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Assigning seats on The Beast


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I know a park rep is going to get upset and call the ACE police on me, but if he's that sensitive, be my guest and call them! They have been assigning seats this week on Beast for no apparent reason. I told the rides manager I was upset and he is suppose to fix it, but as of today that has not happened. There is absolutely NO reason to assign seats on coasters, and especially ones were they never did in the last 32 years! I don't know whats up with assigning seats on Beast, but this Raptor Bird is NOT amused!

So someone is crying because they got on a ride where the ops were assigning seats? The only sensitive person i see in this thread is you. If you have a problem with a park assigning seats on rides, then don't go anymore. This is a very very small issue to me and i am sure to the park. So what if they are assigning seats on a ride that they never did on before. Get over it and grow up. Alot of people will tell you that Kings Island is packed during the summer and fall for the Haunt. And you should know that. If it fixes the line on The Beast, then we should all be for it. I have seen the line when the park is busy. I am sure that the FastPass made it worse. I as an ACE member myself don't worry about a park assigning seats on rides. I worry about the bigger stuff like people who use cell phones and take pics while on a ride.

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Alright settle down all you ....... people

At Beast this is what they do, what they call "pulsing the station" this is done by letting one trains worth of people into the station by simply saying "Please choose any empty row" cutting the line when there is about 4 empty rows left. Then asking the next people in line to go to these rows if they want the next train.

Please don't get it in your mind that Beast is doing what Diamondback use to do by assigning numbered rows, as this is not the case.

Having a separator is beneficial to the guests as it makes it simple to get there group on the same train without having to line up. The process is still somewhat new, give it a week or two to perfect it.

Any questions feel free to ask.

Do you think it increases capacity?

It certainly has the possibility to, as you can fill every row and the possibility of pairing odd groups together such as two groups of 3 can ride in 3 rows rather then 4 rows.

The big advantage of this is it keeps the heat of the station down and the air can move in the station. That station gets verrrry hot in the summer with a full station against the gates. B)

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I know a park rep is going to get upset and call the ACE police on me, but if he's that sensitive, be my guest and call them! They have been assigning seats this week on Beast for no apparent reason. I told the rides manager I was upset and he is suppose to fix it, but as of today that has not happened. There is absolutely NO reason to assign seats on coasters, and especially ones were they never did in the last 32 years! I don't know whats up with assigning seats on Beast, but this Raptor Bird is NOT amused!

So someone is crying because they got on a ride where the ops were assigning seats? The only sensitive person i see in this thread is you. If you have a problem with a park assigning seats on rides, then don't go anymore. This is a very very small issue to me and i am sure to the park. So what if they are assigning seats on a ride that they never did on before. Get over it and grow up. Alot of people will tell you that Kings Island is packed during the summer and fall for the Haunt. And you should know that. If it fixes the line on The Beast, then we should all be for it. I have seen the line when the park is busy. I am sure that the FastPass made it worse. I as an ACE member myself don't worry about a park assigning seats on rides. I worry about the bigger stuff like people who use cell phones and take pics while on a ride.

With all due respect, Brian, it seems like anything the park does upsets or offends you. After a certain point, it gets hard to take your concerns - legit or not - seriously....

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Thanks for explaining the system. When I was there on July 24th it was working like that...I also liked it. I was not asssigned a seat...just "held bacK' until the next train left. It was a lot more easy picking a seat so that my nephews and I could ride together. It was also nice not having a ton of people squishing up against me right before my ride!

Any questions feel free to ask.

Did Oswald act alone? Was Marilyn murdered? Who really was the walrus? How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?...shall I keep going?

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Perhaps this is a case of familiarity breeding contempt. When I thought I'd be unable to go for the rest of the summer, and then had the opportunity to go, I was very happy with the experience I had as written in my "Friday Night" post.

We easily rode all the key favorite rides, and then some in the space of four hours. I love Coney Mall rides, and even had time for those.

I like the uncrowded station, and to be honest, I liked being allowed to board the car early, due to the new system of filling the trains. It was a very good trip for me.

Maybe taking a break from the park, then going back, might refresh the view of it.

(If I had to ride the coasters in a Chanel suit, I was getting myself in that park. I was lucky enough to have a client that would allow me to change clothes in their restroom. )

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A friend of mine tells a story of being at Kings Island as a young girl, riding the Scrambler with her sister, when, suddenly, out of nowhere, a man in a suit and tie, carrying a briefcase, hopped on the ride with them. "It's three to a ride, yaknow.".

She was left wondering about an amusement park that hired businessmen to make sure cars had the complete compliment of riders.

hmmmm. Now i'm starting to wonder.....

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I have never, ever done such a thing. I did have a similar thing happen to me on what was then called Coaster and is now called Thunderhawk. Ride op put me in front seat. The gentleman already seated said nothing. Half way up the lifthill he announced " I don't like riding with people". A few more feet "and I have a knife."

That, my friends, was a harrowing ride!

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^ I want to laugh, but, my gosh! That's the most disturbing thing I've ever heard happening between guests on a roller coaster. I would have been silently freaking out. I imagine you probably were yourself.

Guess my story about once being stuck with a less-than-sober man on The Beast who loudly announced, multiple times, that he was going to throw up (when he wasn't elbowing me and calling me "pal") is a little less effective now... :lol:

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I would be telling the operator and park officials if i rode with someone that had a knife.... Also I feel VERY uncomfortable around drunk people so I would probably be as scared... :P Are they supposed to deny someone for riding a ride if they are intoxicated?

But about the topic..... I really like the idea, especially where my home park used to be SFSL before i moved to Ohio, in which they never stopped lines before entering the station. I'm glad they are stopping the line at Flight of Fear especially after I asked for them to consider it for that specific ride. I always hated being in that tiny station with another 100 people...

-MagmMForce247 :)

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I have never, ever done such a thing. I did have a similar thing happen to me on what was then called Coaster and is now called Thunderhawk. Ride op put me in front seat. The gentleman already seated said nothing. Half way up the lifthill he announced " I don't like riding with people". A few more feet "and I have a knife."

That, my friends, was a harrowing ride!

"If you don't give me a FREE SPRITE, I'm gonna go out to the parking lot and slash yo tires!"

You know, I never did ask that kid how he planned to figure out which car was mine. biggrin.gif

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I would be telling the operator and park officials if i rode with someone that had a knife.... Also I feel VERY uncomfortable around drunk people so I would probably be as scared... :P Are they supposed to deny someone for riding a ride if they are intoxicated?

But about the topic..... I really like the idea, especially where my home park used to be SFSL before i moved to Ohio, in which they never stopped lines before entering the station. I'm glad they are stopping the line at Flight of Fear especially after I asked for them to consider it for that specific ride. I always hated being in that tiny station with another 100 people...

-MagmMForce247 :)

Once on The Beast, we were stopped on the second hill because there was a backup at the station. All of a sudden this drunk lady started screaming ''WER MAKIN HISTERY!!!" Then she got her phone out and started taking pictures. Then she made us move out of the way so she could take a picture down the track. She basically climbed all the way out of her seat.

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Ha! I just hate when people try to get out of their seats. At Cedar Point earlier this year 2 people in our raft on WWC kept on standing,and one was literally hanging her upper body out trying to touch water, luckily my mom grabbed her... TWICE, and they both got yelled at by a operator in a overseeing booth....

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Sure it is. There's no O.R.C. ordinance stating that you as a guest are required to follow the instructions of the restaurant server.

And again, as pointed out multiple times in this topic - if you ask, the ride ops seem like they're more than likely to oblige your request for your preferred seat. Them separating fills empty seats, keeps the line moving and keeps the station orderly. Mountains out of mole hills people.

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Sure it is. There's no O.R.C. ordinance stating that you as a guest are required to follow the instructions of the restaurant server.

And again, as pointed out multiple times in this topic - if you ask, the ride ops seem like they're more than likely to oblige your request for your preferred seat. Them separating fills empty seats, keeps the line moving and keeps the station orderly. Mountains out of mole hills people.

Try going to a real prosecutors office and trying to convince someone who deals with murderers and rapists every day to bring in a forty member jury pool (all of whom have families and jobs) to hold a jury trial because someone sat in the wrong seat on a roller coaster!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!

Edit: Especially when the State's star witness is some crater-faced 16-year-old on a power trip!!!!

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Try going to a real prosecutors office and trying to convince someone who deals with murderers and rapists every day to bring in a forty member jury pool (all of whom have families and jobs) to hold a jury trial because someone sat in the wrong seat on a roller coaster!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!

Why would I need to do that nor where did I say anything about a prosecution? All I said was that there is an ORC Ordinance stating guests must follow a Ride Operators instructions (and that there is not one for Restaurant servers). But hey, you can jump to whatever conclusions you want.

Edit: Especially when the State's star witness is some crater-faced 16-year-old on a power trip!!!!

So an employee doing their job is now someone you need to insult and claim their on a power trip? You're an adult, right?

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I have never, ever done such a thing. I did have a similar thing happen to me on what was then called Coaster and is now called Thunderhawk. Ride op put me in front seat. The gentleman already seated said nothing. Half way up the lifthill he announced " I don't like riding with people". A few more feet "and I have a knife."

That, my friends, was a harrowing ride!

^ I want to laugh, but, my gosh! That's the most disturbing thing I've ever heard happening between guests on a roller coaster. I would have been silently freaking out. I imagine you probably were yourself.

Guess my story about once being stuck with a less-than-sober man on The Beast who loudly announced, multiple times, that he was going to throw up (when he wasn't elbowing me and calling me "pal") is a little less effective now... :lol:

I have never, ever done such a thing. I did have a similar thing happen to me on what was then called Coaster and is now called Thunderhawk. Ride op put me in front seat. The gentleman already seated said nothing. Half way up the lifthill he announced " I don't like riding with people". A few more feet "and I have a knife."

That, my friends, was a harrowing ride!

"If you don't give me a FREE SPRITE, I'm gonna go out to the parking lot and slash yo tires!"

You know, I never did ask that kid how he planned to figure out which car was mine. biggrin.gif

And I thought I had run-ins with strange people. You people have the full deck.

(On FB a guest noted that The Beast was down Saturday. Friday it was FOF, Is this regular maintenance throughout the season?)

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Well, I doubt that it's part of a Fast Lane test.

Honestly, though, sometimes Facebook is not the most accurate of sources. A ride could be down four minutes and to a guest who only tried to ride it once, that's all day.

EDIT: At this time of morning we both posted nearly the same thing at the same time. Eerie.

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I can't believe this is still worth discussing, much less complaining about.

I much, much, much prefer when the employee cuts off the line outside of the station. The wait is exactly as long as it would be otherwise, but there's less chaos and counting to match friends while in the station. You wait just as long, it's just that the line appears to move slower since it's stop and go. When they aren't cutting the line at Millennium Force's station, it makes me sad. It's just easier.

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Wouldn't be a "power trip" if it were enforcing another policy that KICers whine about constantly (smoking/line jumping), would it?

Cedar Pointer please refrain from lumping the whole KIC community in a negative accusation. Because a major majority of members enjoy and support the park even when things change. Some may not like it but understand the change while a FEW out of thousands complain at various levels of expression. I will always respect dissent when done so respectfully which I believe 99% of KICers do. Some get a bit over the top with their comments and very unfortunate they make degrading remarks about a employee or group of employees similar to what you just did in referring to KICers.

To everyone else;

There are sometimes when posts get edited or even moved due to their tone while others are left to stay put and unchanged, that is so that readers can put proper weight to those posters future posts.

Again the number one complaint here on KIC is negative personal attacks or condescending posts. those post are about equally split between some who are constantly disgruntled with the park and those who attack those who speak their views on those matters. Honestly the vast majority of members as well as I see both equally negative and hurtful to the reputation of this site. Some of the members are extremely knowledgeable and are very well respected for the information or view they do share but either use a condescending tone in the post or end their post with a degrading insult to an individual or a group.

I get asked why I support the park so much or why I let some degrade the park and other members with words in such a way as if I favor a position. I do have a position and often remind those who say those things to me That my position is and always be as an Administrator that KICentral is my first priority, then the park and members are equally prioritized and respected. One without the other or favored will be the demise of this site.

We have been trying to tone it down a bit and most have helped by toning their post down but more is to be done and will be done. Is KICentral perfect?.. No and that is not our priority and focus right now but rather to provide a place for those who enjoy Kings Island to have a place to visit, express and share their options and ideas in a respectful way, while trying to provide a place for information of happenings at Kings Island.

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Guest rcfreak339

Also, I will bet you any amounts of money that if you nicely ask the operator where you want to sit they will try and give it to you.

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One question: When assigning, is there still a split for front or back or are they taking everyone through one part of the line?

Yesterday, at the former split point, the back lane was blocked by a trash can and all guests were funneled through the former front lane.

I do not know if it is still occuring or not but Flight of Fear was also assigning seats on the 24th when I was there... it actually made the operations seem more smooth on the ride imo.

I saw that on 7/24 as well, and they were still doing it yesterday.

(On FB a guest noted that The Beast was down Saturday. Friday it was FOF, Is this regular maintenance throughout the season?)

I rode it multiple times yesterday and never saw it down. I did see them them stop a train at the bottom of the lift hill to take away some sort of electronic device once, so somebody might have seen that and assumed it was down.

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I've noticed that many people, upon noticing that a ride is down, assume that it was down for the whole day and then complain about it, not realizing that it probably opened soon after they left.

"Do y'all know when the Inverterger is gonna open?"

Well, that's just ridiculous...

...Usually, they call it "Faceoff" and then proceed to ask who died on it and caused it to close. ;)

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