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Kentucky Kingdom

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Cedar Fair knew what it was getting with Geauga Lake. Out of all the world of potential investors for Kentucky Kingdom, only one group even bid on the Kentucky Kingdom proposal. And then only when backed by the full faith and credit of the Kentucky taxpayers AND using the state owned land as collateral AND with state and local tax incentives AND with greatly reduced rent and investment requirements compared to former tenant Six Flags.

And even with all that, Hart and company were unable to obtain the originally sought amount of lender financing.

Banks and the investment world rate proposals daily. This one, even with all the incentives, was deemed too risky in its proposed form. Only with even more incentives would the Bank of Kentucky lend a portion of the requested sum.

Banks and investors are neither haters nor do they wear rose colored glasses. They made their calls as to the riskiness of this venture (extremely high) and its probability of success (very low).

I've not even addressed in this post the propriety, if any, of the state government backing private investors to compete on an unlevel playing field with FUN, Lori Koch and Beech Bend...

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Again, I understand why Sccard wants the park to succeed. Just like people wanted Geuga Lake to keep a dry side.

A hater would say the following: "I hope KK doesnt open because I hate them" or "I hope KK fails because it was never a good park."

A critic would say the following: "I have questions pertaining to the way the park is presenting it self compared to other successful companies" or "Why dont they do these things (shown to work in other situations) instead of the way they just did it"

A Fanboy, however, takes any of that as "hate" towards the thing they hold dear.

Hater, I cannot stand that term.

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Kings Island fan boys are the ones that are bliss and ignorant, but yet...

Haters are going to hate...

Count donkey fan boys too. They talk to much about the animal, and I thought I was a Donkey Enthusiast!

Could the park purposefully be trolling us?

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Well to be honest, I think most of us want to see the park succeed... its just we have our doubts. Amazing to see people freak out about it. If you dont have a rational defense then attack the people asking questions. Seems like a sound defense. ...

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I would love to work for the park, but yet school comes first.

I've never had anything but Kentucky Kingdom. I've never been to a beach, never been outside the country, the furthest place I have ever been was to Chicago with my 5th grade class. Kentucky Kingdom is where my childhood remains behind locked gates. To hear it closed was the worst day of my life, to hear it officially come back was one of the best days of my life. I have been waiting for Ed Hart to come rescue the Kingdom since 2006 when my sister (former sfkk employee) told me Six Flags was temping to close/sale the park, so of course I am going to be excited and more defensive because this is something I have been waiting for a very long time and it is actually going to happen. But yet this forum is nothing more than many ignorant Kings Island fan boys posting negative thoughts and hopes of the Kentucky Kingdom to fail, something that obviously should not sit well with me.

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sccard01, I tend to agree with you on some things about KK, but I disagree with what you state about that the Kings Island "fan boys" hope that KK fails. By stating that they hope that the park fails, is putting words in their mouths.

While, I'm not an admin or anything here, I think it's time to start talking about the park in light of lessons that need to be learned from the past, what's happening right now and/or what's happening in the future. Time to move away from the trying to be the biggest supporter/realist although each have their place in discussion.

I know when I see that this forum has a new post, I get excited to see what may be new info about KK but the past few times all I've seen is bickering back and forth.

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Negativity and criticism are 2 different things. I can be critical of something and still want it to succeed.


I am a HUGE Cincinnati Bearcats fan. Though we have been kicking butt and are pretty much a lock to go dancing in March, there are still things I am critical of about how the team plays that might prevent them from getting to the Final Four. That doesn't mean I automatically hate them.

In terms of Kings Island- I love the park as much as anyone, but for the longest time, I really wondered why they didn't tear down, or at the very least, make a decision about Son of Beast when it was pretty clear it wasn't going to open. I admit, I did get a bit worried that the park was ignoring the elephant in the room and not making a decision earlier than they did. Of course, they had their reasons which I found out through research, reading from those with more knowledge here, and using a little common sense. That doesn't mean I hate Kings Island or Cedar Fair.

To me, someone who you've labeled as a Kings Island fanboy, Kentucky Kingdom looks like an interesting park. I wanted to make my way down there before it closed but didn't get around to it. I plan on making a visit, probably when they get T2 and Twisted Twins re-opened. However, as others have mentioned on this thread, I recognize their financing and PR efforts have been questionable and they face stiff competition from what are already established parks, including Kings Island having a HUGE new coaster during the same year, to say the least. Even you have to admit those are things that can't be overlooked. But that doesn't mean I hate the park. If you interpret it that way, then you really need to learn how to differentiate between hating and criticizing.

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blind faith is still blindness. Its up to the individual to perceive things the way he/she would like to see them. People have asked questions on here or pointed out the differences between this park and many others in the same sphere of influence. If you perceive that as a negative, then thats your view of being negative not others.

I really enjoy KI but I can question the thought process of many things they do. Doesnt mean I am negative to the park.

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I am passionate about the industry. Anyone that has been around this site long enough has seen my love of parks and enjoyment of sharing the experience with others.

Am I a hater? No, but that doesn't mean I will not offer my opinion on where I see Kentucky Kingdom or any new park going off course. Go read the Hard Rock Park forum and you will see many of the same discussions, not as many pages because it doesn't have the local flavor, but still many pages discussing the potential issues of that park. Funny many of those same issues are steps KK is making.

KIC is one of the few sites out there that doesn't cater solely to "Fanboys." This site has very real discussions on everything from Kings Island, to Kentucky Kingdom, to Disney with real opinions and thoughts. Everything is not rainbows and sunshine around here and that is why it is a great site. That is also why this is a great topic, because there is real discussion regarding Kentucky Kingdom. KK should be thrilled that the park is generating this kind of discussion because it means enthusiasts locally want to see the park succeed, even if we don't agree with the decisions being made. I would argue if there was no discussion about the opening and actions of Kentucky Kingdom then there is no interest in the park or its future.

Then again the parks wants me to be a "Fanboy" and love all of their decisions and additions and wait with bated breath for the park to open and have zero concern for its future viability.

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Just got an email that I was hired, BUT it is in a department that is less than desirable and I did not sign up for with the manager of the department I did sign up for. Maybe there was a typo but if not I do not plan to be sweeping trash in hot weather. Definitly not what I had in mind. I'll contact the guy and talk to him but if indeed the email was correct idk if I can accept the offer especially when I have another summer job that is guaranteed, inside with A/C and pays more. I just hope this guy will reason with me.

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FYI, I was at the Fairgrounds over the weekend, and vertical assembly of Lightning Run is underway. They had at least 4 sections of track in place.... lower "bunny hop" hills. It struck me as a bit odd since typically they start with lift assembly. However I figure they'll probably assemble it from the centermost area outward. Erecting the lift/first drop will likely necessitate closure of Perimeter Road - not feesible during weekends when events are occurring inside the Fairground wings.

I will say I'll be SHOCKED if Lightning Run and some of the newer attractions are completed by opening. If they are, and operate on time, opening day visitors should not wear their best shoes... the pavement may still be wet ;-)

In addition, there are literally DOZENS of billboards all around Louisville pushing KK season pass sales. It's obvious a hefty penny was paid to rent all the billboards. Locally, KK Marketing is pushing hard. However I'm baffled by this strategy since the whole State backing for KK was based on the promise to draw visitors to Louisville in order to help support hotels, restaurants etc. That was the whole push to re-open the park in the first place - to help draw tourism. Out-of-state Marketing strategy will begin once the park is closer to opening, obviously, but I cannot imagine how much of the budget has gone to renting all those local billboards!

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Money and AC are not a top priority but I feel like I would quickly become bored as it would get repetitive sweeping up people's trash.

I also know I like my other job but would be willing to give it up if I was in the department I signed up for I am in contact with my new manager and I'll update you all if anything changes.

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Money and AC are not a top priority but I feel like I would quickly become bored as it would get repetitive sweeping up people's trash.

As someone who has swept trash at Magic Kingdom and Kings Island during summer months I encourage to take it. If for no other reason it gets your foot in the door.

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On the contrary, I have spoken to lots of people who enjoyed being a sweep. The job is what you make of it. You will be encouraged to interact with park guests early and often every day and who knows, you could inadvertently help make someone's day at the park a lot more worthwhile. When I worked at Disney, I was in Rides, and was originally assigned to be a Jungle skipper, but got switched to another attraction at the last minute which I wasn't nearly as excited about at first. It was a lot of fun, but I often was envious of the park sweeps who seemed to be always having a good time (they could wander around and observe, while at Rides, I was fixed in just a few places every day). Don't poo-poo it solely based on your disdain for picking up trash.

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2006, typo or correct? Six Flags closed SFKK in 2009 but that doesnt mean the spiral didnt start long before.

2006 is correct. The park was going to close or be sold after the 2006 season. This was the time went several Six Flags parks were being sold to PARC Management. Jay Thomas worked hard to keep the park open and he got funding to secure the park to still be open under the Six Flags name. It was rumored on screamscape that after the STOP accident that Ed Hart was trying to get the park back but Six Flags did not accept his offer because it was too low. Afterwards the future should have been pretty much been known as Six Flags quickly relocated Jay Thomas from KK and future plans for the park was plug, for example 2008 an new kiddie area was supposed to open by Twisted Twins but plans for that was plugged and rides where constantly being removed years after.

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Did the park not operate 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 under SIX?

While you may argue the decline started in 2006 or sooner, the park was operational for those years and did not reopen in 2010.

Once again we may not like what happened in the past, but we cannot turn a blind eye to it. Just like you may not like some folks, mine included, prediction of the future because of the parks past, current actions (or in-actions), coupled with past history of the industry as a whole.

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On the contrary, I have spoken to lots of people who enjoyed being a sweep. The job is what you make of it. You will be encouraged to interact with park guests early and often every day and who knows, you could inadvertently help make someone's day at the park a lot more worthwhile. When I worked at Disney, I was in Rides, and was originally assigned to be a Jungle skipper, but got switched to another attraction at the last minute which I wasn't nearly as excited about at first. It was a lot of fun, but I often was envious of the park sweeps who seemed to be always having a good time (they could wander around and observe, while at Rides, I was fixed in just a few places every day). Don't poo-poo it solely based on your disdain for picking up trash.

At Disney Parks, the sweepers are the creme-de-la-creme of the cast members. They pick their best people for these roles simply because they interact with guests the most often.

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