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Starting to Decode 2014


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Is there a link to his Google account where there are other pictures? Or is that tiny little picture it. Any little picture like that I'll be very skeptical about.

This is a link to his YouTube page: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuIibmvgwH0kssDdmne0p3Q

I've tried doing a Google search for him, but can't find much.

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I doubt he knows anything, he's uploading things on Youtube, and look at the titles of his videos.

He's begging people to subscribe to his videos like a 14 year old. Like this one. "Ride broke down in storm then they had to get people off ride. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE" Also his videos are shot in a terrible quality and out of focus. There's no way he has any insight. Just saying. It's probably Big Sexy 3.0.

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Quick question! What song is played as Delirium starts? I can't find it anywhere and didn't see the point in starting a new thread for one question!

Song 2 by Blur. More commonly known as "woohoo" by uninformed people or Oasis fans making fun of Blur .


Actually, after I confessed my love for you, I check the song. It's since been changed. :(

Edited by jasonondropzone
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As I know it's not everyone's favorite ride, I'd be upset if they took out Adventure Express. While it's not my favorite ride either, I really enjoy it for the variety it offers the park. It may be a little rough, but not half as bad as The Beast was a few years ago. Obviously they won't need to take it out to accomodate the new ride. It's got some fun, cheesy theming and that's more than a lot of the rides have. Plus, I usually see it as something quick to ride in between big stuff.

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Adventure Express is a fun ride. "Rough"? Eh, Aggressive, I'd say. It's not like it's jolting all over the track. It throws you around where it's designed to and the seats we have a far more comfortable than other mine trains.. Also, the layout, itself, is one of the better ones that Arrow created.
I get disappointed when people don't share my appreciation for the ride. I don't have any discomfort riding. And I KNOW the ending doesn't have a second major drop so I don't care anymore.

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^^Your conclusion that my conclusion is ridiculous is wrong. Usually in an interview, especially w/ major ride manufacturers, if an interviewer asks about ride developments and the rep answers about it saying something like "we are working to do this" (ex b&m saying they are ready to do a launch coaster) then it is at least a few years from debuting. when they simply say "no comment" it usually means that they are trying to not ruin a new ride for the general public.

So my conclusion was not ridiculous. That is all.

Going to be honest with you, had a few drinks tonight and I STILL know how ridiculous your original post was. Cant wait to see the announcement and see you prove me wrong. Good day sir, I said GOOD DAY!!!

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Anybody else see the tweet today that said to check out the Kings Island website between June 29-30?

If you clicked the link. It was about the largest grill coming to ki

Edit for me not going to the next page and seeing that it was answered.../ I should go to sleep.. it was right below that it was answered. Ignore my stupidity and me being blind at 4:30am.

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How do you know they haven't? Maybe you're just not looking hard enough. I'm sure they had to file some sort of permit before they started any type of construction.

Has anyone found it strange that the park still hasn't filled a permit from the track to be constructed?

I'm pretty sure the park has done ALL of the paperwork before they started on construction. Think about it... :rolleyes:

But wouldn't they still have to fill it to Mason? I've looked through every single permit since January 2012 and the only thing I found was the foundation permit......

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Has anyone found it strange that the park still hasn't filled a permit from the track to be constructed?

I'm pretty sure the park has done ALL of the paperwork before they started on construction. Think about it... :rolleyes:

Probably, but wouldn't they still have to fill it to Mason? I've looked through every single permit since January 2012 and the only thing I found

was the foundation permit......

Maybe they are build the largest path with stepping stones

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How do you know they haven't? Maybe you're just not looking hard enough. I'm sure they had to file some sort of permit before they started any type of construction.

Has anyone found it strange that the park still hasn't filled a permit from the track to be constructed?

I'm pretty sure the park has done ALL of the paperwork before they started on construction. Think about it... :rolleyes:

But wouldn't they still have to fill it to Mason? I've looked through every single permit since January 2012 and the only thing I found was the foundation permit......

They've already did that or they wouldn't have started the construction. :wacko:

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I don't know....I said it was a guess. If they did file a permit for the track it should be in the permit documents (which it isn't). :wacko:

Also, why would they need a permit for track now (I know, it sounds crazy but I'm sure they can get the permit approved easily). They filled the footer one in March which was probably when they began digging.

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I don't know....I said it was a guess. If they did file a permit for the track it should be in the permit documents (which it isn't). :wacko:

Also, why would they need a permit for track now (I know, it sounds crazy but I'm sure they can get the permit approved easily). They filled the footer one in March which was probably when they began digging.

The construction is probably going by a certain schedule. Right now they might have to get the footings poured in the Thunder Alley/King Cobra site first by a certain date. Then they'll move towards the land that SoB resided and continue pouring footers while the iron workers install track at the site being prepped now.

THE_BEASTmaster, who is not going to post a whole lot on this topic (unless I really need to) until the reveal, but will be lurking more. :ph34r:

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Adventure Express is a fun ride. "Rough"? Eh, Aggressive, I'd say. It's not like it's jolting all over the track. It throws you around where it's designed to and the seats we have a far more comfortable than other mine trains.. Also, the layout, itself, is one of the better ones that Arrow created.

I get disappointed when people don't share my appreciation for the ride. I don't have any discomfort riding. And I KNOW the ending doesn't have a second major drop so I don't care anymore.

Rougher Than Son of Beast?

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