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Haunt 2013- New Things!


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Its behind the icee station (I believe, not 100% sure what is there), its pretty well hidden, but easy to spot if you know what you're looking for. I'm guessing 99% of the park passes along there and doesn't realize there is a que back there.

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Guest Department47

I'd assume Cut-Throat Cove has been cut after the biergarten's overhaul. Probably also a safe bet that Grimm Blvd. is gone, following the water tower's removal.

Also, as exciting as "two new mazes" sounds, they could simply be overhauls of pre-existing ones. Reference one of 2011's "new" mazes, Mysteria (a rename of Death Row, formerly The Asylum, formerly Maze of Madness).

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That would be a great place for a haunt...out of the way, could use year after year.

I've wondered why they have not used that for a haunt in the past...guess they didn't need the room. With the old Oktoberfest covering gone, my guess is they will use much of the Cut Throat Cove stuff, and just re-name it.

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I have hoped that they would use the queue for something, but looking at pictures, doesn't look like the area is big enough to support multiple rooms.

Photo posted by DropZone99 on these forums


Photo posted by DropZone99 on these forums. In this photo you can see that the exit of the queue to the ride area (from Flight Commander) has been blocked off.

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Don previously said at the KIC event that Massacre Manor would be gone this year. I'd say it's safe to assume they'll be using the already assembled walls as part of the new haunt. I see the reasoning in saying that Cut-Throat Cove is probably also gone, but I'd like to imagine they'll do something else in its spot. That was a neat area for a pirate-themed haunt, in my opinion.

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  On 7/18/2013 at 9:00 PM, TombRaiderFTW said:

Don previously said at the KIC event that Massacre Manor would be gone this year. I'd say it's safe to assume they'll be using the already assembled walls as part of the new haunt. I see the reasoning in saying that Cut-Throat Cove is probably also gone, but I'd like to imagine they'll do something else in its spot. That was a neat area for a pirate-themed haunt, in my opinion.

That's a shame. That was the only haunt attraction I actually cared for and it's been a mainstay for years.

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I just want them to put a wall, scrim or even black plastic to keep the light out of haunts like wolfpack, slaughterhouse and holiday horror. The daylighting and security lights totally take away from the scare.

And if they could reduce the light in areas or diffuse it with color, so instead of a bright street lamp, its red or purple.

And not every light needs to be, but its too bright in the scarezones and some haunts.

I would love to see some of the creative designs from knotts be duplicated out here. Daniel miller and Brooke walters are creating awesome haunts that with some adaptations could be hits here.

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I'm kinda glad to see Massacre Manor gone. It's literally been there since what, 2001? 2002? It's an outdated haunt designed by Leonard Pickel at http://hauntrepreneurs.com/

Years ago he had a company called Elm Street Productions/Entertainment and sold haunt "packages" to events. The packages included: Mansion style theme haunt, chainlink maze (prison themed) and a gothic style/crypt-like haunt. It's my firm belief that KI purchased a package from said company after Lynton V. Harris of Sudden Impact Entertainment Group left after the initial year.

Needless to say these haunts are so far outdated that it's embarassing. Crowds are growing more "haunt savy" via the internet (and yes, general KI visitors) with the populartiy of Universal's Halloween Horror Nights. KI has SUCH potential at producing a mind-blowing event. The problem here is Cedar Fair. CF cookie-cuts across the board. The only unique Halloween Haunt brand is at Knott's; the rest are knock-offs, failed attempts or shared ideas and products. Shame. Universal has it figured out.

I predict that the "new mazes" will most likely just be re-branding of old ones. It's sad. CF needs to allow each park to do HH as THEY see fit. Each park needs it's own haunt team (new people, EXPERIENCED haunted house industry people, full time) and it's own budget. Until that happens you can always count on the lackluster creativety coming from KI's Halloween Haunt.

...doesn't mean it's not fun though. It's bitter-sweet.

-The Forsaken.

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Madame Fatale's Cavern of Terror was a step in the right direction and I think every house that comes in the future will follow suit. If every Haunt was as immersive as Cavern of Terror, which can be done, you would have an event almost on par with HHN.

As for the new mazes, I hope the second one replaces Urgent Scare. I went through it last year and it was a total snooze fest.

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Guest Department47
  On 7/19/2013 at 3:14 PM, The Forsaken said:

I'm kinda glad to see Massacre Manor gone. It's literally been there since what, 2001? 2002? It's an outdated haunt designed by Leonard Pickel at http://hauntrepreneurs.com/

According to this topic, "House of Darkness" opened there in 2001, before being slightly modified and becoming "R.L. Stine Fear Street Nights" in 2005. That only lasted a year, as it was renamed "Massacre Manor" in 2006. It's operated under that name since.

Regarding that topic, there are still two other attractions which have been at the park in some form since 2001 - "CarnEVIL" opened as "Circus of Horrors 3D" in the Festhaus in 2001 before being relocated to Enchanted Theater in 2006 and renamed in 2007. "Mysteria" opened as "Maze of Madness" in 2001 and was renamed "The Asylum" in 2006, "Death Row" in 2007, and then "Mysteria" in 2011. Some new lighting effects and costumes were added to it with its most recent name change, but it's a stretch to call it a new maze and not a simple reworking of Death Row.

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