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What video editing software did you use to make that? It is a really nice video! Great job!

Windows Movie Maker, I think its the most basic you can get. My biggest thing with putting this together was trying to keep the pictures and in particular the videos to flow with the music as much as possible.

Thanks everyone!

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While it is basic, it is amazing how much you are able to do with the basic software. As Interpreter said, it would have costs thousands of dollars to do that decades ago. Just think, that editing a video like that even fifteen years ago would have required expensive software, and hours upon hours of editing, and even then, would likely not have yielded such a high quality video as what we have here!

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Yall should see the ones on YouTube. 85% of them are breaking the park rules due to them taking video while on the ride. And they get mad when they get called out on it by the people who see the videos. It would be different if they had the parks ok to do it.

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