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Flashback Till Opening Day 2012


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Years? Just a few weeks. It was a shoot 'em up show. In a theme park. Then Columbine happened. A few weeks later, the show quietly disappeared.

While I'm not quite as old as you Terpy, I recall the days when there was a shoot em up cowboys v indians show in Frontierland in Disney World ;)

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Years? Just a few weeks. It was a shoot 'em up show. In a theme park. Then Columbine happened. A few weeks later, the show quietly disappeared.

While I'm not quite as old as you Terpy, I recall the days when there was a shoot em up cowboys v indians show in Frontierland in Disney World ;)

There still is one at Six Flags Over Georgia. Well, a cowboys vs. cowboys. Georgia's a different world, in many, many ways.

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Some commented that " They wouldn't stand in a line that long for Vortex" Those pictures were from many, many years ago when the ride was new.

I remember waiting almost 4 hours for The Beast, when it was in it's first few seasons.

I also recall, when in line for The Beast (at night), I was in high school, the college kids would be drunk, chanting "Bring on The Beast" while in the Cue house. It got all the patrons revved up to ride. This seems somewhat silly now, but back then it was fun.

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I'd nearly forgotten how much I enjoy these threads. Thanks for posting the old timey photos of KI. It's a great way to get pumped for the season! Now if only I could find that pic of me and my sister in Fred Flintstone's car...

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Thanks again for all this pics Paul... Feeling odd for using first names of people I've never met

As for wait times, I remember 3-4 hrs being the standard for Magnum and now I get bummed if it's over 20

Edit to add: ^ I love that pic

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Guest KingsIslandPR

Worth noting in the Monster photo are The Racer trains, which featured four cars per train when the ride originally opened in 1972. Due to the ride's popularity, a fifth car was added in 1973 to increase capacity.

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I also belive the last bunny hill in The Racer was removed in 94 or 95 to make way for Flight of Fear.

I've heard from many people that it was not removed for Flight of Fear (infact, one side still had the bunny hill while the path went underneath it), but was removed to make for a longer break run. I've always been curious if the chain on the large hill on The Racer (right before the ride splits for the turn around) was ever needed.

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