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Starting to Decode 2014


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There are two parallel rows of footers that go out to just short of the fence and then stop, then there's some junk off to the right. My guess is an immelmann that loops and then dives out towards Slingshot.



The more footers are pored, the more I'm convinced that this is an invert or some other kind of coaster involving an a-frame support.

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  On 7/18/2013 at 1:19 AM, LordSkippy said:

Could it? Of course. But will it? I really don't think so.

Racing coasters really aren't all too common, and with The Racer still around I don't see it as a likely possibility.

True but wouldn't it be EPIC.

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  On 7/17/2013 at 4:06 AM, chugh43 said:

Hopefully you saw at least 10 trucks with drywall, the area that has been worked so far, would need a ton of drywall! ;-)

Could they have been trucks of green Intamin drywall?

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  On 7/17/2013 at 8:53 PM, Joncars05 said:


Here is the sticker from the Flying Over the Rain Forest wing coaster in China.

The number on top is not the same. jcgoble3 is correct. The Job number is the first 4 numbers while the last digits might mean something like track piece #3.

Decode away.

Loophole (I think) FOtR is the sixth, not fifth unless they labelled raptor as 0.

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  On 7/17/2013 at 8:03 PM, invertedgirl said:

670200029.... If you add all those numbers up it comes to 26. If you decrypt them they turn out to be FG0B000BI I'm not being a good detective. Darn it.

So now it is double confirmed that there is a Hooters coming to the park.

I'm excited.

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I'm just going to start with, man It's hot today. How many before your done? Then move on to, Are you placing any further back where it's shaded? You know, if those questions are answered it could give us a time frame on when we could see a station, or supports going up. It could also give us a better idea of a ride footprint. Or layout.

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  On 7/18/2013 at 12:22 AM, Beast1979 said:

There are two parallel rows of footers that go out to just short of the fence and then stop, then there's some junk off to the right. My guess is an immelmann that loops and then dives out towards Slingshot.

I think it'll actually be coming from slingshot to the immelman. Its really looking like they will leave the station going towards the Action Zone, make the left and start the lift at the parallel footers going towards AE. The lift should drop to the right, go into a vert loop, then into the immelman, or more likely a dive loop. After that it should go under the lift and towards the valley. Kinda like:


With Pink = Brake run/transfer track, Red = storage shed, Blue= station, green = track, and black = supports.

Obviously my artwork sucks, and the supports are just to give perspective and are probably going to the wrong footers. But this should give you an idea what I think the start of the layout will be.

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  On 7/18/2013 at 4:29 AM, Coaster Addict said:

I'm confused some believe it will be a Wing Rider, and some have completely ruled out a Wing Rider. It's seems you have the footprint kind of figured out, what would fit best, and be the most practical for what seems to be the footprint as of now?

I think Wing Rider is out of the question at this point unless they have completely changed their construction method since last year. With wing riders, they tend to have a single support and footer underneath low laying track like leading up to the station. With this you have pairs of footers everywhere. You typically see this on inverts and flying coasters as the car hangs under the track and a single support would not work. I think its a forgone conclusion that its an invert at this point. A flyer isn't impossible, but it's an odd choice with Firehawk already on the grounds. If it's anything else, they would have to be building this one differently than just about any coaster they have done in the past.

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  On 7/18/2013 at 4:29 AM, Coaster Addict said:

I'm confused some believe it will be a Wing Rider, and some have completely ruled out a Wing Rider. It's seems you have the footprint kind of figured out, what would fit best, and be the most practical for what seems to be the footprint as of now?

I think it is to early to tell, but if you look at the "Station" it looks like (what ever way the cart is going) getting on and off will be in the same place, similar to Back Lot Stunt Tracks station. Just a guess, there are footers completely on the left side, then in the middle what looks like where the tract will go, and then on the far right of the "Station" there are no additional footers, yet..

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Has anyone thought of the possibility that Mantis at Cedar Point is getting an overhaul. New Paint, Trains, maybe a new station.

With the new name "Banshee"?

Oh wait sorry. Banshee was only trademarked for KI right?

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  On 7/18/2013 at 4:35 AM, fryoj said:
  On 7/18/2013 at 4:29 AM, Coaster Addict said:

I'm confused some believe it will be a Wing Rider, and some have completely ruled out a Wing Rider. It's seems you have the footprint kind of figured out, what would fit best, and be the most practical for what seems to be the footprint as of now?

I think Wing Rider is out of the question at this point unless they have completely changed their construction method since last year. With wing riders, they tend to have a single support and footer underneath low laying track like leading up to the station. With this you have pairs of footers everywhere. You typically see this on inverts and flying coasters as the car hangs under the track and a single support would not work. I think its a forgone conclusion that its an invert at this point. A flyer isn't impossible, but it's an odd choice with Firehawk already on the grounds. If it's anything else, they would have to be building this one differently than just about any coaster they have done in the past.

That's what I was afraid of. Not that I don't like invert's ( I love Raptor. ) But I guess I was hoping for a record breaking B&M floorless design, a giga, or a multiple launch coaster.
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