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Drop Tower most feared ride at Kings Island?

Coaster Addict

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Heights scare me anymore at thirty seven. It could be not to mess with death halfway through the cycle - But Drop Tower and the Eiffel Tower are the only two things at kI I will not touch anymore. No rollercoaster will keep me off however...but that lap bar on Diamondback without another seatbelt restraint makes me wonder every time...I like the security of a good ol' fashioned seatbelt.

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This is my least favorite ride, but I will still ride it. What freak me out is when i'm waiting in line and i'm in the next group to get on and when the gyro drops.....you can feel that "WHOSH" of air right before the gyro lands and that FREAKS ME OUT EVERYTIME.

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Love power tower because of it being such a well built S&S, great ride, great drop and even shot, and overall good views. Drop Tower is nice, but I love hearing that storage tank release valve crack open and release air into the turbo drop tank. It's all clockwork to me now after spending way too many halloweekends fridays there :D

After riding Double Shot at IB a lot, I know what you are talking about. Also, hearing that final click before the release on DT is pretty cool too!

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Love power tower because of it being such a well built S&S, great ride, great drop and even shot, and overall good views. Drop Tower is nice, but I love hearing that storage tank release valve crack open and release air into the turbo drop tank. It's all clockwork to me now after spending way too many halloweekends fridays there :D

You took the words right out of my mouth-I love that chhhhhhhh....... sound before Power Tower is ready to drop or lift on the other side.

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True, but they are over head, and if they snapped, most likely, no harm would be done. Any recoil should be contained within the tower. ( the most likely being I guess some shards could fly)

Not so - look what happened at Six Flags Louisville with their Superman Tower of Power gondola cable snapped on the way up and wrapped around a girls legs and then severing her feet off at the ankles when the ride dropped (at least that was what was reported initially, not sure of the follow-up)

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I rode Drop Tower my first time yesterday; I was too afraid last year.Got on it with my friend and his daughter.I thought well if she brave enough so I was too.The only problem I had was slow raising, then when you hear the thing pulls it release; and realize you can see the park, that's when your dropped. It was exciting.But like all coasters I'll always get the fast heart rate.It's all worth it.

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Drop Tower is one of the two rides in the park (the other being XS) that I will not ride. Maybe someday I'll work up the nerve, but I just hate that free-fall sensation.

I dont like Drop Tower either but honestly Xtreme Skyflyer isnt bad! I was terrified but after doing it I was hooked! have done it like 6 times since! I recommend giving it a try! (:

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