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Banshee Queue Music


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^ Which actually makes me think... Wouldn't it be neat to have the Phantom Theater organ music (sans Maestro--or maybe just one laugh, toned down in the background somewhere to add a spooky edge) play in the Banshee queue? It'd be a neat throwback that continues the "deceased rides" theme from the announcement while still adding something to the theme?

I mean, I'm really not getting my hopes up that they'll do something special music-wise. (Not that I mean to sound disappointed! Kings Island has vastly exceeded my expectations this season, and I love just about every thing they're doing for 2014!) I just know that Carowinds' version of FUN TV, while a nice change, didn't feature any music you wouldn't have expected from Diamondback's queue since 2009. It's just a thought, that's all.

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With the look of the queue, I wouldn't mind not having music but just sound effects (along with the lighting & fog), maybe something like The Haunted Manson at the Disney Parks

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Uprising by Muse

Listening to this song now and it seems fitting as it is dark and creepy...

The Earth is the proper name of a planet, and thus should always be capitalized.

Ironically, I was literally listening to that song the minute you posted that.

I have the album that song was part of on Vinyl, and it's one of Muse's best. It's no Black Holes and Revelations, but it's solid.

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I will say that the entertainment in the queue line will be something awesome.

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Might have to walk down the normal queue line just for photography purpose, then about face, then walk down the Fast Pass line to ride her :)

The Haunted Hill will be able to see from the same line, you will not miss anything

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