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What rides will be at KI when you bring your kids there?


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Guesses On What Will Be Removed By 2020:

Action Zone-

Son of Beast- 2012

Flight Deck- 2014

Invertigo- 2020


Adventure Express- 2015

Coney Mall-

Vortex- 2016

Spongebob 3D- Replaced By 2017

BLSC- 2019


Crypt- 2016

Beast- Possibly Around 2020

Planet Snoopy-

Name Change By 2020

Uh... No. I'm not even going to try and explain why I say no.

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Guest Millennium

Guesses On What Will Be Removed By 2020:

Action Zone-

Son of Beast- 2012

Flight Deck- 2014

Invertigo- 2020


Adventure Express- 2015

Coney Mall-

Vortex- 2016

Spongebob 3D- Replaced By 2017

BLSC- 2019


Crypt- 2016

Beast- Possibly Around 2020

Planet Snoopy-

Name Change By 2020

KI has lost 2 coasters in 9 years...you think from 2012-2021 we will lose 7?

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I see Vortex gone in the next five years, Top Gun gone in the next five years also. Son of Beast as we know it will be gone in the next five years but it'll be modified (ex: Texas Giant). I could see Adventure Express gone in the next ten years along with Crypt and the log flume.

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Diomandback, Flight of Fear, Vortex, Beast, Racer, Firehawk, Invertigo, Adventure Express, and Woodstock Express will all still be standing. Flight Deck and Son of Beast will be gone. I think all of the flats will still be there. I think maybe a new flat will be added, and 1-2 new coasters will be added, including an X-Base expansion. The Theming in the park will also be nicer, and the Festhaus clock will be operating again. These are all my predicions, anyway. tongue.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really don't believe accurate predictions could be given toward Kings Island's future. Who knows who'll own Kings Island? And every company has a different style in running their park(s). See Busch, and Six Flags. They were both, at one point, considered likely as Kings Island's future owners. (Or, with Six Flags, co- owners.) What difference would either of the following brought, from Kings Island's current state?

That being said, its unlikely that any owner held steadfast on the intent of operating Kings Island, as our current definition of an amusement park, will consider removing The Beast, The Eiffel Tower, The Beastie, The Racer, Kings Island Theater, or the Royal Fountains. For certain, the rest of Kings Island, even the Carousel, has a future in question.

No matter who takes ownership of Kings Island, I believe the following rides will be gone in the next ten years: Flight Deck, The Crypt, Boo Blasters on Boo Hill, and Vortex. I have the strong urge to put Backlot Stunt Coaster on the list, but will not. Also, I don't believe Vortex is anywhere near its true "Service Life." A company will, at some point, make this claim. That being said, the only current company I believe would bring Vortex to the brink of its life span, Busch.

A few more predictions... (Based on what I've read, heard, and reasoned.)

1. I have a strong feeling that neither Universal nor Busch will get their hands on Kings Island... But I could see a new group forming or rapidly expanding, intent on buying up properties from 'the failed' companies.

2. As long as Cedar Fair's current management has control, they will never truly understand the potential in marketing towards families.

3. Amusement Parks will not die, for many, many years. Yes, there will be extensive changes in society. But the smart companies will sway like the willow tree, in whichever way the trend grows.

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^i see Flight of Fear lasting longer than you stated, based on the maintained aspect, it's protected from basically all the elements, except cold, which could cause fractures in the track and other parts of the ride, but as long as the park wants it, i see it being there, after all, why would they want to lose the worlds first lim launched coaster?

Which is exactly why wooden coasters, if maintained properly, last much longer than steel coasters. While wood coasters can easily have deteriorated boards, planks, and beams replaced, steel coasters are not as fortunate. Not only can the cold weather during the winter months cause stress to the steel, but also weather in general. Rain causes steel to rust, which is the natural oxidation and breakdown of steel. Even if a steel coaster has a highly maintained paint job, water will always find places to rust the structure. Not having a well maintained paint job makes things even worse (see Flight Deck). Steel is also susceptable to things such as acid rain. Another thing, is that over time, after putting up with all of the stress of a coaster trian running over the tracks over and over again, the steel begins to weaken. Don't get me wrong, it is possible to replace sections of steel coaster tracks, but it is incredibly expensive and not feasable for a coaster that needs all of the track replaced.

That being said, although I really hope not, i can see Flight Deck being removed in a few years if Cedar Fair continues to deny painting it. It is pretty obvious that the track is getting more and more rust red every year.

.......3. Amusement Parks will not die, for many, many years. Yes, there will be extensive changes in society. But the smart companies will sway like the willow tree, in whichever way the trend grows.

Amusement parks won't die, however the concept of rides without themes or story lines, or standart amusement parks without any concept will, in my opinion, fade. More and more people are beginning to love rides, not just for the exhilerating thrill, high speeds, and intense forces, but also for story lines, and being able to feel as though they are part of the experience. People like atmosphere in parks and more and more new parks are moving in that direction.

.........Something that Dick Kinzel and the rest of the current Cedar Fair management team don't really seem to understand, but lately might have started to. Maybe...

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Amusement parks won't die, however the concept of rides without themes or story lines, or standart amusement parks without any concept will, in my opinion, fade. More and more people are beginning to love rides, not just for the exhilerating thrill, high speeds, and intense forces, but also for story lines, and being able to feel as though they are part of the experience. People like atmosphere in parks and more and more new parks are moving in that direction.

The same thing has been predicted, ever since Disney Land's first season and booming popularity. In the early 1980s, this prediction, for a most part, had become reality. Theme parks had taken over the markets, almost entirely... Kings Island and many other Theme Parks had been designed, entirely based on this notion.

Nowadays, small, local parks are either closing down, or coexisting with their much larger, regional rivals. Meanwhile, regional Amusement and Theme Parks compete for the consumer's nickels.

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I can see flight deck going,but not as soon as some think as 5@5 questions seems to hint they gona repaint next year,but im sure it being so out of the way its not doing as well as they like,but if something gets built in that area it would help it. Vortex everyday ive gone (at least weekly) has had a sinificant line everytime so wouldnt worry about it just yet. crypt as much as they need to theme it again and/or add more flips still seems busy( i know cf says o its fine more people are rideing it this year,but dont stop to think thats cause its much shorter=more people riding,but i hear almost every time someone saying "thats all?') Beast will never go as long as park running its what people think when they think of ki,plus its even got a coaster landmark sigh outside it. Flat rides have been there long time most arnt going anywhere. Backlot is fairly new and lines sinificant and they bothered to fill pool so it should be around despite dethemeing. Kids area will change depending on who owns the park and what licenses they have to themes. Delirium and drop always have big lines so they ok though they need to keep parts around for del it doesnt help like this year when it went down few weeks. All water rides(non boom bay) should be around they been there long time. Diamondback will be around long time same with racers,like The Beast these rides are what comes to mind when thinking of ki. sob i think is gone soon they havent even bothered doing anything but close off lines since it closed over a year ago. Adventure Express im a little worried about i love the ride(hint- to avoid roughness always sit in center of whatever car you in) they did fix the now u must pay part so around for a while but lines seem low,though that may be cause line goes fast(though it is deticated to a deceased former employee that helps). FOF is always busy only reason i see that going is the cost of running it but it would be a huge task removing it with all the buildings and all. Thats my thoughts for now i know im skipping a few but tired :-)

ps yes i typoed a few see last sentence

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Guest Millennium

I'm not sure why lots of people think Boo Blasters will be gone soon? It's my favorite ride in Planet Snoopy, usually has excellent theming, and the families love it. It also always has a long line. Why take that out?

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Guest rcfreak339

As long as Cedar Fair is in charge Beast is not going anywhere, wooden coasters can last 100 plus years if taken care of. (Like Beast is) I have no clue why people think Beast is leaving soon...Yeah one day it's gonna have to go but not for a very, very long time. Even if it comes to the point of totally rehab I think whatever current owner Kings Island may have they will somehow receive funding to do it, even if that will mean people fundraising.

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Guest Millennium

I'm guessing here, but maybe because those rides were not as well known as The Beast is?

I've also heard Villain and Hercules are very rough

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Guest rcfreak339

Hercules, Villain and Raging Wolf Bobs were honestly as legendary as The Beast?

You do bring up a good point about Big Dipper though....I honestly don't have a answer.

The Beast is just one of those rides that really shook the Amusment industry and put Kings Island on the map. If it were not for Beast Kings Island would not be the same. I just can't imagine Kings Island without it.

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Guest rcfreak339

I very much understand that, it will indeed be a sad day when that happens. I just still have no doubt Cedar Fair will do everything in they're might to keep Beast open.

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You assume that today's rules and regulations are tomorrow's, never a safe assumption.

Mr. John Allen and Mr. Charlie Dinn never foresaw seat dividers, head restraints, seat belts, individually ratcheting lap bars, computer controlled braking, magnetic brakes, etc.

The future may hold other developments, and existing rides may not be grandfathered...

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well technically Big Dipper, and raging wolf bobs are still at geuga lake... lol

photo evidence my friends....

big dipper

Geauga Lake

raging wolf bobs

Geauga Lake

I took the pictures on a side trip to old geuga lake this past year... and yes I know what terps point was I was just being silly.... but the coasters are still there... sort of

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