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Kings Island Campground


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I found this old campground map while going through some old stuff. Thought I would share.

I have so many memories staying in the campground and made me kind of sad when i found this. I really miss camping there .

By the way the camp sites I have circled are all the spots i camped at. I did this as a kid

lol when I was young we only went once a year, but I would always circle the spot we camped at for memories later, every year when I would get a new map I would transfer all the places I have circled onto my new map. lol I stopped doing this when i was about 12.

<a href=" Kings Island Campground map title="Kings Island Campground map by lopezjr68, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7157/6627175731_d5c2a60c90_z.jpg" width="640" height="498" alt="Kings Island Campground map"></a>

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Many camping memories--camping with groups from work when our employer gave passes annually; camping by myself with my 2 girls when Dad was out of town, camping for Spirit Song weekends with lots of advance planning and reservations. Loved it when the campground had it's own pool. We always had "party lights" strung on our canopy and plugged in to a light sensor so that they would come on at dusk. We would ride Top Gun and fly by our campsite.

Biggest memory is bittersweet--we were packing up with the group from work (I work at a hospital). My daughter was 18 mths old and toddling around the site. Some how, she tripped near the fire pit, which we thought was extinguished. Falling hands first, she burned the palms and wrists of her hands on buried embers in the firepit. I rushed her to water. Since we were camping with paramedics and intensive care nurses (including my sister-in-law), she had immediate first aid. She and I were taken by ambulance to the old college football hall of fame parking lot and flown by helicopter to UC/Childrens and taken to Shriners. We spent one scary night there and they sent her home under our care. Shriner's still follows her, she has had 2 minor surgeries on her fingers to release scaring bands. She will likely have one more follow-up visit next year when she will "graduate" because she will be 18. Every time she had opportunity, she took her little pressure gloves to show and tell at school. We have pictures of her sitting in her high chair with the gloves on at the computer keyboard--remember Jumpstart computer programs anyone? I should try to find a picture and post it. We camped several times after that episode, but it will also be a "remember when" moment of our camping at King's Island. If they ever bring back a camp ground, I'll gladly return--no tent, an RV this time lol.

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I would love if they put in a new campground.I def would go. But I would still miss the old campground considering all the memories I have there. I remember riding the tram back and fourth from the park to the campground several times a day. The drivers were always so nice and very friendly. There is times we would stay 5-6 days at a time at the campground and go in the park everyday,and maybe even go over to the beach one day.

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I didn't know the campground had a pool at one time, they must have took it out when i was very young because I don't remember it. My youngest memory at the campground was in 1996 , I was about 7 years old. That was also my first year riding a "big" roller coaster. The Racer. I was so scared to ride it, I was having so much fun on The Beastie, and then my mom talked me into getting on The Racer. I cried the whole way up the lift hill.lol, but afterward smiled and wanted to get on it again. Rode it probably 10 times that day.

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I don't remember when the pool was removed for sure, but I believe it was around the time they expanded the water park with the wave pool--maybe '94 or '95. It was located next to the recreation area/office/store. This is around the time my daughter was injured, which was also probably the last year we got complimentary KI passes from work. We started getting season passes when my daughter turned 2 or 3.

I also remember a terrifying night at the campground when we were tent camping during a huge lightening storm. I estimated we camped 8-10 times (always in a tent). I insisted on a camp site with electricity. I converted the back of our minivan into a kitchen and brought a microwave and electric griddle/skillet. I think we also brought a little TV with a built in VCR so we could bring tapes to entertain the kids. It was always great to return from a day at the park, light up a campfire, and roast hot dogs and/or s'mores. I would be up very late washing beach towels at the laundry. A campgrounds with pool, store, laundry, showers, running water, tram to the park--my idea of primitive camping. It was great!

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Yea it was great! Far better than a hotel. After a day at the park it was fun to come back and sit around the fire.Plus the price to camp wasn't that much at all. I wish they could have built the great wolf lodge in another location. When I was young it wasn't just about going to Kings Island. Camping was always part of our trip. Actually since the campground has closed, we havnt taken a family trip. It was always my mom, step dad, my two cousins, my aunt and uncle that would go. We would even meet up with other family friends and camp right beside each other. so many memories :(

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Kings Island added their first wave pool for the 1997 season. I`m not sure when the pool in the campground disapeared.

I believe Carowinds recently expanded/renovated their campground about five years ago, right after Cedar Fair took control of the Paramount Parks.

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The tape is somewhere at my parents house.Hopefully its still there. I'm sure it is . But people borrow things a lot and don't tend to return them. But next time I am there I will find it and see about getting it transferred to dvd, and then maybe from there I can figure out how to do it. I'm not sure what all is filmed, but i know my step dad always took the video camera with us and I remember him filming when we stayed there.

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  On 1/8/2012 at 5:01 AM, jlopez said:

I thought It was Yogi bear at one time too. I was very young, but i have this memory of staying at a Yogi Bear campground when we went to Kings Island at one point in time.

I wonder if we were ever at the park and camping at the campground at the same time as kids? Makes you wonder..

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Hey, I have some pictures from the campground. My dad was taking pictures of the fireworks from our campsite. They aren't the best pictures, but hey, they're still pics from the campground! I am currently uploading them to Photobucket, and will post a couple shortly. My best guess at the year is 1982, and that is because other pics I found with these have the Festhaus in it... under construction. And since the Festhaus opened in '83... Well, you get the idea.

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  On 1/13/2012 at 8:12 PM, OhioChris said:

Hey, I have some pictures from the campground. My dad was taking pictures of the fireworks from our campsite. They aren't the best pictures, but hey, they're still pics from the campground! I am currently uploading them to Photobucket, and will post a couple shortly. My best guess at the year is 1982, and that is because other pics I found with these have the Festhaus in it... under construction. And since the Festhaus opened in '83... Well, you get the idea.

Would love to see these. I am sure my parents have some pics somewhere of the campground and KI.

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Ok, like I said, not the best quality, but check out the station wagon! That thing screams early '80s! LOL.


I like how bright the firework is in this one, really lit up the area!


Had to include one that had the Eiffel Tower in it for proof these are Kings Island, lol!


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