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Notice parking isn't included in that season pass..at $8 per trip, that can add up in a hurry and actually make the pass less valuable than ones offered by KI and HW respectively.

Which if it wasn't owned by the Fair Board that would not be a problem.

but it is and the fair board is one if the reasons why this park has a very steep hill to climb....

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Check out Lightning Run's new trains; they look pretty awesome! B)


They look very sleek and comfortable. I've yet to experience a Morgan coaster but I have heard some good things about Phantom's Revenge's restraints. Is this true anyone?

I adore Phantom's Revenge, but you won't hear any praise from me on its restraints. I felt as if they were largely irrelevant and the seatbelt honestly did more to restrain me than the lap bar. Fortunately, the restraints on Lightning Run are completely and totally different. Lightning Run uses a T-Bar. Phantom uses some horrible abomination that comes down from the side, like an old school desk. Phantom also lacks any sort of handles, giving you no good place to hold on. Phantom is the weird case where the trains are not D.H. Morgan. They took the Arrow chassis from the Steel Phantom trains and put a new fiberglass body on them with new lap bars to replace the original Arrow OTSRs.

But hey, I'm 6'1" and 140 pounds, probably a bit thinner than your average park guest.

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Notice parking isn't included in that season pass..at $8 per trip, that can add up in a hurry and actually make the pass less valuable than ones offered by KI and HW respectively.

Which if it wasn't owned by the Fair Board that would not be a problem.

but it is and the fair board is one if the reasons why this park has a very steep hill to climb....

If the Fair Board is interested in the park doing well, one would have thought that Ed Hart and the Board would have struck a deal to include parking in some of early pass sales as an incentive to come back. It's not like the land the fairgrounds sits on is in high demand, esp given the fact that having UL play their baskertball games downtown at YUM hurts Freedom Hall.

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Gabe... so what you are telling me by not telling me is... The fair board (and in an extension the state) may not be 100% behind this park working. If it doesnt work, then the state may find a clean way of ridding themselves of the land while still looking good (blaming Hart for the failure), since they "wanted" the park to do well so they put it up as collateral for the bank loan.....

But of course if the state wanted the park to do beyond great parking would have been included....

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At least you guys are above 6'0Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk

Is that a bad thing? Being above 6'0 means you may get hit on the noggin quite often, oh, and a small sense of discomfort on OSTRs, so it isn't all happiness. But at the same time, it has a lot of perks.

I wish the new coaster, which is a Chance attraction, had a corkscrew at the end or at least in the course.

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I thought Diamondback was B&M? Have you even rode it?

Tbh Lightning Run looks like it will be more fun than a forceless B&M. Step up your game Kings Island! B&M is a great coaster manufacturer, if not the best, but some of its recent coasters... *tisk* *tisk*

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

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At least you guys are above 6'0Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk

Is that a bad thing? Being above 6'0 means you may get hit on the noggin quite often, oh, and a small sense of discomfort on OSTRs, so it isn't all happiness. But at the same time, it has a lot of perks.

I wish the new coaster, which is a Chance attraction, had a corkscrew at the end or at least in the course.

Are you kidding? Sometimes I'M jealous of short people. Especially when I see them just jump into coaster seats like on Teddy Bear and Flight of Fear like it's nothing while I have to stumble a little just to get in...

And there are the minor leg-room issues with things like PTC trains, earlier Intamin trains, and the back-wheel seats of most Arrows, but once I'm in, and the ride starts, I'm happy either way. :)

But yes, being tall does have its advantages, but I just hope I'm not TOO tall when I stop growing. 6'4" seems to be one of the first excluders when it comes to max height requirements, so I just hope I'm not anymore more than that.

BeastForever, who is at least content with the fact that as the years have gone on, coaster seats have begun to accomodate larger guests. (Compare Millie's to Maverick's)

BeastForever, who is glad he can at least fit into his dream coaster (Maverick) with perfect comfort and sufficient legroom. ;)

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Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results...

DejaVu - I have a funny feeling that we have done this before...

There are some very interesting interviews from this years IAAPA, one of the most interesting question and responses is, "Why do you think Hard Rock Park Failed?"

The answers from industry experts who are much smarter than I, all basically said the same thing. Location, Location, Location and not using local knowledge and resources. Which many on this site, myself included have mentioned about HRP and to some extent KK. I am still very afraid that in 5 years the same question can be asked about KK to the same folks and the same answer will be given.

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One can make the argument that the highest and best use for a lot of land amusement parks sit on is not an amusement park. A stronger argument could be made that the the Fair Board, while happy to have the park back on the tax rolls, could have other plans in the works for the land should the park go under. In essence, they got Ed Hart to clean up the land for them (on his dime), thus making it easier to sell when/if the time comes.

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My opinion this is in fact the last chance for the Kingdom. Of course that is just my two cents worth of the day: Plus dealing with the fair board all the time could be the final nail in the coffin if the Kingdom don't get back up its numbers.

My hope is it will be one of the best parks in the Mid west.

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No amount of paint, no amount of new rides, and no amount of good intentions will cause KK to succeed if they do not, first and foremost, commit themselves to developing a safe and fun atmosphere free of the teenage riff-raff troubles that have ALWAYS plagued the park.

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One can make the argument that the highest and best use for a lot of land amusement parks sit on is not an amusement park. A stronger argument could be made that the the Fair Board, while happy to have the park back on the tax rolls, could have other plans in the works for the land should the park go under. In essence, they got Ed Hart to clean up the land for them (on his dime), thus making it easier to sell when/if the time comes.

They will never sell that land. For years, the fair board has always tried to buy up remaining surrounding parcels if/when they come available.

My Dad spent years as an architect in Louisville. He told me many stories, one which includes the fair board. There were two things that were a given when dealing with them. 1.) They were hard to work with. The previous fair board president (Workman) was well known for this. 2.) You never screwed over the fair board. If you did, you were screwed both personally and professionally. Without going into details, someone attempted this once, and it led to the downfall of their career in Louisville.

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Call me a tightwad but the price of parking is always a part of my thoughts on where to go. I would like to have a season pass option that has parking included in the initial price. ( I have a platinum pass because $15 to park 10+ times a year at Ki and CP adds up.) (One reason I decided against going to SFGA in July was the $22 parking.---I went to KI for 1 day and CP for parts 3 instead)I looked up parking at the Kentucky State Fairgrounds website and at $8 a trip and $100 for a year parking pass kinda kills the value of a $59.95 season pass. I don't mind spending money when warranted but I don't like getting gouged for parking because a park can and knows 99% of the general public will pay it.



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