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2014 Park Map Info


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Kings Island made a post on Twitter last night which read "Working on the 2014 Park Guide & Map. What info would you like to see added?"

I just thought I'd bring the question here, and see what KIC thinks should be added, or changed on the park map going into the 2014 season?.....

Any suggestions?...

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They should remove the desolate Crypt off the map, and just add it in during the haunt, that really bothers me for some reason.

They should also make Fli.... The Bat stand out more, but being next to Banshee...

Maybe point more towards the shows they offer?

I'm not sure about much else, I really like the the current maps style, and the way it is drawn.

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I know this probably isn't going to happen, but I would really LOVE to see the map return to its art style that it had during the mid Paramount-early Cedar Fair years.

I believe the last year this was featured was 2010.


Don't know why but 2005 was my favorite my map EVER! I guess I liked the little descriptions it gave for some on the rides on both the bottom and top the map.


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I always liked more realistic drawings of the rides rather than the cartoony drawings of recent years.

I loved the parks original map books. It made it easier to tell where you were and where rides and attractions were located. Never cared for the cartoony type maps.

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A list of the (nonexistant) death tolls for Son of Beast, Drop Tower, and the (Original) Bat so that all the stupid rumors there can stop.

Also, an explanation of why Vortex isn't sinking and a notice that at no point did The Beast ever operate with a loop.

And perhaps a notice that not everything you read online is the infallible truth. (Bonjour)

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When the question was originally posed, I said that I think X-Base should be an area that is labeled on the map (after all, it does have it's own signage!) :)

If only X-Base had its own bathrooms as well..

Agreed, but I'd rather have restrooms...no need to take a bath while I'm in X-Base.

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I'd like Drop Tower to receive a 5 on the thrill scale *cough*

I guess I missed my chance since he already posted. *hangs head in defeat*

Then again, I didn't have any REAL suggestions. As long as the map is easy to read, and there's still a list of height requirements on the back for the rides, I'm pretty good.

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When the question was originally posed, I said that I think X-Base should be an area that is labeled on the map (after all, it does have it's own signage!) :)

If only X-Base had its own bathrooms as well..

Agreed, but I'd rather have restrooms...no need to take a bath while I'm in X-Base.

Well, they have those "water chambers" in Hangar 18....

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