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Next New Ride?


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^^ Perhaps a large part of the apprehension for the larger parks has been due to capacity concerns. At medium-sized parks there have been several installations. With GCI recently dabbling in a 3 train operation in Wodan Timburcoaster, this may not be an issue anymore.

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  On 7/8/2014 at 5:50 AM, jcgoble3 said:
  On 7/8/2014 at 5:39 AM, goodyellowkorn182 said:

^ I don't know that it would be quite THAT bad. When The Beast was built, I can't imagine people confusing it with Racer.

Because The Racer was still there (and still is, of course). When I see this confusion, it is universally involving rides that no longer exist, at least at that park.You can advertise it all you want, but the general public will believe what they want to believe. And given the way the media sensationalizes anything out of the ordinary that happens on a roller coaster (see current discussions about the two accidents today, regarding word choice in news articles, for a pair of examples), people will believe the worst.I'm guessing there will not be another major wooden coaster at Kings Island until at least the year 2030, maybe even 2050.

When I first rode Banshee, I wondered to myself why I waited so long in between rides on King Cobra.

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Yet, without it, how many high-capacity, marketable, thrilling flat rides would Kings Island have in 2014? Remember a time when Paramount's Kings Island was proud to boast a wide array of massive flat rides? Fans knew that Cedar Point could build all the coasters it wanted; Kings Island would always dominate in the flat ride department. Yep.

Also, King Cobra couldn't have stuck around. Period.

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How about a Huss Breakdance? The one at Freestyle Music Park, (technically a Rodeo), was a blast.

It turns out that there are many other companies that make a near identical ride to the Breakdance. These might be better options.

Edited by KI Guy
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  On 7/10/2014 at 3:49 AM, goodyellowkorn182 said:

Yet, without it, how many high-capacity, marketable, thrilling flat rides would Kings Island have in 2014? Remember a time when Paramount's Kings Island was proud to boast a wide array of massive flat rides? Fans knew that Cedar Point could build all the coasters it wanted; Kings Island would always dominate in the flat ride department. Yep.

Also, King Cobra couldn't have stuck around. Period.

They had room to build Delirium elsewhere. And look at the other TOGO Stand-Ups.

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  On 7/10/2014 at 3:11 PM, thegajone said:

Cool looking ride, but as many have said in this thread already, I wouldn't expect a HUSS any time soon.

Fair enough, but TR:TR and Delirium were the first of their kind, prototypes. They were part of HUSS's then focus on "giant" rides. The Breakdance is one of the most established flat rides there is, (largely in Europe). Shake Rattle and Roll is a HUSS. They are capable of making a reliable, quality rides just maybe not giant ones. Yes, I know SR&R is down right now, but that is definitely not the norm.

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  On 7/11/2014 at 3:15 AM, KI Guy said:
  On 7/10/2014 at 3:11 PM, thegajone said:

Cool looking ride, but as many have said in this thread already, I wouldn't expect a HUSS any time soon.

Fair enough, but TR:TR and Delirium were the first of their kind, prototypes. They were part of HUSS's then focus on "giant" rides. The Breakdance is one of the most established flat rides there is, (largely in Europe). Shake Rattle and Roll is a HUSS. They are capable of making a reliable, quality rides just maybe not giant ones. Yes, I know SR&R is down right now, but that is definitely not the norm.
I doubt HUSS is using Dollywood as a reference these days....
  On 7/11/2014 at 2:47 AM, Banshee-Back-7 said:
  On 7/10/2014 at 3:49 AM, goodyellowkorn182 said:

Yet, without it, how many high-capacity, marketable, thrilling flat rides would Kings Island have in 2014? Remember a time when Paramount's Kings Island was proud to boast a wide array of massive flat rides? Fans knew that Cedar Point could build all the coasters it wanted; Kings Island would always dominate in the flat ride department. Yep.

Also, King Cobra couldn't have stuck around. Period.

They had room to build Delirium elsewhere. And look at the other TOGO Stand-Ups.

Room is not the only factor, though. For instance, in the late 90's, Paramount planned to put Drop Zone in Coney Mall, and even put up a tease sign. Then they did foundation investigations. The location was deemed not suitable, the ride was delayed, and showed up in Action Zone years later.

Situating rides in real parks involves many other factors than just plopping them down where there's room.

Take the interesting story of why the Flying Eagles departed Kings Island. Moving highly talented general managers can also involve moving their treasured goods as well, including company goods.

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  On 7/11/2014 at 7:49 AM, The Interpreter said:
  On 7/11/2014 at 3:15 AM, KI Guy said:
  On 7/10/2014 at 3:11 PM, thegajone said:

Cool looking ride, but as many have said in this thread already, I wouldn't expect a HUSS any time soon.

Fair enough, but TR:TR and Delirium were the first of their kind, prototypes. They were part of HUSS's then focus on "giant" rides. The Breakdance is one of the most established flat rides there is, (largely in Europe). Shake Rattle and Roll is a HUSS. They are capable of making a reliable, quality rides just maybe not giant ones. Yes, I know SR&R is down right now, but that is definitely not the norm.
I doubt HUSS is using Dollywood as a reference these days....
  On 7/11/2014 at 2:47 AM, Banshee-Back-7 said:
  On 7/10/2014 at 3:49 AM, goodyellowkorn182 said:

Yet, without it, how many high-capacity, marketable, thrilling flat rides would Kings Island have in 2014? Remember a time when Paramount's Kings Island was proud to boast a wide array of massive flat rides? Fans knew that Cedar Point could build all the coasters it wanted; Kings Island would always dominate in the flat ride department. Yep.

Also, King Cobra couldn't have stuck around. Period.

They had room to build Delirium elsewhere. And look at the other TOGO Stand-Ups.
Room is not the only factor, though. For instance, in the late 90's, Paramount planned to put Drop Zone in Coney Mall, and even put up a tease sign. Then they did foundation investigations. The location was deemed not suitable, the ride was delayed, and showed up in Action Zone years later.

Situating rides in real parks involves many other factors than just plopping them down where there's room.

Take the interesting story of why the Flying Eagles departed Kings Island. Moving highly talented general managers can also involve moving their treasured goods as well, including company goods.

I kind of remember that now. Was the teaser sign right where Flight Commander used to be? For some reason I remember thinking that's where it was going to be installed.
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The Topple Tower was also a "giant rides" prototype. It was the last of old Huss's long line of failures. There are dozens and dozens of Breakdances out there dating back to 1985. Of course there's more to a business relationship than the products alone.

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King Cobra is certainly a fantastic name. I doubt it would be used for a NEW coaster. A new ride deserves it's own buzz. I think Sasquatch or Bigfoot would be an awesome name. It would also be cool to see an old-school name like Jack Rabbit, Aeroplane, Shooting Star, Comet, Big Dipper or Wildcat.

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Guest dtk1376

Shooting Star would be a good name for a new coaster, but if that were to happen I would think it would need to be wooden and in Coney which I'm not sure they have the space for that or any desire for a wooden coaster at this point either.

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I'm predicting that the next coaster (pehaps a giga) will most likely appear in X-Base with its station between Racer, AE, and FOF. It will head out between AE and FOF into the virgin forest behind AE. It will be similar to Leviathan and Fury 325/Centurion. Probably a B&M giga. I'd theme it as a tactical rocket experiment. Maybe call it something like Turbulence or Frenzy.

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After riding Lightning Run, I personally would hope that Kings Island decides to take a Chance with a different manufacturer, just as long as they can learn how to better restrain themselves.

Realistically, I think our next ride will not be a coaster. I would think that Kings Island will be due for some small flats in the near future. As much as it pains me to say it, I could see KI getting a set of Larson Flyers in the foreseeable future (which would, of course, be the final dagger in our unrealistic hopes of ever getting OUR Eagles back). MAYBE something a little bigger, something on par with an S&S Screamin' Swing in terms of size. But that's the biggest I'd think we'd be getting soon. Remember, we just got a big fancy B&M. I may be wrong, but if I recall correctly, the fastest turnaround between major coasters at a Cedar Fair park recently would be Canada's Wonderland getting new ones in 2008 and 2012 (and another in 2014, depending on who you ask). I think that realistically, you won't be seeing a coaster until AT LEAST 2018, and unless something major changes before then, I'd wager big money it'll be a B&M.

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Oops misread topic for last post. My prediction is for the next coaster. I dont think we will get another ride for a little while. Probably get more park upgrades like perhaps another sit down restaurant, or a Rivertown or Oktoberfest makover.

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Didn't Coney Mall get new pavers?

I would like the black top around the Eiffel Tower replaced with something a little less heat reflective.... It would be nice to have each path off of the Tower to be paved in similar ways to the area it goes, concrete to Octoberfest, bricks to the front etc.

Also, plant a bunch more trees please!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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For what I see, the area around Tower/Tower Gardens/Starlight has had quite a bit of neglect as of late. With new leadership I hope this neglect is meaningful in why spend money fixing blacktop and gardens if a larger plan is afoot. I hope it is, The Gardens need to go. Out with the old, in with the new. Action Zone benefited greatly from this, I hope that area is next and gets it much deserved makeover.

Honestly I'd love a new ride for myself, but that is selfish. The park has a great slew of family rides, and great rides for us enthusiasts as well. However the little ones have had a bit of neglect over the past few years. Planet Snoopy could expand outward or see a new family friendly deal go into the park. We just got a great new world class coaster, give to the kiddies and families that bring in the big bucks that give us an awesome coaster every few years.

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Coney was just done. and looks better than ever, and honestly needs no work IMO. If they added something on the strip sweet, but that area of the park looks pristine IMO. I would actually come out to say it still is more awesome than AZ. It has alot of awesome features to it. Classic rides, pavers, games, atmosphere, etc.

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  On 7/14/2014 at 2:05 AM, thedevariouseffect said:

Coney was just done. and looks better than ever, and honestly needs no work IMO. If they added something on the strip sweet, but that area of the park looks pristine IMO. I would actually come out to say it still is more awesome than AZ. It has alot of awesome features to it. Classic rides, pavers, games, atmosphere, etc.

I was thinking the same exact thing. That's the one area that I think is pretty much perfect the way it is. Other than maybe bringing back certain fountains (which I doubt will ever happen), I can't really think of 1 thing I'd change in Coney Mall.

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