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What's Up With Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular?


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I can't seem to find where a bunch of you were questioning if painting the fountain floor black would be a good decision but after you watch this video that will be the least of your worries. I think this what is in store for KI (along with the coaster) and KD next year.....enjoy! (This was at Canada's Wonderland)

For those that just want to watch the good parts.....well.....lets just say there are no bad parts! :P


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After hearing of a fountain upgrade and fountain show, I thought that would be kind of cool. But after watching Canada's Wonderland's fountain show, I'm starting to hope they don't change the Kings Island fountains too much. I think it may take away from what Bruce Bushman (designer of International Street) intended if they make the fountains too much like the ones at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. But I am a bit pumped for an upgrade to the fountains.

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I'm surprised at all of the people asking for Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular to be replaced. It should be clear by now that when there is a heavily themed attraction that requires extensive upkeep, you can count on Kings Island letting it deteriorate. Starlight, Boo Blasters, The Crypt, all have stood as testament to this. It makes me very thankful for what remains of Flight of Fear's and Adventure Express' themeing. Is it necessarily a bad thing that Kings Island can't maintain heavily themed attractions? Not really. They're not a destination park like Universal or Disney, they're a regional, seasonal park. My hope is that they stick to what they do best, and that doesn't involve intricate light shows.

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  On 6/24/2013 at 12:00 PM, Dom497 said:

I can't seem to find where a bunch of you were questioning if painting the fountain floor black would be a good decision but after you watch this video that will be the least of your worries. I think this what is in store for KI (along with the coaster) and KD next year.....enjoy! (This was at Canada's Wonderland)

For those that just want to watch the good parts.....well.....lets just say there are no bad parts! :P


  On 6/24/2013 at 12:00 PM, Dom497 said:

I can't seem to find where a bunch of you were questioning if painting the fountain floor black would be a good decision but after you watch this video that will be the least of your worries. I think this what is in store for KI (along with the coaster) and KD next year.....enjoy! (This was at Canada's Wonderland)

For those that just want to watch the good parts.....well.....lets just say there are no bad parts! :P


Too bad your arch nemesis Hugecranio got in between your camera and the fountains about halfway through.

I can easily see KI doing that with the fountains. Putting the show where the shops are would be smart. How many times have you seen an item in the shopwindow and impulse bought?

(Hint to Shopping Department Head: Monster Kitties.)

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  On 6/23/2013 at 5:04 PM, Mr. Christopher said:
  On 6/21/2013 at 2:49 PM, Thrill_Biscuit said:

"No more lasers?" Ok, what'd I miss? Are lasers really so ubiquitous now that everyone would be "ho-hum" about them? Sheesh. :unsure:

Oh, wait: I get it. Other, "better" amusement parks have already done the laser thing to death... I see. Nothing left to imagine, I guess.

-Tb, googling quadrotor light shows...

Have you walked through Nightmare Alley/Freak Street? I prefer to call it Lasik Alley, what with all those lasers pointed at my face.

So, yeah. I do think they're a bit "ho-hum" . . . possibly even dangerous in this context.

I haven't. I suppose you're right. I was thinking more along the lines of projecting the images/patterns away from the crowds, onto the trees, etc., but at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. LMFAO @ "Lasik Alley," though.

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  On 6/24/2013 at 7:48 PM, BlondyRidesOn said:

After hearing of a fountain upgrade and fountain show, I thought that would be kind of cool. But after watching Canada's Wonderland's fountain show, I'm starting to hope they don't change the Kings Island fountains too much. I think it may take away from what Bruce Bushman (designer of International Street) intended if they make the fountains too much like the ones at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. But I am a bit pumped for an upgrade to the fountains.

I leave you with this quote:


"A person once told me that there's a difference between revering history and respecting history. Respecting history reminds you to look at what's really important and learn from it," Mr. Ouimet said. "Revering it means you never change anything, and if you don't make change … we won't be here in 20 or 30 years." -Matthew Ouimet, Cedar Fair President and CEO


You no longer see the glory of the fountains as you did when the park first opened. I think an upgrade is necessary. How many people just walk by the fountains and continue on? How many see the fountains and stop in wonder? I think an upgrade would be respecting the history of the park instead of keeping them in their current state, that may lead them to not being here in 20 or 30 years.

I've noticed that many KI enthusiasts tend to fear and hate change at the park. Sometimes change is necessary and when things change, they're not always bad changes.

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That is precisely what I mean. I would like to see a show that doesn't disturb the peacefulness of International Street. I don't mean to keep them the same as they presently are at night, but have a show that only uses the current water features but computerized to dance to the background music. I think it would be a little silly to add in more fountains when there can be a lot done with the current ones and still make an awesome show. I never really said they shouldn't do a fountain show at all, they should just use the current ones programmed to dance via computer and not just change effects with a turntable of switches, like the currently do. I actually am excited for a fountain show.

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  On 6/24/2013 at 8:30 PM, Tanna said:

Too bad your arch nemesis Hugecranio got in between your camera and the fountains about halfway through.

I can easily see KI doing that with the fountains. Putting the show where the shops are would be smart. How many times have you seen an item in the shopwindow and impulse bought?

(Hint to Shopping Department Head: Monster Kitties.)

I didn't film it....in fact...I wasn't even there (I'm going this weekend)!

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  On 6/25/2013 at 5:58 AM, BlondyRidesOn said:

The area where the SSS is today could be used for flat ride locations. That grassy area could be opened up and flats could be added. But that's what I think should be done.

Ugh. Not every inch of park space needs covered with rides, games, buildings, pavers, cigarette smoke, concrete or asphalt. Green space is important.

I, for one, miss Swan Lake. I miss a nice, quiet, bucolic, cigarette free Paramount Story aka Tower Gardens.

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  On 6/26/2013 at 12:10 AM, The Interpreter said:
  On 6/25/2013 at 5:58 AM, BlondyRidesOn said:

The area where the SSS is today could be used for flat ride locations. That grassy area could be opened up and flats could be added. But that's what I think should be done.

Ugh. Not every inch of park space needs covered with rides, games, buildings, pavers, cigarette smoke, concrete or asphalt. Green space is important.

I, for one, miss Swan Lake. I miss a nice, quiet, bucolic, cigarette free Paramount Story aka Tower Gardens.

I 100% agree Terp. I love rides and wish the park had more of them, but I also know that green space is important. That's the one thing I dislike about Cedar Point, there isn't a whole lot of green spaces, if at all.

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  On 6/26/2013 at 12:10 AM, The Interpreter said:
  On 6/25/2013 at 5:58 AM, BlondyRidesOn said:

The area where the SSS is today could be used for flat ride locations. That grassy area could be opened up and flats could be added. But that's what I think should be done.

Ugh. Not every inch of park space needs covered with rides, games, buildings, pavers, cigarette smoke, concrete or asphalt. Green space is important.

I, for one, miss Swan Lake. I miss a nice, quiet, bucolic, cigarette free Paramount Story aka Tower Gardens.

  On 6/26/2013 at 12:10 AM, The Interpreter said:
  On 6/25/2013 at 5:58 AM, BlondyRidesOn said:

The area where the SSS is today could be used for flat ride locations. That grassy area could be opened up and flats could be added. But that's what I think should be done.

Ugh. Not every inch of park space needs covered with rides, games, buildings, pavers, cigarette smoke, concrete or asphalt. Green space is important.

I, for one, miss Swan Lake. I miss a nice, quiet, bucolic, cigarette free Paramount Story aka Tower Gardens.

I wish Tower Gardens didn't look so gloomy. I'd like it if they spruced it up, it used to have water, didn't it?

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I'm with Terp and Chugh43 that the Smoking Section doesn't need to be there. Over excited little kids that need a break from an unusual day need to be there. What's wrong with have a few cages with birds? The waterfall working? Give it some atmosphere.

It's a nice little area, you can see the carousel through the clearing.

A quiet space would keep kids from wailing and having little mini breakdowns allover the park.

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  On 6/24/2013 at 8:05 PM, Beast1979 said:

I'm surprised at all of the people asking for Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular to be replaced. It should be clear by now that when there is a heavily themed attraction that requires extensive upkeep, you can count on Kings Island letting it deteriorate. Starlight, Boo Blasters, The Crypt, all have stood as testament to this. It makes me very thankful for what remains of Flight of Fear's and Adventure Express' themeing. Is it necessarily a bad thing that Kings Island can't maintain heavily themed attractions? Not really. They're not a destination park like Universal or Disney, they're a regional, seasonal park.

Considering the park is roughly 100 miles from 6 major cities (Cincinnati, Lexington, Louisville, Dayton, Columbus, Indianapolis) How can the park not be viewed as a destination park? The problem is it's not advertised well outside the greater Cincinnati area.

I'm sure Taft viewed the park as a destination park, not sure what Cedar Fair thinks of it...


I'm with Terp and Chugh43 that the Smoking Section doesn't need to be there. Over excited little kids that need a break from an unusual day need to be there. What's wrong with have a few cages with birds? The waterfall working? Give it some atmosphere.

It's a nice little area, you can see the carousel through the clearing.

A quiet space would keep kids from wailing and having little mini breakdowns allover the park.

That is where they should have put their money. Honestly, market a park that has a good atmosphere, not a sports bar!

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  • 2 months later...

PATHETIC - Last night - one a MAJOR holiday weekend StalightSpectacular was an unbelievable embarrassment. There was literally one bush with a string of red lights, a few red parts of stars, a floodlight or two on a tree and one color - most not even lit - of the weird zig-zag on the tower lit while music blared in the area - so it was "supposed" to be running. REALLY this is what you market in an entertainment schedule on a holiday weekend as one of your big nighttime offerings. I am quite embarrased to even call KI my home park by the way things are getting. They obviously don't care at all anymore about any of the things that can make the park a special "destination". I would write to guest services on the website, but you can only type 250 letters - guess they dont want real feedback. I think Ill write a letter to the GM and to corporate about all my observations from this entire season of fails. I live 20 min away and dont even know if I want to renew passes for next year - not just because of a few "twinkle lights" but because they seem totally stuck in the same do nothing rut I have seen for years. I know Banshee show that they are investing in the park, but I don't care that they are spending millions on a ride in a park that already has a good inventory of coasters, I just want some of that to be spent on maintaining what is already there.

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