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2011 Gold Pass ERT includes WindSeeker and Vortex


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Whoever threaten the park with a law suit because of the ERT change, you're now my new ringtone.

(Caller claimed to be a valued member here with the up most respect also)

Wow if thats true then there giving KIC a bad name.

I hope RS and the park realizes that one person should not tarnish the group.

And whoever did this (I doubt it is BavarianBeatle) needs to recognize that there is no benefit to "claiming to be a valued member of KIC" and using that approach would significantly devalue your level of respect around here. Haven't you seen the posts from people who called and politely gave input getting helpful answers?

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^ Especially in Cincinnati where the term: "Don't you know who I am? I'm an NFL football player!" is tossed around frequently to police!


AWWW that's cold!!! But deserved!! I hope the Bengals suck less than the Browns do IF they ever play again.

Please call (513) 754 5700 during regular business hours. Push 0 to get to a human. As mentioned before "Be Polite" and let them know we would very much like to ride Beast/DB as often as possible before the park opens to the GP.

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Just to add a chime in here.

Whoever threaten the park with a law suit because of the ERT change, you're now my new ringtone.

(Caller claimed to be a valued member here with the up most respect also)

May I remind those who bought the golden season pass and any pass from KI for that matter, look on the back and read.

1.. If you're talking about me, have the guts to say my name.

2. No one said anyone called the park and threatened anything

3. It's "utmost," not "up most"

Well if you're the guy LOL.

Also you're the guy who accused me of trying to get 13yr old boys to come to KI on Pride night, a shame that a mod took it out of my signature and deleted your post. Maybe KIC members need to see how hateful and ignorant you really are.

Dude, settle down! I was the only person who used the word "lawsuit" in this thread, so I thought you were talking about me. If I was mistaken, I am sorry. No need for the hostility. And, for the record, I did not call the park about the ERT issue; I have not yet purchased my pass; and, I personally have no problem with the change, but I certainly understand why others do.

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^ Especially in Cincinnati where the term: "Don't you know who I am? I'm an NFL football player!" is tossed around frequently to police!


AWWW that's cold!!! But deserved!! I hope the Bengals suck less than the Browns do IF they ever play again.

Please call (513) 754 5700 during regular business hours. Push 0 to get to a human. As mentioned before "Be Polite" and let them know we would very much like to ride Beast/DB as often as possible before the park opens to the GP.

And please, don't tell them you are an NFL football player. Unless, of course, you are. Then, please use your current name....

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I had a few minutes to call the park today about the ERT changes.

I was very polite and wanted to make sure they understood that I appreciated the new WS and Vortex ERT, but disappointed in not having the DB and Beast in the ERT this season. I also explained that I am from Indy and that it was a 2 hr drive for me and the previous ERT was what really drew me to the park the last 2 seasons.

Like others have posted, the operator stated that they were going to have WS and Vortex ERT every operational day, but that they were going to be posing the ERT schedule soon and there would be other ERT opportunities as well. They did not go into the specifics on what that was. So there might be a chance that we see other rides open on specific days for ERT?

We will just have to wait and see what they come up with!

Glad you got the same information as I did! (I always worry when I'm the first to post something, that the person who told me it only did so to get me off the phone.)

This sounds pretty generic to me. Reminds me of, "Raptor is currently down due to technical difficulties. We don't know how long this delay will last. You are welcome to wait in

line, but if you choose to leave, you will forfeit your place in line..." or my VERY favorite, "We have no idea on the future of Son of Beast at this time. We haven't even thought about

Son of Beast since March of 2010!" Just scripts they are instructed to give, is all.

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Over the past few days I haven't been on the site as much as I usually am, and I was dreading reading this topic when I saw it had grown to 17 pages in the span of just a few short days. I was dreading it because I just knew it was going to be full of b1tching and moaning and conspiracy theories. I have taken time to read the entire topic today, and I was right, at least regarding the beginning of the topic. People seemed to really be jumping the gun and drawing their own conclusions about what the WS/Vortex ERT meant for the future of the DB/Beast ERT. I'm glad now that b1tching and moaning as for the most part calmed down, and the topic has now become more of a call to arms for those who are opposed to the DB/Beast ERT going the way of Swan Lake to actually contact the park and let them know their opinions.

While I can understand your frustrations, especially those that come from several hours away, I do take issue with those that say they bought a SP "just for ERT".

For those of you b1tching and moaning on this site and not doing anything else about it, more power to you.

For those of you calling the park to let them know of your displeasure, more power to you.

For those of you boycotting the two ERT rides, more power to you.

I for one will not be calling the park or complaining about the change. I'm looking forward to the WS ERT. Sure, the potential (and I say potential because there is always the chance that the park won't do it) loss of the DB/Beast ERT is a little disappointing to me, but I'm not getting worked up about it. I'm thankful that there is even any ERT at all... and that there's even a park to go to.

Going to the park, for me, isn't about how many rides I can cram into one day, how fast I run from one ride to another. It's about enjoying my time at the park by taking my time, and enjoying the atmosphere, and appreciating each ride. Maybe that's why I don't really mind that the ERT schedule has changed.


Enthusiasts complain about Flight Deck's paint job. Paint Job happens.


That does not mean B caused A. Classic case of "after this, because of this." The paint job may have already been planned. I sincerely doubt that Flight Deck got painted solely because of enthusiast complaints. In fact, I doubt they had ANY input into that.

Corrosion issues. General park appearance. Scheduled maintenance. But enthusiast complaints causing Flight Deck to be painted? Get real. It also happened after the neighbors' dog ate a Tootsie Roll!

Or...for comparison, how many years now have enthusiasts been complaining about Rolling Thunder at Great Adventure? And what has been the result? If it gets painted next year, will you then think enthusiasts' complaints caused it? Not hardly. Not at all.

One last thing...Flight Deck got painted after I reread We The Living. My reading of We The Living did not cause that!

But Chaos Theory dictates that because enthusiasts complained and the neighbors' dog ate a Tootsie Roll and you reread We The Living and I stubbed my toe on November 8th, that that's the reason FD got the paint job!:lol:

If a park acted on everything they "listened" to there would be no direction at all.

Quite possibly the most intelligent thing I've read on this site in quite a long while.

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IBEW_Sparky's post referred (quite hysterically so, I thought), to an operations guy, not a finance guy.

If that doesn't help, that particular chaos resided and does still reside in the parking lot at Cedar Point.

And I may well come to Orlando to pick up my nickel, but I need to stop in Atlanta first...for reasons spanning from a Cyclone and a Scorcher to a little talk (which may be skipped) or perhaps only to ruminate about what might have been (yet I don't know yet...pending shutdowns are like that)....in the event that things do play out and odds are beaten, a trip to Orlando would be...just the ticket! Well, that and Tampa...especially Tampa!

Terp, good at telling stuff in public that looks like nothing at all...(thanks, friends, for your concern and best wishes...422 is a large number, deficits are huge and cause things and old Terp is hoping and praying for the right things....but he doesn't make nor will he ever make $20 million a year!)

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I suppose I'm confused with some of this thread mostly because there are certainly times of day when both The Beast and Diamondback are virtually riderless and people can enjoy rides over and over again without even the ERT. Indeed, many people don't even take advantage of Beast's ERT as there is usually no line until the park 'officially' opens anyway. To cancel DB's early ride time seems odd, but I postulate the park has a reason for doing the things they do. Perhaps trying to revamp Vortex as a legitimate coaster? Get people excited about a new ride?

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I think Vortex just happens to be the coaster next to this year's new toy. I don't think it has anything to do with making Vortex a more 'legitiment' coaster, whatever that would entail, nor do I believe (hope?) it is the beginning of a goodbye tour. Vortex is considered a 'major' ride by the GP and it just happens to be next door.

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I think Vortex just happens to be the coaster next to this year's new toy. I don't think it has anything to do with making Vortex a more 'legitiment' coaster, whatever that would entail, nor do I believe (hope?) it is the beginning of a goodbye tour. Vortex is considered a 'major' ride by the GP and it just happens to be next door.

Agreed. As far as I can guess, the rest of the park isn't finished with their opening procedures by 9:30/9:00 and they don't want to just open the whole park and disrupt that. Also, I think a lot of people who have day tickets would be upset if they went over to a non-ERT ride and there was already a huge line because of ERT (Like TTD at CP).

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Mr.America normally I like to welcome new members to KIC but I suspect you have been here for awhile already and just hiding behind the name Mr. America. Most enthusiast who join usual try to get along and not make their first two post insulting fellow members and they normally put nice things about the parks or fun banners showing their pride for the amusement industry and not quotes of "What'cha gonna do when Mr. America runs wild on you (and your stupid posts)".

I would have a different way to handle the situation if I was that upset as RatorGuy but then again I am not him so I just hear him out as well as others.

I am very ashamed to see so many personal attacks here and hope the Admins can step in before this site disgraces itself any further. I feel as if we all have been invited to a house party and the hosts have left to go to another party.

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