr - Is being in park operations hard? DO you like being a manager?

A: A fw people asked about my job so I will answer yuor question Larken as it asks two key things. First, I asolutely love my job and it only gets tough if I don't get to ride something during the season (last year it was Diamondback almost daily). I go stir crazy in the winter which is our planning phase and strategizing for the upcoming season, not to mention interviewing and processing the thousands we hire and bring back every year. Managing rides, lifeguards, admissions, guest services, park services and entertainment keeps me busy but I can't imaging having a "real" job.


Q: Travis Nuss - Is the Son of Beast going to be open for the 2010 season? I know you guys get lots of comments about the ride. Why haven't you guys not been saying one thing about this ride?

A: I am asked this question a ton. These types of decisions are not made overnight and as seen already in one off season. It still has not been decided and in my role I can only offer up my opinion which is one small part in a great number of discussions bigger than me. Cedar Fair will take the time it needs to make the best decision for all of our guests.


Q: Kyle Joyce - The former Wild Thornberries River Adventure, will it be with Rivertown or Planet Snoopy?

A: Wild Thornberries River Adventure will go from Nickelodeon themed to Peanuts themed and play to our world class (voted #1 for nine straight years) kids area. It will still be a great water ride to cool off on during hot summer days.


Q: Tony Douglass - Are there any hints or clues as to what the new dark ride will be (or when we'll know)? I am most anxious about that!

A: Good things are always planned here! The manufacturer is Sally Corporation and they will come in and re-theme this ride to be as exciting as it always has been. The ride has had some awesome themes. Hanna-Barbera, Smurfs, Phantom Theater, and Scobby all of which kids loved. I can't give it away yet but the ride technology will not change and guests will still shoot targets to collect the highest score. Stay tuned as we unveil this one because it will have one mroe exciting feature that themes before did not.


Q: Adam Kaplan - Will The Beast get rain mode this season? I know Diamondback has it. I do understand the rain policy on the coasters but I would think since the block system is set up don't you thknk it can get rain mode?

A: As a regular guest I see frequently, I had to answer your question Adam. To explain our rain policy on coasters, we only run one coaster train during periods of sustained rain. This gets tricky when the weather decides to start and stop throughout the day. Our maintenance staff has to respond to every coaster and either subtract or add units depending on the decisions we make based on the forecast. As far as rain mode, we were fortunate to work with B&M who manufactured Diamondback and incorporated into its safety system the ability to keep two trains running during lighter periods of rain. Each coaster's safety control system is not indentical and therefore can not be duplicated like Diamondback. Furthermore, the other coasters do not have the technology that Diamondback does and do not allow for this type of programming. Trust me we have discussed this topic plenty because we want to keep things running as much as we can. Ultimately safety trumps all and we will continue to run one train on those rainy days.


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Nicholas, do you really think smaller kids are going to care what dog is the mascot for the kids area? The ride experience is not going to be any different for them because the car that rotates/spins/moves them is shaped like Snoppy instead of a Nick character. My 4 year old is very excited about Snoppy coming.

You don't have to. Someone else did! :lol:

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Nicholas, do you really think smaller kids are going to care what dog is the mascot for the kids area? The ride experience is not going to be any different for them because the car that rotates/spins/moves them is shaped like Snoppy instead of a Nick character. My 4 year old is very excited about Snoppy coming.

You don't have to. Someone else did! :lol:

This guy you quoted seems very smart. cool.gif We will miss SD and I agree that Snoppy is not as popular as the Nick characters are, but once those kids get on the rides they are going to forget all about the old characters and have a great time.

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Rugrats and the Reptar have Runaway doesn't look that bad in Yellow and Orange...it's still a strange combo, but definitely not bad!

I think I like it better than the Green and Yellow personally. It was starting to get faded anyway, so the new paint is going to look nice!

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Q: Adam Kaplan - Greg, it's always great to see you around the park. My question is what has been your favorite memory at Kings Island since June of '06?

A: Adam, this may be the easiest question of the day for me to answer! Robbie Knievel jumping 24 Coke Zero buses in our parking lot on May 24th of 2008 was the beginning of our affair with special events and our attempt to put Kings Island back on the map. This was the day that I realized how awesome the Kings Island staff was and what teamwork is is all about. Everyone pitched in on this day to make it one of the most memorable days in this great park's history.


Q: Cadandra Leventry - I am a current student and want to become a general manager of an amusement park or a representative in that area, in my future. What major do you recommend me to take and are there any specific colleges you would recommend? What path did you take to get where you are today?

A: Cassandra, why would you want my job? Just kidding! I have one of the greatest jobs and one that I never dreamed of having even in college. The majority of the GM's in our industry start the same way I did, from the bottom. When I was 15 years of age I started cleaning rooms in the Hotel Breakers at Cedar Point and after two years at the hotel, I then transferred to the Games Division for another 6 years until graduating college. I actually took another position out of our industry for two years until being asked if I wanted to return to Cedar Point in a full-time position in Games. I held various positions at Cedar Point before becoming GM at Dorney Park in Allentown prior to Kings Island. Although experience in the industry is key, many of my cohorts majored in business or engineering. Good luck!!!


Q: Katie Olszewski - What is your biggest challenge running a park on a yearly basis?

A: Great question Katie! Being a seasonal operation has its advantages but leads to some of the biggest challenges. Every year when we close, many of our associates are working their last days ever for us leaving us with the challenge of recruiting and training a new work force each spring. Training sessions are already starting for the 2010 year and will continue to run throughout the season for both new and returning associates. Come April 17th, we need to ensure every guest is being treated to the highest standard and this can not be achieved overnight.


Q: Ryan Suhr - Compare your experiences of being GM of Dorney Park and at Kings Island -- one being a medium-sized park and one being one of the largest in the Midwest. Is everything from the stress to the reward put on a grander scale at a larger park or is the job - regardless of the size of the park - basically the same gig?

A: Ryan, what stress are you referring to? Oh yea, the idea that nearly 3,000,000 people come through our gates each year and my job is to ensure the safety of each and every one of them? Yes, Kigns Island is bigger than Dorney Park but the day to day job functions are very similar.


Q: Seth Campbell - As general manager what is your favorite thing to do that involves your job?

A: Ride the rides and test the food! Sorry Seth, but unfortunately most days I do neither or these. Standing at the main gate in the morning greeting the guests as they enter the park is a daily favorite but nothing can top a family stopping you on their way out of the park and commenting on how great their day was. This is what makes being a GM an awesome job!


Those questions and answers can be found here.

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According to the Facebook page, different people have been answering the questions the last couple of days wink.gif

Also, there are many, many, many more questions that can be asked about the park.

If someone wouldn't mind, can you please ask how long it takes a company to plan, design, construct, etc a roller coaster like Diamondback? How long would a ride normally be "planned" or "worked on" before it finally opens?

Edit: Beat by Terpy.

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I've asked this question for the last few days, but it hasn't been answered...

Adventure Express opened with spectacular theming and effects, many of which are still in place, but aren't in use. Some of these effects are even listed on visitkingsisland.com- The Python in the first tunnel... removed, the spears in the second tunnel... they originally would move toward the riders but no longer do, and the "volcanic eruption" effect in the third tunnel... I don't remember this effect, but it is certainly not in place anymore. Even the lava pouring animatronic in the "Forbidden Temple" used to move the vat downward, and in effect 'pour' water on the riders. (Water was dripped from the vat for the first few seasons, but I can see why that was been turned off.)

My first trip to Kings Island last summer, I noticed that some of the original lighting had been restored to the final tunnel, and whoever worked on Adventure Express really did do a great job, and improve the whole ride experience.

Is there any chance that more of these original effects will be restored in the coming seasons?

I'm wondering if I should edit out the background information out of this question... Maybe, Cedar Fair doesn't want to, in effect, point out how much better Adventure Express used to be, and wether the background information is here or not, I would really like it answered.

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