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Is Kings Island Haunted?


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i work at that bigfoot/circle k that got held up 3 years ago by a guy named denise who robed several stores in oh. some how the cops found him and lead into a high speed pursuit that ended at my store where he held a customer hostage for 32 hours. before the cops blew up the back door and his dumb butt ran into the cooler. needless to saw he didnt make it out alive.

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i work at that bigfoot/circle k that got held up 3 years ago by a guy named denise who robed several stores in oh. some how the cops found him and lead into a high speed pursuit that ended at my store where he held a customer hostage for 32 hours. before the cops blew up the back door and his dumb butt ran into the cooler. needless to saw he didnt make it out alive.

Oh yeah, you told me about that. Lucky you had the day off, huh?

But anyway, someone told me about something pretty creepy at Diamondback. When we had all that bad weather, the DB crew was in their safety place, which is under the station. Someone came over the red phone(the intercom) and said "Diamondback crew, are you there?". They checked and there was no one out there because of the bad weather.

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WOAH This thread is back up at the top! I remember reading all of this 2 years ago XD. Anyways. I think KI is haunted. After searching news archives there were 5 deaths at KI: The woman who fell out of Flight Commander, the two men electrocuted in the fountain (NO ONE WAS TOSSED FROM VIKING FURY) and the old man from that old Safari ride. I didn't see anything about Tower Johnny, though I'm still pretty sure it happened. I read part of a news article clipping from I think 1983. It mentioned the day where three people died (I thought this was in 1991???) It also had a quote from some guy that worked there stating, "We've had 5 deaths here at King's Island in the last 20 years" or something like that. It stopped there, and asked me to pay 500 dollars to read the rest of the article. Never. But I'm wondering what that extra death was. Was it Tower Johnny? Because I didn't find ANYTHING else about him, so I'm assuming thats not it. The ghosts that I think are around there are Tower Johnny, Woody, The little girl. And maybe some others over from the cemetery?

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^ Oh really? I never heard that one :wacko: And there was that guy who fell of something during construction of FOF, but I think he lived, right? And oh yeah if that guy was killed in '89, then it couldn't of been included in that article because it was from '83. :wacko: I'm confuzzled

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I don't know if people know this (probly do but whatever) a woman was thrown from King Cobra after it de railed. She ALMOST died (close enough) (0_0)

OH and an elephant died at the park! :o

EDIT: I didn't know a woman died on Top Gun in 2003! :blink:

She didn't die on Top Gun, rather she had a heart attack on Top gun.

No one died on our King Cobra. It was a different one.

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I don't know if people know this (probly do but whatever) a woman was thrown from King Cobra after it de railed. She ALMOST died (close enough) (0_0)

OH and an elephant died at the park! :o

EDIT: I didn't know a woman died on Top Gun in 2003! :blink:

She didn't die on Top Gun, rather she had a heart attack on Top gun.

No one died on our King Cobra. It was a different one.

man that part i hi-lited just made me think of you with a jeff foxworthy voices

rotag, who just got done laffin histerically.

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Yeah that's what I meant. She had trouble breathing on it went to the hospital, had a heart attack, and died. And I didn't say anyone died on king cobra I said it just de railed and injured a bunch of people, though someone died on a similar stand up in Missouri. (sp?)

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I think it is probably haunted to some degree, but not necessarily by victims of tragedy (although I wouldn't rule it out). All places that are older and/or have been visited by a lot of people seem to have an 'imprint' on them. Wrigley Field, Union Terminal, castles I've been to in England, and KI all have this aura about them that is the residue of every visitor throughout the years. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I think it's palpable, especially when said places are empty.

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Yeah that's what I meant. She had trouble breathing on it went to the hospital, had a heart attack, and died. And I didn't say anyone died on king cobra I said it just de railed and injured a bunch of people, though someone died on a similar stand up in Missouri. (sp?)

But that's where your wrong, nothing like that happened at Kings Island. It all happened at Kings Dominion. Our King Cobra never de-railed. And, it was in West Virginia, not Missouri.

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Yeah that's what I meant. She had trouble breathing on it went to the hospital, had a heart attack, and died. And I didn't say anyone died on king cobra I said it just de railed and injured a bunch of people, though someone died on a similar stand up in Missouri. (sp?)

But that's where your wrong, nothing like that happened at Kings Island. It all happened at Kings Dominion. Our King Cobra never de-railed. And, it was in West Virginia, not Missouri.

See Monroe's post here: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?...st&p=224702, and WooferBear's post immediately following it.

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I was wrong, sorry.

I thought he was talking about the one at kings Dominion.

Not to mention there is not now, nor has there ever been a stand-up coaster in West Virginia.

Your right. I meant Virginia, not West Virginia.

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