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Windseeker & Coney Mall Construction Continues

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It likely won't be too much longer until WindSeeker opens, but that's dependent on a lot of things - testing progress, the weather, how long it takes the state to certify it (no idea how long the certification process takes), etc.

Yes, DA did open yesterday. There are plenty of pictures of it here: http://www.KICentral.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=339

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  On 5/27/2011 at 1:06 PM, Pagoda Gift Shop said:

Someone reported over on pointbuzz that CP's WindSeeker tossed a dummy or two during testing yesterday. I'll be watching the webcams closely today. ;)

:rolleyes: Oh the speculation that happens when a ride is delayed. Test dummies falling out of WindSeeker during testing could become another "Vortex is sinking" type of rumor. When someone asked whether it was true that a dummy fell out during testing, Kings Island answered simply with "No."

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Over on PointBuzz that person who reported that, I believe was just making that up. Don't ya think if he actually saw that a water dummy or two fell out of WindSeeker other people would have seen it, especially members of PointBuzz. I don't find that guy credible without proof.

Has anyone seen rotation recently?

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***Update on WindSeeker****

Talked with one of the workers today on WindSeeker. Just to let you know, the ride is not even testing yet. They are still installing parts on the ride. He said a bunch of minor stuff. He did say that the CW WindSeeker is done and running. The reason you see the gondola go up and down is they are using it as a lift to install parts. So WS is not even done with construction at KI. Of course he did not say when it would be open.

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  On 5/27/2011 at 6:50 PM, Brian5475E said:

***Update on WindSeeker****

Talked with one of the workers today on WindSeeker. Just to let you know, the ride is not even testing yet. They are still installing parts on the ride. He said a bunch of minor stuff. He did say that the CW WindSeeker is done and running. The reason you see the gondola go up and down is they are using it as a lift to install parts. So WS is not even done with construction at KI. Of course he did not say when it would be open.

Then why does it state on WindSeeker's page on the KI website that as of May 19th that the initial phase of testing has begun? That seems to contridict your statement. You can go to the website, click on thrill rides, then scroll down to windsseker. Simply click on Windsseker, you will then see the May 19th update. I really dont know what to believe anymore. The way things are looking right now I wouldn't be surprised if the ride was still not operating by July 4th weekend. Who knows?

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  On 5/27/2011 at 9:08 PM, 11Nolan11 said:

As of right now, WindSeeker is in the air.:lol:

Yes that is about the spot where the shielding they are installing has stopped. They have a stack of it by the railings. Enough to go all the way to the top. It's to protect the cable tracks going up the tower.

This is what I'm talking about:


Also another bit of info, the guy I talked to had a strong accent, so I'm guessing he is from Mondial. He said the CW WS is the prototype ride, all the rest were built from it.

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  On 5/27/2011 at 9:34 PM, Brian5475E said:

Also another bit of info, the guy I talked to had a strong accent, so I'm guessing he is from Mondial. He said the CW WS is the prototype ride, all the rest were built from it.

All 4 WindSeekers are prototypes. These have not been built before. It's true that CW opened their WS first, however they did stop operation because something wasn't right. They're learning a lot about these rides already. When KI or Cedar Point or even Knotts does their full fledged testing they may find an issue that CW didn't realize they'd have and will have to fix. Also to remind you, KI's WindSeeker was supposed to open first, not CW.

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  On 5/27/2011 at 9:47 PM, DiamondbackCMH said:
  On 5/27/2011 at 9:34 PM, Brian5475E said:

Also another bit of info, the guy I talked to had a strong accent, so I'm guessing he is from Mondial. He said the CW WS is the prototype ride, all the rest were built from it.

All 4 WindSeekers are prototypes. These have not been built before. It's true that CW opened their WS first, however they did stop operation because something wasn't right. They're learning a lot about these rides already. When KI or Cedar Point or even Knotts does their full fledged testing they may find an issue that CW didn't realize they'd have and will have to fix. Also to remind you, KI's WindSeeker was supposed to open first, not CW.

I'm just going by what the man said. I'm sure he has more insight than the GP. :)

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Some day I actually WILL retire. When I do, I may well go to parks with rides under construction and " inform" thoosies of what is actually (not really) going on. I would, too, but for three things:

1. Given what I used to do in life (until VERY recently), parks would be less than amused, probably even in a prosecutorial, not just an academic, way....

2. Between Dick, Al, Melinda, Jack, Pat, etc., I'd definitely get caught.

3. I love the industry and could never carry on so, no matter how much gun it might be to contemplate "helping" in such a fashion.

Terpy, musing....

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  On 5/28/2011 at 12:37 AM, KI FANATIC 37 said:

Well, Im getting worried, Im visiting KI the 10th of June.

I KNOW that nobody can tell me for sure, but do you guys think it will be open by then?

Hopefully, but I wouldn't get to excited over it. Because by the looks of things, it could very well be closed through June. Thats if things keep on going wrong every week. One week its the weather, the next its hydraulics need to be installed. So, basically, no one has a clue.

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Bad news for Canada’s Wonderland… and Cedar Fair. Late last week it was reported that the first WindSeeker ride had quietly opened to guests late on Tuesday. Everyone had initially assumed that it was running on Wednesday as well, but it seems this was not the case. From what I’ve been told that ride has not run again since that Tuesday night, and a reader who dropped by on Saturday evening came across an interesting site. One of the ride gondolas had been removed and the maintenance team was in the process of cutting off the mounting flange at the end of one of the struts. (See new photo of the welder below)

At first they denied that the ride had ever operated at all on Tuesday, but when pressed they admitted that did open but was quickly closed when “something happened mechanically”. Certainly this does not bode well for the opening time-tables of the rides at Kings Island and Cedar Point… the later of which was actually rumored to have been considering a soft-opening sometime this weekend, but clearly the problems here put those plans on hold. Stay tuned, we’ll have more as the WindSeeker turns…

Via Screamscape.

It's nothing if not humorous that park representatives apparently denied that it had operated on Tuesday despite the presence of a video showing the ride loaded with riders and going through the paces... Perhaps the "mechanical" happening that occurred, meant that humans probably shouldn't have been on it, and that it was very lucky that no one was hurt (thus making them try to cover their tracks).

So now, even the "successful" Canadian one is closed and going through yet another mechanical change. If all of the changes performed to the Canadian version are essential to the ride's operation, than ours now requires hydraulic stabilizers on each arm and whatever is happening right now with welding each arm. At this point, I imagine they're just going to try to get the Canadian one working, then fan out and fix the other three once they know what they need.

Twenty million dollars. Four prototypes. Four parks. One summer.

Stay tuned?

P.S. If you'd like the thrill of swinging hundreds of feet in the air, you can always visit Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and Six Flags St. Louis, where their Starflier attractions are up and running...

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First of all that picture makes it look worse than it probably is. It looks like the worker is just using a hand held grinder which makes a lot of sparks. I mean it could be just a simple thing they are working on or not, but I would not judge by looking at that picture.

I know when they open it that it will be safe and I am glad they are taking the time to make it that way, although the rain delay excuse is getting a little hard to swallow at this point.

One last point we do not know if the riders at Canada's Wonderland WindSeeker were the general public or staff only.

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It could just be a simple handheld grinder, but the point is that it's yet another adjustment that's apparently needed, and it requires the removal of the actual chair from the arm for each pair. And then there's the hydraulic stabilizers that will probably have to be added eventually, too. And to my knowledge, neither of those processes have begun on Kings Island's ride (and might not until Canada's version is closer to operation - no need to start work on Kings Island's that might not even be necessary). I have confidence that the ride will not open until it can do so safely, and I think they're going about this the right way by focusing on one. Just sharing the news!

And yes, this "rain delay" excuse is silly at this point. It's like if they had claimed that Maverick was closed for a "rain delay" and then removed a portion of the track and replaced it with a different element. There are substantial changes being made to the ride even now. If it were a rain delay, the timetable and extent of changes wouldn't seem so random or haphazard.

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I'm sorry, but that's nothing short of ridiculous. The ride is a prototype. These four are the only ones that exist in the entire world. To a degree, they're figuring it out as they go, but even still they're equipped with technology, tools, time, and the strictest safety measures that have ever been applied to amusement parks. Consider wooden roller coasters, whose individual boards of wood are literally measured, cut, and bolted on-site. That's what leads to the rickety, bumpy feeling on traditional wooden coasters (and what prevents that feeling on laser-cut, plug-in-play, lego-style wooden coasters like El Toro), but that doesn't stop you from riding them, does it?

Besides the fact that all that's happening to this ride is meant to make it work as it's intended, there are many forces in play to ensure it does not operate with human beings on it until it is absolutely safe to do so. Cedar Fair, Kings Island, their insurer, the public, the ride's manufacturer... Do you believe that any - much less all - of these parties would simply shrug their shoulders and throw their hands up and let people ride it before it's met their stringent, precise specifications?

To say that all of the fixes that have allegedly been necessary is a little odd would be practical. But to say you'll never feel safe riding it? Do you worry about sinking on Shoot the Rapids, or the train coming unbolted on Maverick? You shouldn't. Checks are performed before, during, and after ride operation, and problems that arise are corrected or the ride does not open. Especially at Cedar Fair.

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  On 5/30/2011 at 4:15 PM, goodyellowkorn182 said:



One of the ride gondolas had been removed and the maintenance team was in the process of cutting off the mounting flange at the end of one of the struts. (See new photo of the welder below)

Via Screamscape.

  On 5/30/2011 at 5:25 PM, goodyellowkorn182 said:

and it requires the removal of the actual chair from the arm for each pair.

While I understand that this is yet another modification to the WindSeekers and likely further delays opening at KI, if I ran a website trying to share accurate information, I guess I'd try to verify it first.

  • Is there any evidence that "one of the ride gondolas had been removed"? The picture does not show a seat removed, it shows a worker grinding (as Jesse pointed out) a piece of metal
  • Why would they think this is a "photo of the welder"? Welders typically wear more protective equipment (gloves, helmet, etc...) and don't allow onlookers (other worker or photographer) close by due to the dangers

Quick Edit - GYK, this is not aimed at you. Thanks for sharing the info you found.

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I agree with some of the above statements. Claiming that the delay in WindSeeker is due to weather is past its statute of limitations.

Here's why:

It was announced on Thursday, April 28th around 3:00EST (if I'm not mistaken) that WindSeeker would be delayed due to weather. That means, if there's any integrity behind the park, that the decision was made right around then. So, if it was questionable until a day and a half before opening day then we can assume that there's what? One and a half, maybe two days worth of work left? It's been a month now. Yeah, it's been a bad weather month, but I'm willing to go as far as saying that there were at least 7 to 10 days of good weather in the past 30 days.

I think the park had no idea that the delay would be this long, and now they're knee deep in this "bad weather" excuse. I'd even go as far as saying that they were telling their own employees this, knowing that the truth is in the design. It's a prototype. It happens.

All this aside, I want to say that I'm really glad that people on this forum have been so patient. I really think WindSeeker will exceed your expectations and will be well worth your wait. I'd much rather see a safe and reliable prototype open in mid-June (which is KI/CF's route) than something rushed to the market. (Of course, the mid-June thing is just speculation on my part)

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